Collections gnostiques coptes. En décembre 1945, près de la ville de Nag Hammadi, des paysans égyptiens déterraient fortuitement une jarre contenant treize codices de papyrus, des volumes reliés à plat comme nos livres et recouverts de cuir. Ils venaient de faire l’une des plus formidables découvertes de manuscrits anciens du XXe siècle.
4 · Cambridge Core-History of Religion-The Nag Hammadi Codices and their Ancient Readers Last updated 20/06/24: Online ordering is currently unavailable due to technical issues. We apologise for any delays responding to customers while
The Coptic manuscripts known as the ‘Nag Hammadi Codices’, discovered, in 1945,1 in a jar in Jabal al-Tarif, near the modern-day village of Hamrah Dum in Egypt, comprise a
Rukopisy z Nag Hammádí série. Jak už se čtenáři mohli dozvědět z předešlých svazků „Rukopisů z Nag Hammádí“, byly v prosinci 1945 v blízkosti vesnice Nag Hammádí v horním Egyptě objeveny papyrové kodexy obsahující (jak dnes víme) 52 koptsky psaných spisů. Třetí svazek řady přináší v českém komentovaném
Nag Hammadi oder Nadsch Hammadi (arabisch نجع حمادي, DMG Naǧʿ Ḥammādī, [nad ʒʕ ħam'ma:di:]) ist eine Stadt in Oberägypten, 127 km nördlich von Luxor. Sie zählt ungefähr 30.000 Einwohner. In der Nähe betreibt
Edited by Hugo Lundhaug and Christian H. Bull. [ Die Nag Hammadi Kodizes als monastische Bücher. 2023. XIII, 384 pages. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity (STAC)
The Nag Hammadi Discovery. In December 1945, near the town of Nag Hammadi, some Egyptian peasants inadvertantly unearthed a jar containing thirteen papyrus codices (that is, volumes with flat bindings like our modern books), with leather covers. They had just made one of the 20th century’s most remarkable discoveries of ancient manuscripts
This concrete gravity dam features two locks for river navigation and produces 64 megawatts of electricity thanks to four 16-megawatt turbines. To build Naga Hammadi, the Nile River had to be diverted for three years, and a total of 400,000 cubic metres of concrete was used at a monthly pace peaking at 30,000 cubic metres.
Nag Hammadi Archive. Owning Institution: Claremont Colleges Library. About this Collection. The Nag Hammadi codices, ancient manuscripts containing over fifty religious
The Nag Hammadi Library. Begun in 1974 at Université Laval (Quebec, Canada), the project of editing the Nag Hammadi Coptic library is the only important francophone initiative devoted to these manuscripts; its goal is to produce critical editions of these texts, accompanied with French translations and explanatory commentaries.
Bienvenue. C’est avec grand plaisir que je vous souhaite la bienvenue sur le site de la Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi. Vous y trouverez, signées par plus d’une vingtaine de collaborateurs, les traductions françaises des textes en langue copte contenus dans les codex de papyrus découverts près de la ville moderne de Nag Hammadi en
Nag Hammadi-teksterne er en samling af 13 kristne papyrus med 52 skrifter, som bærer præg af dels gnostiske, dels hermetiske, dels nytestamentlige apokryfer . De blev fundet nær Nag Hammadi i Egypten i 1945-47 og hører til de bibelske apokryfer. De blev gemt i lerkrukker og tekster skrevet på papyrus og indbundet i kodeksform.
eBook PDF ( 114,00 € ) Published in English. Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott examine the provenance of the Nag Hammadi Codices and defend the view that they were produced and read by Christian monks in
About the Nag Hammadi Library (The Nag Hammadi Scriptures) The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient books (called "codices") containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary "Gnostic Gospels" – texts once thought to have been entirely
We rejoice because You have shown us Yourself. We rejoice because while we were in (the) body, You have made us divine through Your knowledge. "The thanksgiving of the man who attains to You is one thing: that we know You. We have known You, intellectual light. Life of life, we have known You. Womb of every creature, we have known You.
As the director of the Nag Hammadi Library project at the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity in Claremont, he organized a team of translators, many of them young
"Nag Hammadi Studies" published on 21 Jun 2024 by Brill. Nag Hammadi Codices III, 3-4 and V,1 with Papyrus Berolinensis 8502,3 and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1081: Eugnostos
Die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften (auch als Nag-Hammadi-Bibliothek bekannt) sind eine Sammlung frühchristlicher Texte. Sie wurden im Dezember 1945 in der Nähe des kleinen ägyptischen Ortes Nag Hammadi von ansässigen Bauern gefunden. Die meisten dieser Schriften waren bis dahin gar nicht oder nur fragmentarisch bekannt.
Codex Index. Introduction to the Collection: Several of the major texts in the Nag Hammadi collection have more than one translation listed; where multiple translations are provided, we have listed the translators' names in parenthesis below the title of the text. Texts marked with {*} had more than one Coptic version extant within the Nag
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures The Revised And Updated WEBThe Nag Hammadi Scriptures is the most complete and up-to-date English-language edition of these sacred
Welcome. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the website of the “Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi” (Nag Hammadi Coptic Library). Here, you will find, signed by more than twenty collaborators, French translations of the Coptic texts preserved in the papyrus codices that were discovered in 1945 near the modern village of Nag
These revelations, do not reveal to anyone in the flesh, since they are incorporeal, unless it is revealed to you (to do so)." When the brethren who belong to the generations of life had said these things, they were taken up to (the regions) above all the heavens. Amen. Melchizedek, from The Nag Hammadi Library.
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