The iron-manganese relation in plant metabolism. Plant Physiol.17, 582–602 (1942). Google Scholar Sommer, A. L. and Sorokin, H., Effects of the absence of boron and some other essential elements on the cell tissue structure of the root tips of3
Iron-manganese interaction and its relation to boron levels in tomato plants. Using a factorial design with deficient to toxic levels of Mn and B, the absorption and distribution of Fe in tomato plants grown hydroponically in a greenhouse was studied and a hypothesis for explaining the results is proposed. Expand.
Plants, People, Planet New Phytologist Volume 45, Issue 1 p. 18-24 Free Access THE IRON-MANGANESE BALANCE AND ITS EEFECT ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS E. S. TWYMAN, E. S. TWYMAN Search for ,
Absorption and translocation of iron by intact watercress plants (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L) Hayek) was studied in short period uptake experiments utilising 59Fe labelled ferric chloride. Total translocation of iron was inhibited by increasing levels of phosphorus, zinc and manganese in the nutrient medium; the elevated phosphorus and zinc
1. Crops sensitive to manganese deficiency are generally healthy on soils with more than 0·3 mg. exchangeable Mn%, but they may also be healthy on soils with less than this amount. 2. Other fractions of the soil manganese, including those which are either readily reducible or soluble in sodium hexametaphosphate, are no more successful than the
THE IRON-MANGANESE RELATION IN PLANT METABOLISM. Sign in | Create an account Europe PMC Menu About About Europe PMC Preprints in Europe PMC Funders Become a funder Governance Roadmap Outreach Tools Tools overview
Somers II, Shive JW. THE IRON-MANGANESE RELATION IN PLANT METABOLISM. Plant Physiol. 1942 Oct; 17 (4):582–602. [PMC free article] [] [Google Scholar] Somers II, Gilbert SG, Shive JW. THE IRON-MANGANESE RATIO IN RELATION TO THE 17 []
Somers, I. I. and Shive, J. W. Iron-manganese relations in plant metabolism. Plant Physiol.17, 582–601 (1942). Google Scholar Twyman, E. S., The iron-manganese balance and its effect on the growth and development of plants. New Phytol.45 36
Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. This website requires cookies, and the limited processing of your personal data in order to function. By using the site
Plants, People, Planet New Phytologist Volume 50, Issue 2 p. 210-226 Free Access THE IRON AND MANGANESE REQUIREMENTS OF PLANTS E. S. TWYMAN, E. S. TWYMAN Department of Botany, The University, Birmingham E. S,
The finding that small amounts of manganese salts stimulate the oxygen-carrying power of these catalytic agents, have drawn attention to this question and led to the view that after all a physiological role is probably played by this element. Dating from the time of SCHEELE (i), numerous investigators have noted the presence of manganese in plants of various
The shaded area in the upper left indicates iron toxicity or manganese deficiency, and the shaded area in the lower right indicates iron deficiency or manganese toxicity. The unshaded area represents good plants free
TABLE I-"Soil Manganese in Relation to Plant Growth" Investigation of the problem of iron availability has led to general acceptance of the theory that it is the soluble form in the plant which plays the important role in iron metabolism, and it is evident that this
Manganese (Mn) is an essential plant micronutrient with an indispensable function as a catalyst in the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II (PSII). Even so, Mn deficiency frequently occurs without visual leaf
This report contains the results of experiments comparing rice and barley plants grown in Hoagland's solution over a wide fange of Mn-concentrations, with respect to the effects of Mn on yield, symptoms of toxicity or chlorosis, and iron and Mn-content of various plant patts. Barley plants grown in standard culture solutions have shown a narrow range of
The experiments reported here support the existence of active and inactive forms of iron, the active form being a protein in close association with or in the chloroplasts, and the symptoms of manganese toxicity to be quite distinct from those of iron deficiency. Since the paper by Somers & Shive (1942), on the iron-manganese relation in plant metabolism,
This report contains the results of experiments comparing rice and barley plants grown in Hoagland's solution over a wide fange of Mn-concentrations, with respect to the effects of
The relationships between plant Cd uptake and iron/manganese (Fe/ To understand certain mechanisms causing variations between rice cultivars with regard to cadmium uptake and tolerance, pot soil experiments were conducted with two rice cultivars of different genotypes under different soil Cd levels.
Manganese, a group VII element of the periodic table, plays an important role in biological systems and exists in a variety of oxidation states. The normal level of Mn in air surrounding major industrial sites is 0.03 μg/m3, in drinking water 0.05 mg/liter and in soil between 560 and 850 ppm.Manganese is an essential trace element for higher plant systems. It is
THE IRON-MANGANESE RELATION IN PLANT METABOLISM. I. I. Somers J. Shive Biology, Environmental Science Plant physiology 1942 TLDR Investigation of the problem of iron availability has led to general acceptance of the theory that it is the soluble
From the results of several investigations involving manganese toxicity, it has appeared that manganese toxicity is one of the main causes of soil acidity injury to plants. Aluminum toxicity and lack of available calcium, magnesium, or molybdenum may also affect plant growth in certain acid soils. Previouschapter.
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