· Illegal mining has emerged as a pressing issue with significant implications for economic growth and development in Ghana. This systematic review examines the impact of illegal mining on the
· The environmental impacts of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) are currently a major issue globally. There is cause for concern given the rapid loss of forest resources and pollution of water bodies through contamination with heavy metals like cyanide, arsenic, and mercury. The study investigated the livelihood and
An In-Depth Systematic Literature Review of the Effects of Mining
FIG Working Week 2024. Your World, Our World: Resilient Environment and Sustainable Resource Management for all. Accra, Ghana, 19–24 May 2024. An In-Depth Systematic Literature Review of the Effects of Mining Activities on Land Tenure Systems in Ghana. Bridget ADJEI, Eric TUDZI, Anthony, OWUSU-ANSAH, Joseph, KIDIDO, Ghana. 1.
(PDF) The impact of mining activities on forest
The methodology for the research consisted in a literature review, visits to eight mining camps in the periphery of Mintom, interviews with 95 miners, focus group discussions with actors involved in activities related to gold
· The OMC obtained clearance in 2018 for Bauxite mining in the Kodingamalli hill tracts in Koraput, and this mining activity in the region has decreased the forest cover (Bhadury, 2019). Table 4 . Quantity of workers directly employed in major mineral activities, during the period from 2015–2016 to 2018–2019.
Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in
Section 2 reviews the mining and conservation literature (electronic supplementary material, S2) to describe the scales to which mining impacts biodiversity. Section 3 illustrates mining-related threats to biodiversity and their uneven distribution among mined materials, ecosystems and regions.
An Overview of Impact of Coal Mining On Water Resources
PDF | On Dec 31, 2019, Prashant Hindurao Kamble and others published An Overview of Impact of Coal Mining On Water Resources | Find, read and cite all the research you need
· 4. Review of EIA studies in JCF Several EIA studies have been carried out in the JCF focussing over a single parameter or the environment as a whole. A few such studies include: assessment of changes in land use [45], [54]; impact assessment of land and water resources [55]; environmental impact assessment [8], [56], [57]; impact
:Decrease in Forest Cover in IndiaForest Cover in India Fsi ReportRemote Sensing · By examining the carbon stocks and carbon increments in the forest ecosystem of the mining area, this study seeks to provide a theoretical basis for
· The innovation and development of new reclamation methods for the treatment and mitigation of adverse impacts of mine waste are more focused on in the literature. The disposal of mine waste generated in huge quantities is one of the main concerns and thus better management of mine waste is recommended for the protection
The study assessed the effects of artisanal mining on land, water and forest resources conducted in Tarime Districts (Mara Region). The study went further and examined the adaption and coping mechanisms of the surrounding communities to the impacts
Literature Review On Impact Of Mining On Forest
Big Oil 39 s Impact in the Rainforest Mongabay.com A review of the impact of oil production in the rainforest. are discussed in Rainforest Action Network literature forest tribe brings its eco Iron County Mining Impact Committee begins look
· Potential impacts of climate and extreme weather on mining practices [ 9] Primary (or direct) impacts: Physical effects such as flooding, erosion, landslides, debris flows, overflowing waste ponds, and threats to human life, property, revenue, and the environment are the majority of the direct effects.
Climate Change Impacts on Mining Value Chain: A Systematic Literature Review
This paper aims to study the challenges and strategies for adapting and mitigating CC impacts on mining using a systematic literature review (SLR). These results showed that most of the proposed models and strategies in the mining field are in the conceptual phase, and fewer are practical models. Keywords Climate change Adaptation Mitigation.
· This study presents a systematic review of the literature related to the socio-cultural and ecological impacts of mining on Indigenous peoples in Australia using the Millennium Ecosystem Services
· A socio-ecological (DAPSI(W)R(M)) framework was used to review literature on the impact of mining in selected Sub-Saharan African countries. The purpose of this framework is to help integrate the socio-ecological systems, sustain the ecological system while also supporting ecosystem services.
· Every year, logging in the world’s largest tropical forest, located within the Amazon biome, continues unabated. Although it is a preferred alternative to deforestation, the residual stand and site are impacted by logging. The objective of this review was to determine and assess the current state of research throughout Amazonia on the subject
:Mining IndustryImpacts On ForestsInvesting in ForestsMining in Forest Areas · Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature review. October 2019. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11702.86083. Authors: Anura Widana. Tractebel. Preprints and early-stage research
· Background Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative, and direct and indirect ways. Mining can yield a range of benefits to
(PDF) The impact of mining activities on forest resources in Nyamongo Gold Mine…
The methodology for the research consisted in a literature review, visits to eight mining camps in the periphery of Mintom, interviews with 95 miners, focus group discussions with actors involved in activities related to gold mining, and stakeholder consultations.
· To study the impact of surface coal mining activities in a part of JCF, a multi-temporal analysis of Landsat (TM and OLI/TIRS) data has been undertaken for the years between 2006 and 2016.
Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems: A review
This paper summarizes the results of a literature review into the cially in developing countries (Schandl et al., 2016). Rivers are a major source of sand and gravel for numerous reasons: impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems.
:Mining and EcosystemsPublish Year:2021Impact of Mining On EcosystemMining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in
Section 2 reviews the mining and conservation literature (electronic supplementary material, S2) to describe the scales to which mining impacts biodiversity. Section 3
(PDF) Impact of mining on environment: A case study of Taita
PDF | On May 31, 2021, Wakio Mwakesi Irene and others published Impact of mining on environment: A case study of Taita Taveta County, Kenya | Find, read and cite all the
· Climate Change Impacts on Mining Value Chain: A Systematic Literature Review. January 2024. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-39619-9_9. In book: International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and
· The first dataset mapped the 295 major mine sites worldwide, adding a total area of 3,633 km2 19. The second data source mapped a total area of 31,396 km2 including active and inactive mining
The Impact of Mining on Forests: Information Needs for
The published text of speeches and presentations may differ from delivery. 10 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4LE T +44 (0)20 7957 5700 F +44 (0)20 7957 5710 www.chathamhouse.org. Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Chairman: Stuart Popham QC Director: Dr Robin Niblett Charity Registration Number: 208223.
· Ghana is the second largest producer of gold in sub-Saharan Africa, and has experienced a significant increase in national mining production over the last two decades. Between 1983 and 1998, the
· Section 2 reviews the mining and conservation literature (electronic supplementary material, S2) to describe the scales to which mining impacts biodiversity. Section 3 illustrates mining-related threats to biodiversity and their uneven distribution among mined materials, ecosystems and regions.
The Impact of Mining on Forests: Information Needs for Effective
findings of a literature review on the global impact of mining on forests. The research found that mining is having a significant impact on forests in a number of countries and