· Gold mining has played an important role in Ghana’s economy, however the negative environmental and socio-economic effects on the host communities associated with gold mining have
The Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Mining on
The Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Mining on Local Livelihoods In Sierra Leone: A Case Study of Tonkolili District 13 International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 I3 2019 world.
:Socio-Economic Impacts of MiningMining Industry · Mining industry can become more environment friendly and socially sustainable by integrating practices that reduce the environmental impact of mining operations and implementing
Socio-economic, health and environmental impacts of mining in Suriname, with a focus on Artisanal and Small-scale gold Mining
Socio-economic, health and environmental impacts of mining in Suriname, with a focus on Artisanal and Small-scale gold Mining May 2017 | Final report Produced for: Global Environmental Facility / United Nations Development Program Produced by:
Assessing the Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Artisanal Gold Mining
Socio-Economic Characteristics and Their Content Category % of the 250 Respondents Male vs. Female 51 20–30 years 34 31–40 years 18.5 41–50 years 15 51–60 years 17.5 >60 years 15 No formal education 39.6 Junior High School 29
· This article examines both the positive and negative socio-economic impacts of small-scale mining in developing countries, and outlines some key measures for improving sustainability in the sector. It is important
ity (CSR) initiatives had contributed to the socio-economic wellbeing of their host communities. This stud. socio-economic impacts of mining on host communities and the role of CSR. 1.3 Aim of the studyThe aim of the study was to examine the socio-economic impacts of mini. dy objectivesTo establ.
· The brick making industry, despite its contribution to environmental pollution, plays a major role in the economic growth of South Africa, with the traditional technology accounting for a significant proportion of the total clay brick production. The aim of this study is to undertake a comprehensive description of the production phases of the
· Several researchers have documented the environmental and socio-economic impacts of gold mining in other countries [5,6,7,8]. However, due to research specialization and discipline-specific worldviews, seldom does research integrate the natural and social dimensions of the impacts of gold mining in a single paper [ 8 , 9 ].
The Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact of Large-Scale Diamond Mining
benefits of $16 billion, with socio-economic and environmental benefits outweighing environmental and socio-economic impacts by almost 1700%. Since the environmental and socioeconomic impacts and benefits accrue to different stakeholder groups, with
· Accepted: 25 May 2022 The environmental implications of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) practices have significantly grown, particularly on environment, socio, and livelihoods of the mining communities. The study aims to investigates the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of these practices. A
Note from the field The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining
P.O. Box 3187, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. Received 14 July 2003; received in revised form 18 January 2004; accepted 19 January 2004 Available online 26 April 2005. Abstract. This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken to assess the socio-economic and environmental impacts of mining in Geita District, Tanzania.
Bismarck and Darkoh. Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Mining in Botswana 5 to have been associated with environmental problems such as air, soil and water pollution, and destruction of
· It reveals 27 different impacts (23 socio-economics and 4 political) associated with the industry. The socio-economic impacts found in literature are : income, employment, livelihood, poverty
Environmental and socio-economic impacts –
Telephone: +27 21 447 1647. Fax: +27 86 730 9098. Email: [email protected]. Address: Second Floor, Springtime Studios, 1 Scott Road, Observatory, 7925, Cape Town. Environmental impacts Socio
:Socioeconomic Impact of MiningPublish Year:2021Theoretical Model · The growing of mining sector is generally accompanied by socio-economic and environmental consequences. Most previous work has either analyzed
· The analysis results of the collected questionnaires showed that mining activities had the highest impact on the environment (86.32) and individual health (80.86), while the lower impact was on
· Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The socio-economic impacts of mining on local communities: The case of Jordan" by R. Rawashdeh et al. DOI: 10.1016/J.EXIS.2016.02.001 Corpus ID: 167608619 The socio-economic impacts of mining on local communities
Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Mining inBotswana…
The overall aim of the paper+ is to examine the operations of the Copper-Nickel Mine in Selebi-Phikwe and assess its socio-economic and environmental impacts. The specific objectives are to assess the socio-economic impacts of the mine on the local people and examine its environmental effects on soil, water resources, vegetation cover and air
· Introduction Mining is a major economic activity in many developing countries [1], [2]. Operations, whether small- or large-scale, are inherently disruptive to the environment [3], producing enormous quantities of waste that can have deleterious impacts for decades [2].
Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact of Mining on
Journal of Environment and Earth Science ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online) Vol.8, No.11, 2018 www.iiste.org Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact of Mining on Immediate Communities in Kogi State
· 5F r o m n a r r a t i v e t o e v i d e n c e. Socio-economic impacts of mining. in norther n Canada. Thierry Rodon and Francis Lévesque. Canadian governments have regularly seen the North as a
· The results of the natural science investigation revealed that the levels of heavy metals in water samples from the study area in most cases exceeded GS 175-1/WHO permissible guideline values, which are in tandem with the results of inhabitants’ perceptions of water quality survey, calling for cost-benefits analysis of mining before new mining
:Social Impacts of MiningMining IndustryGold Mining Social ImpactsThe environmental and socio-economic impact of mining on
The detrimental environmental impacts of mining on communities are both direct and indirect. Mining can lead to the loss of natural resources on which communities rely for
The socio-economic impact of mining: a comparative study of
Theoretically, the study provided a new dimension of analysis of socio-economic impact which included the macro and meso-level as a better method of assessment of mining impact in communities. Through the empirical findings, a theory was abstracted to position the law as a key determinant of the quality of institutions and not just as one of the listed
:Social Impacts of MiningSocial Negative Impacts · The socioeconomic impact of mining in Canada has positive and negative aspects. Effective evaluation of its impact suffers from the inadequacy of
· Mining has been a long-standing key player in economic development, employment, infrastructure, and supply of essential raw materials for society. It has served as a viable route to economic transformation in resource-rich countries like Australia, Canada, the United States, and parts of Africa. In
Social and Economic Impacts | World Gold Council
In 2021, we published a report The social and economic contribution of gold mining, which quantified the impact that our members are having in host countries. World Gold Council member companies have committed to demonstrable standards of responsible and sustainable business practice and their data provides a compelling insight into the socio
· In Poland, apart from opencast mining, brown coal (lignite) was also mined by underground methods. This is related to glaciotectonic disturbances leading to deposition of Miocene coal in the form of folds (synclines and anticlines). The highest number of underground brown coal mines in the 19th century was recorded in western
· Kitula G (2006) The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining on local livelihoods in Tanzania: A case study of Geita District. J Cleaner Prod 14: 405-414. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2004.01.012 [28] Caballero J (2017) Traditional small scale