· The use of ladle slag as a replacement for natural aggregates as coarse aggregate in concrete has gained attention in recent years due to its potential benefits in terms of sustainability and waste reduction. The paper aims to investigate the influence of ladle slag as a coarse aggregate replacement on various properties of concrete,
· References (9) Hussein and Rasheed (2023) conducted experiments replacing 0% to 30% fine aggregate with slag, their findings show that the best replacement percentage for fine aggregate is at
Copper or ferrous slag as substitutes for fine aggregates in
Copper or ferrous slag as substitutes for fine aggregates in concrete were found to increase with the increase in percentage of GBS in the mix. Devi and Gnanavel (2014) studied the effect of partially replacing coarse and fine aggregates with steel slag on various
(PDF) Study of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Iron Slag
PDF | On Jul 1, 2016, Anil Singh and others published Study of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Iron Slag | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Ppt On Slag Replacing Natural Aggregates
27-10-2021· Chapter 1 Analysis of Steel Slag as the Replacement of , steel slag The main objective of this study is to analyze the use of steel slag as the replacement of natural aggregates for the road base which this study focusing on identifying the physical
Recent applications of steel slag in construction industry
Induction furnace steel slag has been replaced by both natural fine and coarse aggregates in concrete and the better result obtained for the replacement of coarse
· It defines RAC as concrete produced using recycled concrete aggregates. These aggregates are produced by crushing waste concrete. The document outlines the characteristics, classification, production process, uses, benefits and conclusions regarding RAC. It finds that RAC has lower strength but can be used for
· Abhishek Maharishi and colleagues The results of the study indicate that substituting copper slag (CS) for fine natural aggregate (FNA) can greatly increase concrete's strength and durability by up to 40%. For concrete with exceptional strength and durability attributes, CS up to 40% FNA is advised.
concrete property. The results showed that replacing about 0%, 25 % and 50% of steel slag aggregates by volume for natural aggregates will not do any harm to concrete and also it will not have any adverse effects on the strength and durability. 1.1 General
· The mixture with iron slag as a coarse aggregate 20% replacement gives the best results in compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength, reaching 51.75%, 52.9%, and 36% increases
· This study shows the. possibilities of using iron slag as partial replacement of fine aggregate (sand) by iron slag. Iron slag was used to replace 25% to 30% of sand by weight at. increment of 5%
Experimental study of concrete with partial replacement of fine aggregate
the possibilities of using iron slag as partial replacement of fine aggregate (sand) by iron slag. Iron slag was used to replace 25% to 30% of sand by weight at increment of 5% for both cube and cylinder. The strength of concrete increases rapidly
· The influence of air-cooled blast furnace slag aggregates as replacement of natural aggregates on the water absorption of concrete and mortar was studied, and the mechanism was analyzed. The interface between aggregate and matrix in concrete was analyzed by using a micro-hardness tester, a laser confocal microscope and a scanning
Efect of iron ore tailings as partial replacement to fine aggregate
A 40% IOTs replacement ratio makes better in making concrete building elements. The study by Jai-simha et al. [44] compares the performance of IOT as a fine aggregate substitute in concrete to conventional concrete. IOT replaced fine aggregate in 0.32 W/C concrete mixtures from 0 to 50%.
· In recent years, the use of natural fibers in concrete has gained considerable attention due to their potential as a sustainable alternative to conventional steel reinforcements. This paper investigates the strength performance of natural fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete using copper slag as a replacement for fine aggregate.
Introduction . Road construction involves large quantity of construction materials, most of them obtained from natural sources. To achieve a sustainable development, using the
· natural and non-renewable aggregates and the quantity of steel slag deposited on landfill sites [ 14 ]. The rapid development of the construction engineering sector has led to a massive and
Properties of concrete with partial replacement of steel slag with
Compression test, split tensile test, flexural strength tests were carried out with 0 to 50% proportions of steel slag as replacement of fine aggregate. It was found that steel slag
· Concrete performance by partially replacing cement. Jan 8, 2021 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 0 likes • 489 views. M. Mr. Lucky. In India, Hypo-Sludge (waste from paper industries) and Fly-Ash (waste from thermal power plants) are available in large quantity. The management of fly ash has been troublesome in view of its disposal
· The slump value decreased from 180 mm to 60 mm with steel slag usage and concrete density increased by 10.2%. With the increment in the applied load, the slags in the concrete collapsed and the compressive strength decreased from 50.3 MPa to 40.5 MPa. The use of slag has improved fire resistance.
· Thus, Slag sand resembles river sand and MÀsand after physical and chemical property tests. Henceforth they can be used as fine aggregates in civil construction in place of river sand, commonly
Effect of Recycled Aggregate and Slag as Substitutes for Natural Aggregate
activated slag–natural aggregate concrete and alkali-activated slag–recycled aggregate concrete have 43.5% and 52% lower GHGE, respectively. Therefore, GHGE can be reduced by replacing traditional concrete materials with materials that have lower carbon
· steel slag as a substitute for nat ural aggregate with the maximum grain size of 12.5 mm and concrete. based on natural filler – l imestone are presented in [2]. The results of a research, where
· 45 concrete cubes were produced to serve as test subjects, which is constituted with various percentage of replacement ranging from 0% to 100% of different alternative coarse aggregate materials. The results are presented in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4.It is observed from Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4 that its compressive strength diminishes as more
· In concrete mixtures, plastic waste as aggregatesare utilized to partially replacement of natural fine aggregate (NFA) or natural coarse aggregate (NCA). Waste plastic aggregates are typically utilized to manufacture lightweight concrete because they have a lesser bulk density as compareto natural aggregates [8] .The utilization of
Development of Sustainable Concrete Using Alternative Building Materials By Replacing Industrial Waste Steel Slag for Aggregates
2. To discover the best proportion of foundry slag and foundry sand by replacing natural coarse and fine aggregates respectively in paver block. 3. Replacing conventional coarse and fine aggregates with a 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% foundry waste. A.
· Use of steel slag as a waste industrial which is the by-Product of iron and steel production provides great opportunity to utilize it as an alternate to normally available coarse aggregates. In this study concrete of M25 grade for a w/c ratio of 0.45 respectively for the replacement of 60%,70% and 80% of coarse aggregates by steel slag which is
· This study focuses on fine aggregates and their use. The first step in determining the ideal replacement ratio is to perform a compressive strength test on a 150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm cube. Over the course of 28 days, steel slag replaced coarse aggregate at levels of 20%, 0%, 60%, and 80%.
· The use of steel slag aggregates in concrete by replacing natural aggregates is encouraging because their effect on concrete strength is greater than that of natural river sand. For this study, a normal strength (C-25) of concrete with 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60% replacement of steel slag was utilized for 3 days, 7 days, 28 days, and 56
· Experimental work was carried out to study the effect of using steel slag (SS) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as replacements for the natural aggregate in concrete. Waste materials, such as SS, which is a by-product generated during the production of steel and concrete rubble, which is produced by demolition activities, are