(PDF) Assessing the Ecological Effects of Mining in
With only 300% gains in 2011-2012 for steel production in the country coupled with 6 E. C. Merem et al.: Assessing the Ecological Effects of Mining in West Africa: The Case of Nigeria substantial declines (-80 to
Gypsum Mining, Gypsum Powder and Gypsum Board Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility
About one billion tons of gypsum deposits are spread over many sites in Nigeria. Plaster of Paris which is calcium sulphate with half molecule of water of crystallization (CaSo4. ½ H2 o) and hygroscopic characteristics obtained by
Figure 2 from An assessment of the impacts of Gypsum mining
DOI: 10.58216/kjri.v4i1.32 Corpus ID: 114573475 An assessment of the impacts of Gypsum mining on water quality in Kajiado County, Kenya @article{Omoti2016AnAO, title={An assessment of the impacts of Gypsum mining on water quality in Kajiado County, Kenya}, author={Kefa M. Omoti and J. J. Kitetu and Joseph.
Nigerian Mining Sector Brief-KPMG Nigeria
Nigeria is endowed with vast reserves of natural resources such as energy minerals like coal and lithium, metallic minerals like gold and lead-zinc and industrial minerals like limestone and barite. The country was a major exporter of tin, columbite and coal in the 1960s to early 1970s. However, activities in this sector nose-dived considerably
Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in Nigeria: A Review
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering And Science Vol.10, Issue 7 (July 2020), PP 27-31 Issn (e): 2278-4721, Issn (p):2319-6483, www.researchinventy.com 27 Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in Nigeria: A Review Ouadadi Senouci
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The environmental impact of gypsum mining can be mitigated through increased level of awareness of environmental hazards among inhabitants; provision of tarred road to stop
· In 1979, Nigeria had initiated construction of the iron and steel projects which by 1985 were over 90% complete, including the National Iron ore Mining Company at Itakpe, two liquid steel
· Due to the poor management and regulation of the mining sector in Nigeria, most mining activities are prompted by artisanal and small-scale miners, who make up about 95% of miners in Nigeria
· The gypsum structure (see Fig. 4) is composed of parallel layer of (S O 4) 2 − group closely combined with (Ca) 2 +, the parallel layers are separated by water (H 2 O) molecules, and there are weak bonds between adjacent water molecules(Jha and Sivapullaiah, 2017).).
· The amount of gypsum required to displace sodium with calcium throughout the root zone is much higher (more than 20 tonnes per hectare) than that applied for the short-term effect. Such high rates are usually uneconomical in the short term and, in some cases, the amount of calcium needed to displace all sodium is so high the crop will
· This implies that quarry activities fairly pollute water sources around the quarries. According to Melodi (2017), water pollution was identified as an after -effect of the surface mining in the
· 2009-2016, increase in the local cement production alone from 8MT in 2009 to. 38MT in 2016 saw to the rise in the demand for gypsum from 0.4MT in 2009 to. 1.71MT in 2016 and it is projected that
List of Gypsum Mining Companies in Nigeria-Finelib.com
1 Chicason Group. 21 Bourdillon Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. 01 293 4481, 01 293 4480, 01 293 4767. 01 262 2983. More info. Write a Review. Chicason Group gears towards the development of the mining sector of the country by through technologically driven mining of mineral resources like gypsum, gemstones etc.
· From the foregoing, it is apparent that there is strong linkage between mining and SDGs – both positive and synergistic relationships on one side and a series of negative relationships between mining and the SDGs on the other side. These relationships need to be nurtured to ensure that mining activities contribute maximally to human
Environmental Issues and the Prospects of Mining in Nigeria
Sustainable mining activity has enormous positive impacts, such as: providing employment opportunities and support for local businesses and organizations (Mathew, 2017); if
· Such a trend indicates that as the pH decreases and the flow rates of V increase, the amount of rock dissolution and K c increases. These results from the effect of pH on K c supports similar
· According to studies, mining is one of the most hazardous industries in the world in terms of environmental impacts, as well as long-term human health effects (Olatunji, 2020). The activities of
· OVERVIEW OF THE NIGERIAN MINING SECTOR: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Introduction. Nigeria is richly endowed with abundance of mineral resources. The country boasts of more than 40 valuable mineral deposits including clay and kaolin, gold, gypsum, iron ore, lead and zinc, phosphate, and tin across the 36 States.
Gypsum Mineral Deposits in Nigeria with their Locations and
Gypsum Mineral-Nigeria, West Africa is blessed with Gypsum-rich states and has about 1 billion tons of gypsum deposited in Adamawa, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Delta, Edo, Gombe, Imo, Kogi, Ondo, and Sokoto. Its existence has been far reported since 1921 and the various grades of gypsum from all the various states of deposits have
Mining reforms in Nigeria to drive sector growth-Africa 2023
Some, including sand and laterite, reported smaller output in 2021 than in 2020, while non-industrial, solid mining tonnage jumped overall in 2021. This demonstrates the impact of
· The results not only reveal large deposits and changes in production, Nigeria’s mineral deposits showed continual growth much of the time despite a few declines. From a -16.98% drop in 2010-2011, aluminium deposits rose by 22.64-63.08% in 2008 to 2009 and the other years.
(PDF) An assessment of impacts of extractive industries on Air Quality a case study of gypsum mining
An assessment of impacts of extractive industries on Air Quality a case study of gypsum mining in Kajiado Kenya . × Close Log In Log in with Facebook Log in with Google or Email Password Remember me on this computer or reset password Enter the email
· Mineral exploration, mining and processing have resulted in environmental damages including ecological disturbance, destruction of natural flora, pollution of air, land and water, instability of
· In 2022, the total production volume of gypsum and anhydrite in Nigeria reached 20,0000 metric tons. Basic Statistic Molycorp's revenue 2008-2014 Basic Statistic Global graphite reserves 2023, by
· Mining activities expose the land to erosion, water pollution and other environmental disasters which pose threat to humans. This study aimed at assessing the impact of land degradation because
· With the negation of the emerging issues in Nigeria’s mining sector over the years [30-33], this research will fill that void by using a mix scale approach of descriptive statistics and GIS in
· In the past two decades, the Federal Government of Nigeria has made concerted efforts to revitalise and grow Nigeria's mining sector to diversify its sources of revenue and foreign exchange
Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in Nigeria: A Review
This paper notes that mining effects are destroying environment and threating workers health in Nigeria. Deforestation, soil erosion, water and air pollution play significant roles
· Abstract and Figures. This study was designed to detect heavy metals level in water collected from Daura gypsum mining site, Yobe State, Nigeria. Samples were collected and analyzed using Atomic