progettazione meccanica mediante software 3D. Dove tutto nasce. Officina meccanica. L’eccellenza fa parte della filosofia aziendale. Vantiamo sale metrologiche dotate di
Our Brands. Crane Aerospace was formed in 1999 with the merging of ELDEC, Lear Romec, Hydro-Aire and Interpoint — long-time industry leaders with experience dating back to 1943. The newly-formed organization offered customers and partners one source for sensing, power, fuel and braking systems and the expertise these industry pioneers had
A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Magazine Intelligence team. Mining Magazine Intelligence Exploration Report 2024 (feat. Opaxe data) A comprehensive review of exploration trends and technologies, highlighting the best intercepts and discoveries and the latest
L’investimento mirato alla modernizzazione dei macchinari, l’interesse per la formazione del personale, l’attenzione alla qualità dei prodotti e la cura per l’ambiente fanno di Ro.mec un’azienda diversa da tutte le altre. La rigenerazione è il nostro mantra: siamo stati tra i primi a valorizzarla ed a darle una dimensione industriale.
Regular maintenance. Dependable. Requip Corporation. Fontana, CA. $75,000. Used 2021 Custom Built Washers-Mining. OTHER. Gold trommel for sale. 4'x16' barrel, vibrating 5'x9' Infeed hopper with grizzle bars. 30"x16' sluice box with Hungarian riffles or expanded metal.
Equipment + Expertise. Superior Service. Our mission at Northern Mining Equipment is to deliver reliable, efficient, and innovative solutions to our clients. We aim to provide the highest quality heavy equipment, parts,
Consistent and dependable mineral processing equipment is a key to crushing your mining business goals and L&H provides complete solutions that maximize the processing side
As a manufacture base of the global supply chain of Normet Oy, Kingnor brings in cutting-edge equipment featured numerical control, automation and standardization with
ROMEC leads the manufacturing of mechanical components, checking the whole production process: from the feasibility study to samples and serial production, till the assembling and shipment. Download our brochure to
If we don't have what you need, we can get it drop shipped directly to you. Nationwide shipping is no problem! For more information on our land clearing parts and our forestry equipment for sale in Conroe, TX contact us today! In order to help you more quickly, please fill out the form and submit or call 936.858.6014.
Contact Us Rowmec Equipment Company, Inc. 14875 FM 1484 Conroe, TX 77303 Phone: 936.858.6014 Fax: 936.539.5648 Hours: Monday-7AM to 5PM Tuesday-7AM to 5PM Wednesday-7AM to 5PM Thursday-7AM to 5PM Friday-7AM to 5PM Saturday -
Dallo studio alla spedizione dei prodotti, attraverso le fasi di progettazione, realizzazione e confezionamento, offriamo ai nostri clienti un servizio chiavi in mano.
They provide a wide range of products and solutions for efficient and safe mining operations. 2. Shandong China Coal Industrial & Mining Supplies Group Co., Ltd. Website: Headquarters: Jining, Shandong, India. Founded: 1994. Headcount: 1001-5000. LinkedIn. China Coal International is a leading manufacturer and supplier of
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for ROMEC SRL of BERLINGO, BRESCIA. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Machinery
Remanufactured and new. Diesel, petrol and gas injectors. High quality and performance on a par with the new product. Bringing product functionality back to its original level means
Scarica la nostra brochure per scoprire i prodotti e i servizi offerti. PDF Brochure. Il gruppo metalmeccanico bresciano comprende oltre la Romec di Berlingo anche la RHT di Borgonato e la Alphamotive. L'azienda
About ROMEC. Following a suggestion by the late Margaret Roxan, the first Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar was held in the Department of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (now, sadly, defunct) at the University of Sheffield (GB) in 1983. It has since grown and the Roman Military Equipment Conference (ROMEC), as it has become
Goalcrushing. Consistent and dependable mineral processing equipment is a key to crushing your mining business goals and L&H provides complete solutions that maximize the processing side of your mine operation. Our expert teams repair, rebuild, and customize components and assemblies to transform every make and model of equipment used for
ROMEC can provides complete exploration services, professional administration and management services to mining and exploration companies. We collect, compile and interpret geologic data for clients who require geologic input for solution.
ELM is a multi-faceted mining services company providing equipment, labour hire and machinery to small and medium businesses within the mining industry. ELM was formed in 2021 in order to fill a gap in the
ELM is a multi-faceted mining services company providing equipment, labour hire and machinery to small and medium businesses within the mining industry. ELM was formed in 2021 in order to fill a gap in the market for down-to-earth, professional mining services. We believe that the key to a successful business is great customer service, and we
PRECISION MECHANICS SINCE ‘77. Romec, specialized in precision mechanics, was founded in 1977 in Rovato. Since then the owner Renato Venturi is leading the company with perspicacity and ethical spirit towards always new targets. The solid references collected in 40 years of activity, the constantly growing machine park, the organizational
L’essere affidabili è la nostra garanzia. In questo campo nulla può essere lasciato al caso e Ro.mec rappresenta una consolidata realtà nel panorama della rigenerazione. I nostri punti di forza sono molteplici: la capacità di investire , la ricerca e l’adozione delle tecnologie più avanzate , la costante formazione tecnico-professionale del personale e un nuovo modo
From vital parts for conveyors’ functioning to additional accessories to improve their performance and serving life, Rulmeca Group offers all material handling components needed to build heavy and light duty
Romec AS ble etablert i 1980 og er i dag en av landets ledende innen salg og utleie av trykkluft, borutstyr, komprimeringsutstyr og strømgeneratorer. Romec har i flere år vært den største forhandleren av Atlas Copco transportable kompressorer og generatorer i Norge, med ansvar for fylkene Oslo, Akershus og Østfold. Romec’s utleiepark er
ROMEC- Rocks Mining Exploration Consultants is a company that offers geological and mining services, serving multiple clients, with existing competition between them. Its main objective is to offer a high level of service, with transparency and respect for the data, which will be confidential and exclusively used for the client.
15. 45. 95. frigidere, congelatoare, distribuitoare automate de produse reci, echipamente de aer condiţionat, echipamente de dezumidificare, pompe de căldură, radiatoare cu ulei şi alte echipamente de transfer termic utilizând alte fluide decât apa pentru transferul termic. 1.5. Aparate de transfer termic cu masa neta peste 150kg. 1 Leu
L&T Surface Miners have many models (KSM223/ KSM303/ KSM403/ KSM304/ KSM304C and KSM 404) ranging from 2.2 metres to 4.0 metres in drum width and 50t to 130t weight class including custom made option to fulfil the requirement of users. These machines are proven workhorses, negotiating the tough mining conditions and backed by L&T’s
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.