Identify, explore and share your observations of wild plants. Pl@ntNet is a tool to help to identify plants with pictures. It is organized in different thematic and geographical floras.
Zobo is made from the calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa, also known as roselle. Zobo tea and drinks are rich in nutrients (carbohydrate, fibre, ash, vitamins A and C), minerals (potassium, magnesium
Botany is the scientific study of plants and plant-like organisms. It helps us understand why plants are so vitally important to the world. Plants start the majority of food and energy chains, they provide us with oxygen, food and medicine. Plants can be divided into two groups: plants 1 1 and plants 2 2. Plants 1 1 contain all photosynthetic
Generic Name 5. Specific Epithet. Naming of Plant # 1. Common Names: It is the name given to a plant by people in a particular area or locality. It is the vernacular name or local name. In a multilingual country like India, where there are several languages, almost all plants have local names, which differ from language to language, and even
The Scientific name of the neem tree is Azadirachta indica. It is one of the fastest-growing trees and can reach a height of about 90-98 ft and sometimes 131 ft and its diameter may reach about 66–82 ft. It is an evergreen, deep-rooted, perennial tree found throughout the dry regions of South Asia. This tree has a woody thick furrowed bark
Lignin is one of the main components of plant cell wall and it is a natural phenolic polymer with high molecular weight, complex composition and structure. Lignin biosynthesis
16.3E: Asexual Reproduction in Plants 16.3E: Self-incompatibility-How Plants Avoid Inbreeding 16.3F: Transgenic Plants 16.4: Plant Development-Fundamentals 16.4A: Plant Growth 16.4B: Germination of Seeds 16.4C: Etiolation 16.4D: Flowering 16.4E 16.5
Bryophytes (mosses) Pteridophytes (ferns) Gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants) Angiosperms (flowering plants) This list will be in parts, one for each of the four types of plants. Today we will be focusing on Angiosperms or Phylum Magnoliophyta, which in simple words are flowering plants.
Orcinus orca, the orca or the killer whale Trichocereus macrogonus var. pachanoi, the San Pedro cactus In taxonomy, binomial nomenclature ("two-term naming system"), also called binary nomenclature, is a formal system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, both of which use Latin grammatical forms, although they
Scientific names of common plants. There are many scientific names of plants, but here are some of the most common ones: Aconitum napellus – Aconite. Arum italicum – Italian arum. Dictamnus albus – Gas plant. Epipremnum aureum – Golden pothos. Narcissus pseudonarcissus – Daffodil. Olea europaea – Olive.
So, the biological name that is wrongly written is \textbf{"Mangifera Indica"}. Biology Notes Intro To Organisms & Pops Biol Biol 114 Biology Bio2022 Plant Morphology BIOL3408 Organismal Biology LaboratoryBIO 1131 Biological Principles IIBIOL 1108
Binomial name. Tinospora cordifolia. ( Thunb.) Miers. Tinospora cordifolia (common names heart-leaved moonseed, amrita, guduchi (in Sanskrit), gurbel or giloy, among others) is a herbaceous vine of the family Menispermaceae indigenous to tropical regions of the Indian subcontinent. [1] It has been used in Ayurveda to treat various disorders.
The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) is the set of rules and recommendations dealing with the formal botanical names that are given to plants. Its
From Aloe to Zebra Grass—and with over 1,000 plants to explore—find every plant in the alphabet within our comprehensive A to Z index. By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site
Common names are the local, familiar names given to plants. The same common name may be used for several completely different plants. For example, the common name “cedar” is a name given to a variety of plants with aromatic wood (recalling the “cedar” of antiquity, Cedrus spp.) or to plants that are reminiscent of other plants called “cedars,”
This is particularly done to determine the species and genus which thus helps in the nomenclature of the organism. A list of scientific names of extinct animals is presented below. Common name. Scientific name. Passenger pigeon. Ectopistes migratorius. Tasmanian tiger. Thylacinus cynocephalus.
Botanical Name: Jasminum. Jasminum is a genus that contains close to 200 species, ranging from the Common Jasmine ( Jasminum officinale) to more exotic species such as the Winter Jasmine ( Jasminum Nudiflorum). Most species of jasmine are native to warmer climates – such as the tropical and subtropical regions of Oceania and Eurasia.
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