Muscovite KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH;F)2 c 2001 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1.2 Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2=m: Crystals tabular to columnar k [001], striated k f001g,pseudohexagonal or diamond-shaped, to 4.5 m and 77t. As stellate aggregates,
Mineralogy (Perkins et al.) 14: Mineral Descriptions 14.9: Sulfate Minerals Expand/collapse global location Gypsum CaSO4•2H2O Epsomite MgSO4•7H2O Anhydrous Sulfates anhydrite CaSO 4 barite BaSO 4
Ettringite Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12•26H2O c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Hexagonal. Point Group: 3m. Crystals prismatic and striated along [0001], to 20 cm, commonly unterminated, rarely dipyramidal {1012}; fibrous to cottonlike.
Commonly used in many industries, gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) is a monomineral sulphate sedimentary rock, built almost exclusively from the mineral of the same name, with anhydrite, calcite and halite
Gipsum atau gips adalah salah satu contoh mineral dengan kadar kalsium yang mendominasi pada mineralnya. Gipsum yang paling umum ditemukan adalah jenis hidrat kalsium sulfat dengan rumus kimia CaSO4.2H2O. Gipsum adalah salah satu dari beberapa mineral yang teruapkan. Contoh lain dari mineral-mineral tersebut adalah karbonat,
921. Acta Cryst. (1974). B30, 921 A Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Gypsum CaSO4.2H20 BY W. F. COLE AND C.J. LANCUCKI Division of Building Research, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia. (Received 3 September 1973; accepted 12 October 1973)
The dehydration of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) into calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CaSO4·0.5H2O) and anhydrites (γ-CaSO4 and β-CaSO4) was carried out by heating under a const. pressure of water vapor using Controlled Transformation Rate Thermal Anal.
Dehydration of gypsum has been investigated in isothermal conditions within the 348-403 K range with a temp. increase of 5 K. Dehydration proceeds through the CaSO4·2H2O →
Since there is an equal number of each element in the reactants and products of CaSO4*2H2O = CaSO4 + 2H2O, the equation is balanced. Balance CaSO4*2H2O = CaSO4 + H2O Using Inspection The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, which means there must be the same number atoms at the end of
Le gypse (CaSO4·2H2O) est la matière première du plâtre. Il est chauffé entre 100 et 200 °C pour obtenir par déshydratation partielle l'hémihydrate (CaSO4 · 1 2H2O) qui, mélangé à de l'eau, se dissout tandis que des cristaux de gypse précipitent pour former une matrice résistante. Ce cycle qui paraît simple est compliqué par l'existence d'autres phases dans
This geological principle of mineralogy is applied in the present study for gypsum (Godanti), which Godanti, Purification, CaSO4.2H2O, Gypsum Full-text options Full-text Article Share this Article Online Article Submission • ejPort-eJManager
In 1994 a long-term field trial with 9 lime–gypsum combinations and 2 tillage treatments (reduced tillage and direct drill) was established on a sodic red-brown earth soil [surface pH(water) 6.5] at a property near Peak Hill, NSW, Australia. The lime-gypsum treatments were: L0G0 (lime 0 t/ha, gypsum 0 t/ha), L0G1, L0G2.5, L0G5, L1G0, L2.5G0, L5G0,
A structural analysis of CaSO 4 · 0.5H 2 O, a dehydration product of gypsum, has been carried out through the Rietveld method on X-ray powder diffraction data. A dehydrated powder of synthetic gypsum has been charged inside a non-hermetically sealed capillary in order to allow a slow rehydration. The starting material has been identified as γ
Infrared studies of water in crystalline hydrates: gypsum, CaSO 4 •2H 2 O. Infrared studies of water in crystalline hydrates: gypsum, CaSO. 4. •2H. 2. O. Authors: V. Seidl, Osvald Knop, and Michael Falk Authors Info & Affiliations. Publication: Canadian Journal of Chemistry. April 1969.
With the use of three-dimensional X-ray diffraction data the crystal structure of gypsum has been refined by least-squares methods. Initial parameters used were those found by Atoji & Rundle [J. Chem. Phys. (1958), 29, 1306] from neutron-diffraction data. Significant changes were made in the x and z parameters of the oxygen atoms of the sulphate ion and the
The ability of six fungi to solubilize natural-occurring gypsum was tested in vitro. The solubilization process was monitored by the production of a clear zone (halo) around or underneath the growing colony on Czapek–Dox agar containing 0·5% (w/v) gypsum (CaSO 4
Gypsum CaSO4 •2H2O. Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2/m. As acicular to stubby prismatic crystals, thin. to thick tabular on {010}, typically exhibiting {010}, {011}, {110},
Uses of Gypsum. Gypsum uses include: manufacture of wallboard, cement, plaster of Paris, soil conditioning, a hardening retarder in portland cement. Varieties of gypsum known as "satin spar" and "alabaster" are used for a variety of ornamental purposes; however, their low hardness limits their durability. Gypsum wallboard and plaster: Wallboard
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