adjective. /ˌsmɔːl ˈskeɪl/ (of an organization, activity, etc.) not large in size or extent; limited in what it does. small-scale farming. a small-scale study of couples in second
The ΛCDM model, or concordance cosmology, as it is often called, is a paradigm at its maturity. It is clearly able to describe the universe at large scale, even if some issues remain open, such as the cosmological constant problem, the small-scale problems in galaxy formation, or the unexplained anomalies in the CMB. ΛCDM clearly shows difficulty at
1. small in scope especially small in output or operation. 2. having a scale (such as one inch to 25 miles) that permits plotting of comparatively little detail and shows mainly large
Concurrently, increasingly close cooperation between UNESCO and NGOs has been developing gradually, albeit s till on a small scale, whe n major international conferences take place. ,,
Scale (map) A graphical or bar scale. A map would also usually give its scale numerically ("1:50,000", for instance, means that one cm on the map represents 50,000cm of real space, which is 500 meters) A bar scale with the nominal scale expressed as "1:600 000", meaning 1 cm on the map corresponds to 600,000 cm=6 km on the ground.
English "on a small scale". more_vert. When your business proves successful on a small scale, it's tempting to expand it as much as possible in order to
Zur mobilen Version wechseln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'small scale' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .
Small-scale fisheries produce 37 million tons of aquatic foods each year, roughly 40 percent of the global catch. In 2016, an estimated 492 million people were at least partially dependent on small-scale fisheries for their livelihoods. The 60 million with full- or part-time jobs in small-scale fisheries account for 90 percent of total
Scale (map) A graphical or bar scale. A map would also usually give its scale numerically ("1:50,000", for instance, means that one cm on the map represents 50,000cm of real space, which is 500 meters) A bar scale with the nominal scale expressed as "1:600 000", meaning 1 cm on the map corresponds to 600,000 cm=6 km on the ground.
3 · “scale” “,,”。 The scale of the damage was only visible the morning after the flood. The scientific experiment was first done on a small
No. 62 Commando. No. 62 Commando or the Small Scale Raiding Force ( SSRF) was a British Commando unit of the British Army during the Second World War. The unit was formed around a small group of commandos under the command of the Special Operations Executive (SOE). They carried out a number of raids before being disbanded in 1943.
adjective. uk / ˈsmɔːl.skeɪl / us / ˈsmɑːl.skeɪl / Add to word list. small, especially when compared to other things like it. (),. The house is
Introduction An estimated 23% of children worldwide live with a parent experiencing mental illness. These children are exposed to emotional and psychosocial challenges. Little is known about these children when living in small-scale societies. Aim To explore how adults, who as children lived with pa
The breakeven prices for processing 2,500, 5,000, and 10,000 pounds in a shared-use commercial kitchen are respectively, $14.73, $12.18, and $10.97 per pound. With a 10% markup scenario, the profitability index for each scale of processing is 1.1, indicating profitability (Table 2).
SMALL-SCALE:(),。。 On the contrary, it allowed the expansion of existing industrial units, particularly textiles, on the island, and permitted small-scale units to come up freely.
A small-scale activity or organization is small in size and limited in extent. small-scale independent farmers. : small-scale / ˌsmɒlˈskeɪl /
Small Scale Scrum can be best described as “a people-first framework defined by and for small teams (a maximum of three people) and supporting planning, developing, and delivering production-quality software
Many translated example sentences containing "in a small scale" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. “”, , 、
Synonyms for SMALL: little, diminutive, pocket, tiny, fine, slight, smallish, miniature; Antonyms of SMALL: large, big, substantial, sizeable, considerable, sizable
For instance, the local video store would be described as being located at 23°23'57" North and 118°55'2" West. A small-scale map shows a small amount of detail over a wide area, such as the world. A large-scale map shows a large amount of detail while representing a limited area, such as neighborhoods or towns.
Teaching Green: The High School Years 149 syringe plug and plastic T, made into a simple distilla-tion apparatus that can be used in a hot water bath. • For labs involving the dilution or neutralization of solutions (e.g., acid/base), the numerical scale across
adjective. uk / ˈsmɔːl.skeɪl / us / ˈsmɑːl.skeɪl / Add to word list. small, especially when compared to other things like it. (),. The house is
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.