· PDF Damage Characteristic of Thermal Shock on the Physical and Dynamic Compressive Properties of Granite
Thereby, the damage characteristics of thermal shock on the physical and dynamic compressive properties of granite were obtained. The results show that there is a heating rate threshold value between. 6 and 10°C/min, which divides the thermal shock damage. Before the threshold value, the thermal shock does not appear.
Strength weakening effect of high static pre-stressed granite
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 32(2022) 2353−2369 Strength weakening effect of high static pre-stressed exceed the static average uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass, which
· Understanding the strength characteristics and deformation behaviour of the tunnel surrounding rock in a fault zone is significant for tunnel stability evaluation. In this study, a series of unconfined compression tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical characteristics and failure behaviour of completely weathered granite (CWG)
between strain hardening and softening is called the unconfined compressive strength of the rock and is denoted as Co or qu. Granite Basalt Gneiss Schist Quart-zite Marble Lime-stone Sand-stone Shale Av. Co Max. Co Min. Co Range No. of samples 181.7
· Weakly cemented rocks are distributed widely in Jurassic coal-bearing strata in western China. Their uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), as a crucial mechanical property, is generally used in various rock engineering practices. However, the mechanical weakness of weakly cemented rocks makes it challenging to prepare
· The granite gneiss cores were drilled to a depth of 120 m in an underground oil storage site in China. In accordance with the test procedures of the International Society of Rock Mechanics (Ulusay and Hudson 2007 ), the tested specimens were prepared as cylindrical samples with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 100 mm
The Effect of Laser Irradiation on the Compressive Strength of Granite
It can be seen that with the increase of laser power, the elastic modulus of granite shows a trend of slow decrease and then rapid decrease. For instance, when the irradiation time is 5 s, ELaser. slowly decreases to 76.4 GPa, and the decrease rate is only 13.5%. However, when the irradiation time increases to 10 s,
· Granite cylinders with a diameter of 77 mm, were core drilled f rom bulk granite rock, then cut 82 into 77 mm long ( 77 × 77) specimens for static compression tests, and 40 mm long ( 77 × 40) 83
· Empirical relationships for estimating Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) of rock from other rock properties are numerous in literature. This is because the laboratory procedure for determination of UCS from compression tests is cumbersome, time consuming, and often considered expensive, especially for small to medium-sized mining
The Effect of Laser Irradiation on the Compressive Strength of Granite
It can be seen that with the increase of laser power, the elastic modulus of granite shows a trend of slow decrease and then rapid decrease. For instance, when the irradiation time is 5 s, ELaser slowly decreases to 76.4 GPa, and the decrease rate is only 13.5%.
· Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) has been considered a key mechanical parameter for the use of rock in engineering projects such as civil, mining, petroleum engineering, etc. In general, direct measurements of UCS are obtained from laboratory experiments with high-quality machined specimens, which are expensive and
Compressive strength of granites as a function of temperature
In China, Beishan granite is chosen as a potential host surrounding rock of a high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository. For this research, Beishan granite specimens were heated up to 300 °C
· Zhou 13, Chen 14 and Wang 15 studied the mechanical properties of granite based on alkaline solutions, observing an increase in compressive strength and cohesion of granite with the rising pH of
· The use of three artificial neural network (ANN)-based models for the prediction of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of granite using three non-destructive test indicators, namely pulse velocity, Schmidt hammer rebound number, and effective porosity, has been investigated in this study. For this purpose, a sum of 274
· The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rocks is one of the key parameters for evaluating the safety and stability of civil and mining structures. In this study, 386 rock samples containing four properties named the load strength (PLS), the porosity (Pn), the P-wave velocity (Vp), and the Schmidt hardness rebound number (SHR) are
Prediction model for compressive strength of rock-steel fiber
Prediction model for compressive strength of rock-steel fiber reinforced concrete composite layer. CHEN Meng1, CUI Xiu-wen1, YAN Xin1, WANG Hao2, WANG Er-lei3. Abstract: To study the uniaxial compressive strength calculation method of rock-steel fiber reinforced concrete (R-SFRC) composite layer, uniaxial compression test was carried out
Size effect of mechanical characteristics of sandstone and granite
3.3 Uniaxial compressive strength Figure 5 demonstrates the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and the size of the sandstone and granite specimens. Sample sizes range from 10mm to
· Based on the research background of the damage of high-temperature jointed rock masses, this paper studies the mechanical properties of jointed granite under high-temperature conditions and analyzes the failure law of jointed rock masses with increasing temperature, decreasing temperature and types of joints. The results have
Compressive Strength of Rocks-Table
The compressive strength of a rock is the maximum stress that it can withstand before it fails when subjected to a compressive load. Granite 36-372 Granodiorite 147 Gypsum 6.86 Labradorite 147 Limestone (hard) 39-137 Limestone (soft) 2-52 Marble 2
· Reasonable and effective determination of uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is critical for rock mass engineering stability research, design, and construction. To estimate the UCS of rock simply, conveniently, and accurately, a selective ensemble learning technology is introduced here based on modern artificial intelligence research,
· 2.1 Preparation of rock specimenAs shown in Fig. 1, the granite adopted in this study was collected from Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China.The physical parameters of the granite specimens are displayed in Table 1; they are presented that at the room temperature, with the average density of the tested granite
· For good building, stone crushing strength should be greater than 100N/mm2. compressive strength: It is defined as the ratio of load by its cross-sectional area at which it fails. Mathematically, compressive strength (P)= load/cross-sectional area in N/mm2. The compression strength of the stone is carried out to determine the
· The rock failure mode is an important characteristic of rock under loading (Hoek and Martin, 2014; Haeri et al., 2020).It not only reflects the stress distribution, but also shows the influence of different test conditions on rock deformation and failure. Table 1 shows that a compressive stress is applied to rock specimen in almost test methods
· Experimental equipment Rock uniaxial compression tests are carried out on the MTS815 closed-loop servo-controlled hydraulic compressive machine. The experimental equipment is shown in Fig. 1a.The
· 1. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) is a commonly used parameter for the design, analysis, and construction of some geotechnical engineering structures related to rock masses (Zhang et al. 201 Wengang Zhang a Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, Chongqing University,
· The point load strength index (Is(50)) obtained from point load strength test is used as an index for strength classification of rock materials. The test involves loading rock samples in forms of core (diametral and axial tests), cut block (block test), or irregular lump (irregular lump test) between a pair of spherically truncated, conical platens.
· The mesostructure of brittle rocks, such as granite, plays a vital role in determining their mechanical properties and failure mode. Understanding the influence of rock mesostructure on mechanical behavior requires a realistic representation of grain size distribution, grain shape, and average grain size. In this study, we developed a breakable
· Extensive studies, including field or laboratory experiment [7][8] [9] [10][11][12][13][14][15], numerical simulation [16][17][18], and theoretical analyses [19][20][21], have been performed to
· The uniaxial compressive strength of the rock specimens was tested using a SHT4106 microcomputer-controlled L. X. Development and new achievements of rock dynamics in China. Rock Soil Mech. 32
Article Experimental investigation on compressive strength
Both ends of the granite specimens were ground flat to increase the accuracy of mechanical-property measurements. The uniaxial compressive strength of granite ranged between 120 and 140 MPa, with