full text of a report of surgical cases treated in
Report of a Few of the More Interesting Cases Treated in the Surgical
Report of a Few of the More Interesting Cases Treated in the Surgical Wards of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, from 1st November, 1830, Till 1st May, 1831 M. S. Buchanan, M.D.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports-ResearchGate
Here, we report the case of a 13-year-old girl with small chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who was managed by LRN. RCC is a rare condition, with an incidence rate of only 2 to 6% of all
Bronchobiliary fistula after traumatic liver rupture: a case report
15 · Introduction Bronchobiliary fistulas are rare and difficult to treat. Peacock first reported this entity in 1850 while treating a patient with hepatic encopresis. Case
Journal of Surgical Case Reports | Read 1100 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. Published by Oxford University Press Online ISSN: 2042-8812
· We report a 44-year-old woman of SSc with severe GERD successfully treated with acotiamide. She had received medical treatment in our hospital since 2003. She had been aware of the significant gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (e.g., heartburn, chest pain, and dysphagia) due to the development of esophageal hardening associated with
· Background Extrapulmonary tuberculosis commonly affects the lymphatic system, nervous system, and gastrointestinal system. Tuberculous infection in the muscle is very rare. Moreover, tuberculous infection in the diaphragm is extremely rare. We herein report a case of tuberculomas in the diaphragm and posterior mediastinum that were
Surgical Intervention for Pectoralis Major Muscle Rupture: Report of Acute and Chronic Cases-Kholinne-2018-Case Reports in Surgery
In case of total rupture, surgical treatment is advisable. The results of the surgical procedure are relatively good despite variation in technique and rehabilitation protocol [ 5 ]. Delay in either diagnosis or treatment may result in chronic case which may challenge the surgeon’s skill to have an optimum bone to tendon contact resulting on the need for graft
· Background Intestinal endometriosis is rare and most frequently involves the rectum and sigmoid colon. Case presentation Here, we report a case series of 5 patients who underwent laparoscopic resection for intestinal endometriosis. None of the patients developed postoperative complications, and all were discharged at 5–8 days
Report of a Case Treated Non-operatively : Annals of Surgery
ORIGINAL ARTICLEBoerhaave Syndrome: PDF Only. Report of a Case Treated Non-operatively. LARIEU, ALBERTO J. . M.D.; KIEFFER, RICHARD M.D. Author Information. From the Department of Surgery, University of Maryland Schooll of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland and the Department of Surgery, Baltimore Veterans Administration Hospital,
· Citation. Case Reports in Surgery -. Volume 2022.-Article ID 6473197.-Case Report. Giant Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma Arising in the Posterior Mediastinum. Report of Case and a Review. Yousef S. Amr | Mousa M. Saleh |
:Journal of Surgical Case ReportsCase Reports in Surgery · We herein report a case of right atrial angiosarcoma successfully treated with surgical resection and postoperative chemoradiation therapy. Case presentation A
Surgical Observations; Being a Quarterly Report of Cases in Surgery, Treated
Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (14M), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. 140
· Background Gastrocutaneous fistulas are a rare complication of enterocutaneous fistulas and can be caused by intestinal injury, infection, and anastomotic leakage. They are typically treated conservatively or endoscopically; however, for large or difficult-to-treat gastrocutaneous fistulas, surgical intervention is required. Herein, we
A Report of Surgical Cases Treated in the Army of the United
A Report of Surgical Cases Treated in the Army of the United States from 1865 to 1871 Bookreader Item Preview FULL TEXT download download 1 file ITEM TILE download download 1 file KINDLE download download 1 file SINGLE PAGEdownload
Thymic MALT lymphoma associated with Sjögren’s syndrome with
4 · Although the disease is extremely rare, most reports indicate that if resectable, surgical resection is performed as the initial treatment with a favorable postoperative
· Background Reflux esophagitis after total gastrectomy is often difficult to treat. In this report, we describe two cases of reflux esophagitis that were refractory to medical therapy and successfully treated by transposition of the jejunojejunal anastomosis. Case presentation Case 1: A 66-year-old man underwent total gastrectomy and
Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery-ResearchGate
We report a rare congenital PFHT case in a 4-year-old boy, treated with wide excision and skin grafting. After a 52-month follow-up, no recurrence, regional or distant metastases were documented.
Giant primary liposarcoma of the anterior mediastinum resected by median sternotomy: A rare case report Olivia Heutlinger*; Robert Painter; Hari Keshava; Ali Mahtabifard Primary liposarcoma of the mediastinum accounts for less than 1% of all mediastinal tumors and 2% of all liposarcomas, making them exceedingly rare.
Report of Surgical Cases, Treated in the Glasgow Royal
Search PMC Full-Text Archive Search in PMC Advanced Search User Guide Journal List Edinb Med Surg J v.49(134); 1838 Jan 1 PMC5785145 Other Formats Page Browse PDF (17M) Actions Cite Collections Add to Name your collection: Name must be
· Background Paraduodenal hernia is a rare internal hernia which accounts for only 1% of all intestinal hernias. There have been limited reported cases of paraduodenal hernia treated by laparoscopic surgery. We report a case of left paraduodenal hernia that was successfully treated by single-incision laparoscopic
· Background Teratoma is a type of germ cell tumor consisting of one or multiple tissues derived from germinal layers. The location and size of the tumor can cause various presentations. Here we report one of the largest ever cases of immature cystic teratoma. Case Presentation In this report, we presented a 24-year-old patient with
International Journal of Surgical Case Reports-ResearchGate
We report the case of an 8-year-old child, victim of a penetrating cervical trauma after falling on a stick to the partner, who was successfully treated at the Rabat Children's Hospital.
A report of surgical cases treated in the army of the United States from 1865 to 1871 [electronic resource…
A report of surgical cases treated in the army of the United States from 1865 to 1871 [electronic resource] by Otis, George A. (George Alexander), 1830-1881; United States.
3 · This open access, peer-reviewed, online journal will consider any original case reports in the fields of gastroenterological surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic
· Materials & Method: 12-12 cases of surgical cases treated with the Invisalign system and fixed appliances are analyzed. The. criteria for analysis were pre and post treatment cephalometric values
:Surgical ReportSurgical Cases
Journal of Surgical Case Reports | Oxford Academic
JSCR publishes original surgical techniques, case reports, and series that expand the field of surgery. Discover our top reasons why you should submit your manuscript. Find out
Report of Surgical Cases Treated in the Surgical Wards of the
Search PMC Full-Text Archive Search in PMC Advanced Search User Guide Journal List Glasgow Med J v.2(6); 1829 May PMC5747704 Other Formats Page Browse PDF (12M) Actions Cite Collections Add to Add to Name your collection: Name must be
Endoscopy-assisted medial canthus incision for olfactory
2 · Sinonasal malignant tumors are a group of uncommon malignancies that account for less than 1% of all tumors. These tumors often involve the maxillary sinus and nasal
Journal of Surgical Case Reports. Published by Oxford University Press. Online ISSN: 2042-8812. Articles. An 18-year-old woman with a 34-cm metaplastic breast carcinoma. Article. Full-text