Methods of processing nickel-titanium alloys-Google Patents
US7192496B2 US10/427,783 US42778303A US7192496B2 US 7192496 B2 US7192496 B2 US 7192496B2 US 42778303 A US42778303 A US 42778303A US 7192496 B2 US7192496 B2 US 7192496B2 Authority
· The value of mineralogical monitoring for grade definition, ore sorting, and processing is explained in the paper. 1. Introduction. Battery manufacturing together with the demand for stainless steel is the biggest driver for the global nickel mining industry. About 60% to 70% of the current worldwide. ores [1,2].
· Abstract. This paper presents a life cycle assessment (LCA) study of three nickel laterite processing technologies. The main goal was to quantify selected environmental impact categories and to compare and analyse each impact category for three different nickel feedstock for stainless steel production. The nickel laterite
· Afterwards, the crushed ore undergoes a flotation process, a method used to separate and concentrate ores based on whether their surfaces are repelled by, or attracted to, water. It is one of
· Abstract Facing the situation of nickel resource shortage and increasing nickel demand, it is an important task for the development of nickel industry to realize efficient utilization of low-grade nickel sulfide ore. In this work, the process of NaCl roasting-water leaching was proposed to simultaneously extract valuable metals from low
· summarized. Nickel extraction from primary resources such as ores/minerals (sulfides, arsenides, silicates, and oxides) including the unconventional one viz., the polymetallic sea nodules, and
· The chemical assays of the laterite samples are provided in Table 2. The nickel head grade of ores L, I and S (at <300 μm size fraction) was found to be 1.2%, 1.1%, and 3.0%, respectively. Nickel was found, more or less, at the same grade in all size fractions in these laterite ore samples.
Materials Proceedings | Free Full-Text | The Nickel Production Methods from Laterites and the Greek Ferronickel
Primary world nickel production in 2020 was 2430.7 kt Ni; 69% (1677.7 kt) of them came from oxidized nickel ores (laterites) and 31% from sulfides. Production-wise, 87.7% of the 1677.7 kt came from pyrometallurgical and 12.3% from hydrometallurgical processes. For a long time, Fe-Ni had a 20–40% Ni analysis, but in 2006 a new Fe-Ni quality came into
· The methods include chemical precipitation, electrowinning, solvent extraction, and ion exchange resin [145]. This part focuses on the recovery of nickel, cobalt, scandium, and iron. 4.1. Recovery of Nickel/Cobalt
:Nickel ProcessingNickel Extraction · This guide has provided an overview of the nickel processing process, covering mining methods, ore preparation, extraction processes, refining techniques,
· The article presents a new method of producing anhydrous nickel(II) perrhenate of high purity, entirely from waste from the national Cu industry. This method consists mainly of the reaction of water-washed nickel(II) oxide (obtained by purification in a mixture of alcohols, and subsequent roasting of the Ni-containing sulfate semi-finished
· Finally, the optimum processing parameters at the true strain of 0.85 can be determined to be 970–1150 C and 0.01–1.08s −1 with the η-value of 30.6–42.3%. In contrast, the construction method of novel 3D processing map
Nickel Laterites—Mineralogical Monitoring for Grade Definition and Process
The value of mineralogical monitoring for grade definition, ore sorting, and processing is explained in the paper. 1. Introduction. Battery manufacturing together with the demand for stainless steel is the biggest driver for the global nickel mining industry. About 60% to 70% of the current worldwide. ores [1,2].
· Gudim Yu. A. Effektivnye sposoby utilizatsii otkhodov metallurgicheskogo proizvodstva Urala [Effective methods of waste disposal of metallurgical production of the Urals], Ekologiya i
· Industrially, the pyrometallurgical treatment of laterites is mostly accomplished with a well-established method, namely, the rotary kiln–electric arc furnace (RKEF) process, which includes
Recent Progress in Hydrometallurgical Processing of Nickel
Laterite ore contributes to about 70% of the world’s land-based nickel resources. Hydrometallurgical techniques such as heap leaching (HL), atmospheric leaching (AL), high-pressure sulfuric acid leaching (HPAL), Caron process, and direct nickel process (DNi) are the most common processes to treat lateritic ore [4].
· Embodiments of the present invention provide methods of processing nickel-titanium alloys including from greater than 50 up to 55 atomic percent nickel to provide a desired austenite transformation temperature and/or austenite transformation temperature range. In
:Extraction of NickelRazika Razika Djouani DjouaniRecent Progress in Hydrometallurgical Processing of Nickel
Laterite ore contributes to about 70% of the world’s land-based nickel resources. Hydrometallurgical techniques such as heap leaching (HL), atmospheric leaching (AL), high-pressure sulfuric acid leaching (HPAL), Caron process, and direct nickel process (DNi) are the most common processes to treat lateritic ore [4].
· An optimization method of upsetting process for homogenized U720Li can be divided into three steps: 1) a safe area, which guarantees no cracks, is obtained according to the fracture prediction model; 2) an upsetting window in the
Advanced study on the extraction of Nickel from its ores
Nickel's extractive metallurgy is the most complex since there are two major types of ores, laterites, and sulfides, which make this paper a valuable guide by providing an overview
Method of processing nickel bearing raw material-Google Patents
WO publication WO2007/039665 discloses a method of producing a nickel product from nickel-bearing sulphide raw materials, such as nickel sulphide concentrate or ore or scrap. In the method, the raw material is leached in atmospheric conditions to an aqueous solution of sodium chloride and copper (II) chloride.
· New processing method to deliver huge benefits to global nickel industry. By CSIRO Media March 13th, 2013. An environmentally friendly processing method that uses and recycles nitric acid could unlock 70 per cent of the world’s nickel supply. Full-scale testing of the process has commenced at a A$3.5 million pilot plant at
· The processing of nickel laterites by high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) typically uses feeds with an average nickel content not less than 1.1%–1.2% (cut-off grade 1.0%) [] though recently several nickel laterite projects have been revalued with lower nickel cut-off grades based upon the cobalt content of the ore.
Mond process-Wikipedia
Mond process. The Mond process, sometimes known as the carbonyl process, is a technique created by Ludwig Mond in 1890, [1] to extract and purify nickel. The process was used commercially before the end of the 19th century, [2] and particularly by the International Nickel Company in the Sudbury Basin. [3] This process converts nickel
· Nickel metallurgy is a technology to extract nickel from nickel-bearing minerals and secondary resources. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Babylonians used coahuilite with high nickel content to make artifacts. The argentan produced in Yunnan in ancient China contains high nickel, which was once called “Chinese silver” in Europe.
· Fig. 4: Flow Sheet of the Processing of Magmatic Sulfide Ores (Natural Environment Research Council, 2008) Enhanced Methods of Nickel Recovery New processes are being developed in order to be more
:Nickel ProcessingNickel Laterite Mines AustraliaPublish Year:2002 · Nickel metallurgy is a complex process, involving methods of pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and electrochemical metallurgy. Nearly 20 valuable
:Nickel ProcessingExtraction of NickelNickel MiningNickel: smelting, producing-Metalpedia
· The comprehensive paper and representative bibliography allows individuals to quickly obtain a suitable background concerning a particular aspect of
· Iron content shall not exceed the nickel content. 2. Material processing. Although the microstructure of NAB alloys is sensitive to differences in composition, the microstructure is also sensitive to processing conditions such as cooling rate, aging, and thermal cycles from welding to AM.
· Nickel is a chemical element with the symbol Ni and atomic number 28. It is a silvery-white metal with a relatively high melting point and excellent corrosion resistance. Nickel is commonly found in the Earth’s crust, but it is typically extracted from its ore minerals through mining and processing. Nickel ore.