· The static bulk moduli (Ks) were estimated from stress-volumetric strain curves while dynamic bulk moduli stones are water-saturated, whic h has frequently been reported (King 1966; Gregory
· Conventionally, the grain bulk modulus is estimated with bulk moduli of compositional minerals. A systematic measurement is still scarce in answering what factors control the grain bulk modulus. We test 38 sandstone samples with porosity ranging from 4% to 35% from three fields on the Norwegian continental shelf through unjacketed tests.
· Knowledge of pressure-dependent static and dynamic moduli of porous reservoir rocks is of key importance for evaluating geological setting of a reservoir in geo-energy applications. We examined experimentally the evolution of static and dynamic bulk moduli for porous Bentheim sandstone with increasing confining pressure up to about
· We report experimental data on the frequency dependence of bulk elastic modulus in porous sandstones. A new methodology was developed to investigate the dispersion/attenuation phenomena on a rock’s bulk modulus K for varying confining pressures in the range of 1–50 MPa and fluids of varying viscosities (i.e., air, glycerin,
:Bulk ModulusShear ModulusPublish Year:2017 · When compared to “conventional” sandstones, so-called “tight” sandstones are characterized by low connected porosity (less than 10%), low gas permeability (less
:Bulk ModulusRock MechanicsPublish Year:2021 · The frequency-dependent bulk modulus K sat and shear modulus μ sat can be obtained using modified Gassmann's equations (Gurevich et al., 2010): (8) where
· The resilient modulus, bulk stress, and octahedral shear stress are normalized in Eq. (4) by the atmospheric pressure, which results in non-dimensional model parameters. Multiple linear regressions were used to determine the resilient modulus model parameters k 1 , k 2 , and k 3 using the statistical analysis software Statistica [18] .
· That was way back in 1969. But like gravity, bulk modulus is one of those fundamentals that has not and will not change — except maybe in science fiction. Bulk modulus is a fairly basic concept — the measurement of a fluid's resistance to compression. Hydraulic systems designers usually neglect bulk modulus, or at least consider it
Rock mass properties-Rocscience
Mechanical or hand excavation in poor quality rock masses (no blasting) results in minimal disturbance to the surrounding rock mass. Where squeezing problems result in significant floor heave, disturbance can be severe unless a temporary invert, as shown in the photograph, is placed. D = 0. D = 0.5 No invert.
· We performed new quasi-static measurements over a broad range of strain amplitudes to determine the dynamic and static bulk moduli of rocks. The observed strain amplitude dependence is consistent, at first order, with frictional slip at grain contacts. Absent pre-existing micro-cracks or at high effective pressure where cracks are closed,
Consulta Bulk Modulus of Mixtures-Engineering LibreTexts
The definition of the bulk modulus is given by equation (34) or (35) and can be written (where the partial derivative can looks as delta Δ Δ as. ∂V = V∂P BT ≅ VΔP BT ( ( ∂ V = V ∂ P B T ≅ V Δ P B T. The total change is compromised by the change of individual liquids or phases if two materials are present.
A comparative study of the stress-dependence of dynamic and
By assuming isotropic materials, the dynamic bulk modulus (Kdyn) and Young’s modulus (Edyn) can be expressed as functions of the P- and S-wave velocities (i.e., Vp and Vs)
Young's Modulus for chosen rocks. | Download Table
From the results, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, bulk compressibility, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio, and unconfined compressive strength recorded average values of 5.11 GPa, 5.10 GPa, 0.023 GPa
Rock-Mechanical Properties | Britannica
6 · Rock-Mechanical Properties: When a stress σ (force per unit area) is applied to a material such as rock, the material experiences a change in dimension, volume, or shape. This change, or deformation, is called strain (ε). Stresses can be axial—e.g., directional tension or simple compression—or shear (tangential), or all-sided (e.g., hydrostatic
8.2: Bulk Modulus and Related Measures-Engineering LibreTexts
8.2: Bulk Modulus and Related Measures. The bulk modulus B B describes how a gas, liquid, or solid changes as it is compressed [103]. More specifically, bulk modulus per unit volume is the change in pressure required to get a given compression of volume, B = −V∂P ∂V (8.2.1) (8.2.1) B = − V ∂ P ∂ V.
Bulk modulus | Physics, Elasticity, Compressibility | Britannica
compressibility. elastic modulus. bulk modulus, numerical constant that describes the elastic properties of a solid or fluid when it is under pressure on all surfaces. The applied pressure reduces the volume of a material, which returns to its original volume when the pressure is removed. Sometimes referred to as the incompressibility, the bulk
12.4: Stress, Strain, and Elastic Modulus (Part 1)
In the linear limit of low stress values, the general relation between stress and strain is. stress = (elastic modulus) × strain. (12.4.4) (12.4.4) s t r e s s = ( e l a s t i c m o d u l u s) × s t r a i n. As we can see from dimensional analysis of this relation, the elastic modulus has the same physical unit as stress because strain is
Elasticity and rigidity of rock | SpringerLink
Here, cracks are closing; above X, cracks are essentially closed, and the elastic stiffness of the rock is close to that of the minerals of which it is composed. FIGURE 3. Crack closure. Under pressure, right, cracks close but pores stay open. Full size image. Another characteristic of many rocks is shown in Fig. 2.
· Represented by the 6 sets of typical cement stones listed above (A145、B145、Y145、A170、B190、Y190), the relationship between the secant bulk modulus K s and octahedral normal strain ε o c t, as well as the secant shear modulus G s
:Publish Year:2015Bulk Modulus Dispersion · The dynamic bulk modulus, determined from ultrasonic P-and S-wave velocities is consistent with the quasi-static bulk modulus measured at the lowest strain
:Bulk ModulusRock Mechanics · In our experiments, the pressure dependence of dynamic bulk modulus of water-saturated Bentheim sandstone at effective pressures above 5 MPa can be roughly
· Other moduli, such as bulk modulus, Lamé’s mod ulus, shear modulus, etc., can be determined from these two constants. Thus, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio play the mos t important role
:Bulk ModulusPublish Year:2021Nazanin Nourifard, Maxim Lebedev · In our experiments, the pressure dependence of dynamic bulk modulus of water-saturated Bentheim sandstone at effective pressures above 5 MPa can be roughly
:Bulk Modulus DispersionPublish Year:2015 · The results show that the dynamic Bulk modulus is higher than the static Bulk modulus for sandstones by up to 40%, which is in agreement with some past
What is Bulk Modulus-Definition, Formula, and Applications
Bulk modulus (K) = volumetric stress / volumetric strain. K =-Δ P ( Δ V V o) Where: K is the bulk modulus of elasticity. ΔP is the change in applied pressure. ΔV is the change in volume. V o is the original volume. The negative sign indicates that when pressure increases, the volume decreases. The SI unit of bulk modulus is pascal (Pa
부피 탄성 계수-위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
부피 탄성 계수(bulk modulus)는 물체의 부피변화에 저항하려는 강성(stiffness)을 나타내는 물리량이다. 정의 부피 탄성 계수는 항상 > 이고, 다음과 같이 정의된다. = 여기서 는 압력, 는 부피, / 는 압력을 부피로 미분한 것이다. 마찬가지로, 밀도
· The aim of topology optimisation is to determine the optimal distribution of material phases within the periodic cells of a microstructure. In this paper, the density of grid points under element volume fraction is constructed to replace the finite elements in the traditional SIMP framework, avoiding jagged and blurry boundaries in the computational
On the Bulk Modulus of Open Cell Foams-Power
On the Bulk Modulus of Open Cell Foams. B. Moore, T. Jaglinski, D.S. Stone§ and R.S. Lakes*. *Department of Engineering Physics and §Department of Materials Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 541 Engineering Research Building 1500 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1687 USA. Received: 29 January 2007 Accepted: 26
Mechanical characterization of limestone from sound velocity
The average modulus was about 34.2 GPa for the base level stones (CV=40%) and 10.8 GPa for the upper level stones (CV=20%). This observation is in line with sound velocity and compressive strength measurements: the base level stones were stiffer than the upper level stones. Bulk density (kg/m3) Porosity (%)
· Substantial softening in the bulk modulus (a factor of five) and a negative Poisson ratio (−0.25) have been observed via broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy in the vicinity of the Curie point of a barium titanate ceramic. These effects were observed under electrical short-circuit conditions at low deformation frequencies. Softening was less in an