WHOA Dust™ simply charges the neutrally charged dust particles floating in your arena to a negative state (flocculation). Once charged the dust will be pulled down and no longer suspended in the air. Moisture will be retained to an optimal state and will reduce your need to water your arena by a minimum of 50% (Reported customer average is 75%).
Hotel Sands Las Arenas is an excellent choice for travellers visiting Mazatlan, offering a family-friendly environment alongside many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. Guest rooms offer air conditioning, and Hotel Sands Las Arenas makes getting online easy as free wifi is available. You can also take advantage of some of the
Step 1-Where to start to find a sand supplier in your area. You may already know the locations of sand suppliers in your area but if not, step one starts with our friend Google. Do a local search for “sand quarry” or “sand supplier”, this
SUREFOOT EQUESTRIAN ARENA FOOTING IS THE PERFECT FOOTING FOR YOUR RIDING ARENA! Surefoot™ is a unique rubber granule produced from 100% recycled tires. Our state-of-the-art
This type of sand is often referred to as “Stone dust, stone sand, or crusher fines” and is produced by crushing larger rock such as limestone or granite, which is a much softer
WHOA Dust™ is a non- aggressive binder, that delivers dust-free footing and provides excellent traction, stability and cushion. A more consistent surface will allow the dogs to focus on the next obstacle and their
Sand contains silica, and silicosis is a well-documented INCURABLE disease that is cause by inhalation of airborne silica, or sand. Wood fibers also are a very real health problem. Consider that when the maximum permissible dust levels in the average woodshop are exceeded, OSHA or local health authorities are not only permitted but are required by
There are multiple ways to build your outdoor arena, from high tech ebb-and-flow watering systems to a traditional stone dust base with basic drainage. The most important thing is that the arena is built with the
MAG® is the premium indoor riding arena dust control product. For over 7 years we have specialized in magnesium chloride flakes, by the Dead Sea Works, for indoor riding arena dust control. We have successfully applied our product to arenas throughout North America including Texas, Colorado, Tennessee, and Saskatchewan.
The dust in your arena is even more irritating to your horse than to you. A horse’s lungs are bigger than ours, so when we’re choking on the dust kicked up by equine footing, so is he, only more so. On average, a resting horse inhales 150 liters of air per minute. Add in strenuous exercise and your horse could realistically suck in 10 times
SAFE, environmentally friendly, cost effective, natural product that really works to control dust in your indoor arenas with sand-based non-organic footings (425) 923-7909 [email protected] Home
The cost of the rubber footing is definitely higher than sand, but because it doesn’t break down or wash away; you don’t have to replenish it every year. So, long term it isn’t appreciably higher. For an arena about 60 to 100 it would cost about $1500 for a 1 inch covering and about $3000 for a 2 inch covering.
Perfect sand moisture for the most reliable sand footing. Building CapillaryFlow arenas on our proprietary ground system with subsurface irrigation ensures optimal footing conditions for horse and rider. Beyond Ebb & Flow. Subsurface irrigation system. Get a quote. Book a meeting. Consistent moisture throughout the arena.
WHOA Dust™ Features: Simple and easy to apply. Reduces operational and maintenance costs. Environmentally and Animal safe. Can be used if Calcium Chloride has been used. More cost-effective than any other dust control. Can last up to 16 months between treatment. Most arenas cost $499 or less!
WHOA Dust™ Horse Arena Dust Free Footing: WHOA Dust™ will put life back into your footing; giving the spring back while ensuring accurate and even moisture retention. Developed for arenas with silt, sand, clay, dirt, hog fuel or wood fiber. WHOA Dust™ 2.0 is an organic-specific blend that stops dust from rising, reduces the amount and
3 · We also sell equine arena dust control conditioner for indoor and outdoor riding arenas. Horse Arena Footing Rubber arena footing & concentrated dust suppressant helps make the perfect riding surface Contact June
TruTex Equestrian is a trusted MAG flakes distributor and the best place to buy magnesium chloride for dust control. Equestrians around the world have depended on MAG indoor arena dust control for more than 15 years. Buy MAG
Both the aggregate and stone dust layers may only need to be 1-2” each for an indoor as opposed to 2-3” for an outdoor. This will save on the base layers a great deal when constructing an indoor arena. Discover what is recommended for the base of a horse arena. Be sure to add drainage to your riding ring base to allow for proper drainage.
Sands is a supplier of high-concentrate liquid calcium chloride. This easy-to-use product is applied as needed to maintain a dust free surface. We specialize in individual treatments for private residences, parking lots, driveways, etc. throughout central Alberta! We do Spot Dust Control Treatments for Residents in Central Alberta.
Call Toll-Free: 1-800-447-1437. Or complete the form below and one of our sales reps will contact you. End Dust™ Magnesium Chloride Flake is an effective agent for controlling dust in a variety of agricultural and
NOT ALL FOOTING IS CREATED EQUAL. At ESI, we understand that the quality of arena footing plays a vital role in the overall performance and well-being of both horse and rider. Through our extensive knowledge and experience, we create the optimal riding surface that enhances the comfort, performance, & safety of horses across various disciplines.
It’s handy to keep a bucket full with a scooper at each exterior door to catch the icy patches before you find yourself crawling out on all fours to see your horse. 4. Bust out the squeegee. Wash all windows, doors, and mirrors before it’s freezing outside. Don’t put this one off, you’ll be stuck looking through dirty windows all winter.
It drinks, it bonds, it holds moisture, it cushions & rebounds ! • One gallon of ARENACLEAR™ will treat a 10,000 sq. ft. arena to a 3–4-inch depth. • It is Environmentally and Ecologically safe to use; it has been an approved Agricultural Mineral in California since 1971. • It is a safe, non-toxic product safe for: dogs, horses, paws
Raise awareness of the potential for health effects from working on dusty sand arenas, by sharing this information with other horse riding instructors or people in the process of constructing arenas. Respiratory protection is not considered appropriate during teaching, but is recommended as an appropriate and effective control for exposures during any
Surfaces. We are able to supply a wide range of sand, sawdust and synthetic fibre surfaces, to suit any riding discipline! Although choosing the right horse arena surface will come down your individual preference, we have the expertise and experience to guide you in making an informed decision of the arena surface that is perfectly suitable for
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