· 1. Introduction1.1. Mining, energy consumption, and environmental impacts The mining industry is responsible for a wide range of environmental and societal impacts, including biodiversity loss (Luckeneder et al., 2021, Sonter et al., 2020), soil and water pollution (El Rasafi et al., 2021, Bardi, 2014), water consumption (Mudd, 2010,
· Abstract: Mineralization is a complex physical and chemical process. In the quantitive prediction and evaluation of mineral resources, prediction uncertainties are common in the final predication results due to geologic factors, improper data collection and
· As can be observed in Table 1, the selected residues from the IPB have some attributes in common, including very high contents of Fe and, to a lower extent, high concentrations of S, Cu, Pb and Zn.This typical feature is a
· Kriging, as a group of geostatistical methods, is an interpolation technique that considers both the distance and the degree of variation between the known data points when estimating the values
Stope Sequencing Optimization for Underground Mines Through
1 Introduction. Sublevel stoping is an underground mining technique for mines used to extract massive or tabular, intermediate to very thick, steeply dipping orebodies with competent rock types [1, 2]. Stopes are underground excavations made by removing ore from surrounding rocks [3]. After a stope is drilled and blasted, the fragmented ore is
· The energy transition is hinged on increased exploitation of critical minerals and metals. • There is growing need for mining industries and minerals dependent nations to mitigate risks. • Resilience thinking and risk management
· New technological developments are emerging, policy positions are changing, and mining is increasingly in the political and public zeitgeist. To ensure resilient growth and returns, mining leaders need to envision multiple plausible outcomes so they can make the most risk-advantaged decisions. This involves a very different type of planning.
· Introduction. Reporting and Representation of Dilution. Examples and Case Histories. Example 1: Relationship Between Over -break and Planned Dilution. Example 2: Dilution Often Included in the
Quantifying uncertainty and improving prospectivity mapping in
Volume 166, March 2024, 105918. Quantifying uncertainty and improving prospectivity mapping in mineral belts using transfer learning and Random Forest: A case study of
Errors and Uncertainty in Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation: The Importance
Abstract. Mineral Resources and their subsequent conversion to Ore Reserves are of key importance to mining companies. Their reliable estimation is SIMON C. DOMINY, MARK A. NOPPÉ, ALWYN E. ANNELS; Errors and Uncertainty in Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation: The Importance of Getting it Right.
· Abstract. The role of geology in advanced mining studies, such as feasibility studies, is commonly dwarfed by the technical inputs from mining, metallurgical, and social license issues. Understanding and planning for geologic risk in the feasibility process is often overlooked for the higher-profile aspects required to establish an ore reserve.
· How can you quantify uncertainty and improve prospectivity mapping in mineral belts using transfer learning and Random Forest? This article presents a case study of copper mineralization in the Superior Craton Province, Quebec, Canada, and demonstrates the advantages of this approach over conventional methods. Read the full
· For example, lithium production must quadruple from 490kt in 2021 to 2mt in 2030 to meet growing demand. In absence of further mine development, the lithium market deficit is projected to reach 700kt by 2030.¹ Similarly, the copper market is expected to be in a nearly 4.7mt deficit by 2030 on current projections of supply.
· JORC, 2012 does not stipulate how uncertainty assessment is to be carried out. The Competent Person ensures that appropriate methods and techniques are employed. This is particularly important when reporting uncertainty for the Resource Estimation Phase (Fig. 1), particularly in the early stage mining projects, where data
· Abstract. National reporting organizations and regulatory bodies for the minerals and mining sector are requiring publicly reported Ore-Reserve estimates to take account of uncertainties. Whilst methodologies that account for physical uncertainty appear relatively well developed, methodologies which can take account of economic uncertainty
Errors and Uncertainty in Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve
In general, two types of continuity are defined in the framework of estimation (Sinclair and Val-lée, 1994; Dominy et al., 2003a): 1. geological continuity — the geometric continuity of the
Towards quantifying uncertainties in geological models for
R. J. Reid a Sustainable Minerals Institute, BRC, University of Queensland, Indooroopilly, Australia;b Group Resource Geologist Harmony Gold (PNG Services) Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia Correspondence [email protected] E. J. Cowan c Prestologic Pty Ltd trading as JunCowan, Fremantle, Australia;d School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment,
Uncertainty and Risk in Mineral Valuation -A·User's Perspective
ExpIoitaJion Period- Years 01Reserves. period, its average value reduces to $3.51. In other words, a 10 unit reserve exploited over 10 years at a rate of one unit per year has a net present value of $60.80, whereas the same reserve exploited at 0.5 units per year over 20 years has a net present value of $35.13.
Managing uncertainty and risk in mining projects
These KPI distributions give us insight into the magnitude of the potential pitfalls or upsides to a project. For example, in the graph above, the p90 and p10 lines give guidance on how low and how high the NPV KPI
· A variety of non-fuel mineral commodities are important for the energy system. Lithium, nickel, cobalt, copper, graphite, and rare-earth elements (REEs) warrant a particular focus, as they are vital components of energy technologies and are expected to be needed in significantly greater supply. Lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite play a key
· Supervised machine learning algorithms are utilized to predict undiscovered mineral resources by analyzing the correlation between geological data and mineral deposits. The scarcity of mineralization and the uncertainty arising from the
· Addressing Fundamental Uncertainty in Benefit–Cost Analysis: The Case of Deep Seabed Mining-Volume 12 Issue 1 To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure [email protected] is added to your Approved Personal
Tips to Reduce Uncertainty in Mineral Processing-LinkedIn
2 Understand your ore. One of the main sources of uncertainty in mineral processing is the variability in ore characteristics, such as mineralogy, grade, density, hardness, and
· Mining activities have always raised environmental and social concerns due to their impact on natural resources and people. During the last decade, the stakeholder base expected to respond to these sustainability concerns has broadened from directly involved parties to a range of indirect stakeholders along the downstream mineral value
· Atmospheric mercury emission scenarios from artisanal and small-scale gold mining for 56 tropical and subtropical countries have been elaborated and assessed for their comparative significance. A multi
· Geometallurgy is an important addition to any evaluation project or mining operation. As an integrated approach, it establishes 3D models which enable the optimisation of net present value and effective orebody management, while minimising technical and operational risk to ultimately provide more resilient operations. Critically,
Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in
Mining poses serious and highly specific threats to biodiversity. However, mining can also be a means for financing alternative livelihood paths that, over the long-term, may prevent biodiversity loss. Complex and controversial issues associated with
· Mineral production by commodity group. The 2021 value of Canadian mineral production was $55.5 billion, 20% higher than the 2020 value of $46.4 billion. Metals’ value of production increased by 13% from the previous year, while non-metals and coal went up by 10% and 101%, respectively.
Uncertainty and Risk in Mineral Valuation -A·User's Perspective
In considering what differentiates mining from other business enterprises so skilfully dissected in Smith's seminal volume, one characteristic stands alone-risk. Risk based
· The energy and materials transition is stoking demand for critical metals needed in the net-zero supply chain. Regulatory and public policy uncertainty could put the transition at risk. In December 2015, at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, governments around the world committed to legally binding targets to limit global