Contextualizing the effects of stone quarrying: insights from the
The mixed contribution of natural resource use (stone quarrying) calls for sustainable strategies to guarantee its positive contribution. The conventional
Stone quarrying in Greece: Ten years of research
It has been ten years since the publication of Lorenzo Lazzarini's monumental volume on the quarrying, use and properties of the coloured marbles of Greece: Poikiloi Lithoi, Versiculores Maculae: I Marmi Colorati della Grecia Antica (Lazzarini 2007). The first study since Angelina Dworakowska's Quarries in Ancient Greece (Dworakowska 1975) to
(PDF) Stone Quarrying and Livelihood Transformation in Peri
Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People’s Livelihoods, A case study of Kasenge Parish, Nama Sub-County, Mukono District (Uganda). An unpublished Master of Philosophy Thesis submitted to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Tanzania: GDP of mining and quarrying | Statista
Research Expert South Africa. Get in touch with us now. , Jan 30, 2024. Mining and quarrying added 9.9 trillion Tanzanian shillings (TZS) to Tanzania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020. This
· Figure (2): Quarries, stone factories and workshops distribution in WB. Source: Abu Hanieh, et al, 2013. In spite that quarrying and stone industry revitalizing the local economy, but
· The present study was undertaken to estimate the emission of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) from different activities undertaken in stone quarrying in Mahendragarh, Haryana. The results obtained from the present study indicated that drilling, blasting, crushing, and transport of mined material are chiefly responsible for the
· In recent years, the application field of stone is growing, leading to the increasing requirement of stone quarrying year by year. With the development of science, technology, and modern industry, mechanical processing has gradually replaced manual operation, which significantly improves quarrying efficiency, reduces resource waste,
· As per the estimated area of Kotre quarry is 921887.119 square meter. It is found that the quarry is recharged due to the transportation of aggregate from Himalayan zone by flood in the monsoon
· Furthermore, the increase in SSC during the operation of stone quarry including monsoon contribution is 682.97 percent higher than during non-operation. The increase in SSC during the operation of
Roman Mining and Quarrying Techniques and the Reuse of
5 – The Market for Stones. The rapid expansion of Rome during its Late Republic put a large demand on quarrying stones for building materials and decoration. Romans saw stone buildings as a proper way of building, following the Greeks (Russell, 2013). Decorating these buildings with marble and granite was costly.
:Stone QuarryingDimension Stone · Using the qualitative model, the paper interrogates the impact of stone quarrying on the livelihoods of the workers and provides critical insights into the effects
· This study examined the impacts of stone quarrying activities on sustainable livelihoods and the environment, and the implications of the impacts for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in selected host communities in Ghana.
Life Cycle Inventory of technologies for stone quarrying, cutting and finishing: Contribution
DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2019.05.170 Corpus ID: 226924672 Life Cycle Inventory of technologies for stone quarrying, cutting and finishing: Contribution to fill data gaps This paper intends to present the activities developed and difficulties found along the Life-Cycle
· Insights on the "Stone Mining & Quarrying Market" contribution of various segments including Country and Region wise Historic data (2018 to 2023), and Forecast Market Size (2024 to 2032)
(PDF) Economic and environmental management of dimension stone quarries
Apr 20, 2016, Isabella Bianco and others published Economic and environmental management of dimension stone quarries This contribution can therefore support future studies and concretely
Stone Quarrying and Livelihood Transformation in Peri-Urban
Abstract. Stone quarrying is one of the key extractive economic activities in the Ashanti Region, supplying the bulk of stone of varying aggregates to the construction industry
Life Cycle Inventory of techniques for stone quarrying, cutting and finishing: Contribution
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.309 Corpus ID: 242366100 Life Cycle Inventory of techniques for stone quarrying, cutting and finishing: Contribution to fill data gaps. @article{Bianco2019LifeCI, title={Life Cycle Inventory of techniques for
Quarrying-an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Quarrying provides stones of different dimension (from aggregate to blocks) and raw materials for several agro-industrial purposes (Langer, 2001; USGS, 2017). Around the world, mining and quarrying activities developed without controlled rules contribute to several environmental and human impacts.
· use of this algorithm can serve as an efficient and valuable tool in dimension stone quarries. By implementing this cutting and finishing: Contribution to fill data gaps. J. Clean. Prod. 225
Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Stone quarrying
Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Stone quarrying i Impacts of Stone Quarrying on Environment and Livelihood of Local Community in Addis Ababa Peri-Urban A
:Stone QuarryingWenchi Municipality of GhanaPublish Year:2021 · According to the data published in 2021 by Montani, from the total 318 million tons of gross quarrying from dimension stone quarries, during the quarry stage,
· Waste deriving from stone industry can be divided into two categories: solid waste and stone slurry (or quarry mud). Show abstract The use of marble sludge as precursor for new alkali activated materials was assessed studying three different curing conditions (air, humid and water immersion, respectively), after an initial curing at 60 °C
Contextualizing the effects of stone quarrying: insights from the
The Wenchi municipality is located in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. The municipality covers a total land area of 1296.6 km2and has an estimated number of 150 dispersed settlements (Wenchi Munic
Impact of Stone Quarrying on Sustainable Livelihoods and
Apr 15, 2024, Justice Mensah and others published Impact of Stone Quarrying on Sustainable Livelihoods and However, in spite of its remarkable contribution towards economic development, some
· The main contribution to the energy consumption is due to electricity demand: 80% for tiles and 75% for slabs. Moreover, a comparison with the European type I Ecolabel criteria for natural hard
· For example, 100% of respondents indicated that employment arose from stone quarrying and 79% stated that, standards of living have been elevated by the activity. The district local
Stone Quarrying and Livelihood Transformation in Peri-Urban
Keywords: Stone Quarrying, Livelihood transformation, Sustainability, Peri-urban, Buoho 1. Introduction Agriculture and mineral extraction are seen as playing a critical role in rural livelihood improvement thereby helping to alleviate rural poverty. Even though
· The results show that soapstone quarrying activities lead to vegetation cover destruction which exposes the soil to agents of erosion (Figs. 2 and 3). These findings are similar to those of [2,3
Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's
Uganda's largest building stone quarry, (Namubiru stone quarry) is located in Mukono 6 kilometres from Mukono town and it occupies 30 acres' land with a production capacity of 80 tons per day and
Quarrying in Antiquity: Technology, Tradition and Social Change
The chief contribution of the Romans was their organisation of the stone trade by mass production, standardisation and long-distance transport. Indeed, in post-Roman Europe, especially in Britain, it was the excellence of Roman building stone which allowed so much subsequent 'quarrying' in the buildings themselves.