Beverly Crusher attends her grandmother's funeral, but a mysterious entity that inhabited her grandmother is now focusing on her. Doctor Beverly Crusher reads a eulogy before her late grandmother's coffin at the Caldos colony graveyard, with Counselor Deanna Troi and Captain Jean-Luc Picard at her side, describing her grandmother, Felisa Howard, as a
But those aren't a guarantee either. Irish ghost orgasms are a guarantee. So the alien possibly gets some sort of energy from Beverly that helps it survive and in return giver her sexual gratification and an otherwise normal life. It might bother someone existentially, but otherwise not a bad trade off.
Beverly Cheryl Crusher (née Howard) est une Humaine venue au monde sur la Lune, à Copernicus City, en 2324. Elle est la fille de Paul et d’Isabel Howard qui meurent alors qu'elle est encore enfant. Après leur disparition, la fillette est recueillie sur Arvada II par Felissa Howard, sa grand-mère paternelle. À son contact, Beverly se
Thank you! Page generated June 22, 2024; 10:56.Media © their respective owners, Shimmie © Shish & The Team 2007-2024, based on the Danbooru concept. Took 0.06
The Dancing Doctor was a nickname that Doctor Beverly Crusher had been given due to her having won several awards in St. Louis for tap and jazz dance, prior to her posting aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Wesley Crusher was aware of his mother's monicker. (TNG: "Data's Day", "The Game") In 2367, she was reluctant to offer lessons to Data for fear
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The two woman continued to kiss, their tongues snaking in and out each others mouths. Wesley watched, naked his large dick pointing towards the ceiling as Deanna removed his mother's bra revealing her beautiful breasts. "What do you think to Mommy's tits, Wesley," Beverley asked, smiling at her son.
Geordi is portrayed as a good guy in this scenario when he was absolutely the villain. Because he didn't actually do anything. In "Boobytrap" he's not responsible for the computer's hologram of Dr. Brahms or how it reacts to him. The worst they did was kiss, and that was initiated by the holoprogram.
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Doctor Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher MD, was a Starfleet officer who served as chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E for many years from 2364 to the 2380s, under Captain Jean-Luc Picard, with brief stints serving as head of Starfleet Medical in 2365 and 2379. Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher was born (prematurely) as
Rape/Non-con Elements. Past Child Abuse. When a shuttlecraft carrying Deanna Troi crashes onto the deserted planet of Vagra II, Will Riker, and the rest of the crew of the USS Enterprise rush to her rescue, but what is at first thought to be just an accident is quickly revealed to be something much more sinister.
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Doktor Beverly C. Crusher ist eine Ärztin, welche den Posten einer Chefärztin an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) und USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) hat. Beverly C. Howard wird am 13. Oktober 2324 in Copernicus City auf Luna geboren. Ihre Eltern sind Paul und Isabel Howard. (TNG: Mission ohne Gedächtnis) In ihrer Kindheit hat die junge Howard
Dr Beverly Crusher was the chief medical officer on the USS Enterprise-D. She was on the holodeck with Data and William Riker when the Doctor's TARDIS landed in a "Dixon Hill" holonovel in 1940s San Francisco in 2368. When Cybermen corpses were brought back from Cogen V, Beverly was horrified to discover that the Cybermen still had human
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