Flotation of chromite and serpentine-ResearchGate
G.P. Gallios et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 55 (2007) 232–237 233 chromite surface [5]. Modifying agents may be used to increase selectivity. Another work [11] considered the
Flotation Collectors for Industrial Minerals | domain.com-Arkema
Arkema specializes in developing custom-formulated flotation collectors to maximize the grade and recovery of industrial minerals. Collectors, some of the most important reagents used in the froth flotation process, are used to modify the surface properties of minerals to control how they float. They selectively bind to the surface of target
Previous investigations of chromite flotation have generally involved the use of fatty acids, amines, alkyl sulfates, soaps, and various additives^,^,^,^> 11,16,19) ^ In
· The flotation response of bastnasite mainly depends on the surface charge and solution chemistry of. surface species. The pote ntial determining ions (pdi) appear to be pH dependent and are
Coming to flotation of chromite,no commercial scale of operation has been attempted as far as the writer knows. their statements. Among these 0. C. Ralston mentions the use of fatty acids and their soaps in concentration. Steve Dembicki has tried to
A Review of Fatty Acid Collectors: Implications for Spodumene Flotation
The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L3N6, Canada. * Correspondence: 9bc25@queensu.ca. Abstract: Increasing demand for lithium‐ion batteries has led to
· Fatty acids have also commercially been used in the flotation of oxide copper minerals from siliceous ores, where "copper oxide" is a generic term for non-sulfide copper minerals [20].
· Abstract. Selective flotation of minerals is a separation method based on differences in surface properties of minerals. An auxiliary pretreatment on minerals, prior to flotation, can help to increase the selectivity of separation process. Surface dissolution is a pretreatment process modifying surface properties of minerals.
· Chromite Uses Area. The only ore of chromium. Chromium is used with various other metals to give hardness to steel, also as a plating material because of its non-corrosive nature. Chromite
Beneficiation Studies on the Low-Grade Chromite of Muslim
Free chromite + Locked chromite (%) Beneficiation studies. Flotation tests were carried out in a Denver flotation machine (Model D-12) at a speed of 1000 rpm for the recovery of chromite. The ore for flotation feed was prepared by grinding the roll product in
· This is the same material that was used in the study involving the flotation of hematite as a function of pH using C6-C18 saturated fatty acids (Quast, 2006). This sample was crushed to all passing 1.7 mm and riffled into 500 g charges.
· In the beneficiation of phosphate ores, fatty acids and their salts are commonly used as collectors to float phosphate minerals due to their low cost and strong collecting ability (Cao et al. 2016
· Long-alkyl chain fatty acids and their derivatives are also used as ‘dual action’ reagents in mineral processing. Sodium oleate, linoleic or oleic acid are used in the flotation of apatite, calcite or spodumene ( Atrafi et al., 2012 , Cheng et al., 2017 , Lafhaj et al., 2017 , Shi et al., 2014 , Wang et al., 2018 ).
· From an ore feed grading 20.27% Cr2O3, a chromite concentrate of 28.71% Cr2O3 with recovery of 94.54 % could be obtained by flotation at collector dosage of 0.300 kg /t , neutral pulp (pH 9
:5 · A flotation scheme, which introduced the use of a fluoride ion with a fatty-acid collector for selective recovery of chromite, was used in the initial studies. This method, developed and patented by Richard
Review of the reagents used in the direct flotation of phosphate ores
Beneficiation of low-grade phosphate deposits through direct froth flotation has captured more attention to satisfy the future needs of phosphorous industry. This is owing to the excessive consumption of the global reserves of high-grade phosphate deposits. Phosphate flotation using mixed collectors has been proved to give greater selectivity and high
Collectors used in phosphate ores flotation | Download Table
Firstly, anionic collectors, including long-chain fatty acids and corresponding salts, in particular oleic acid or its soap, are the most extensively used types (Sis and Chander, 2003)..
· This study investigated the recovery of nickel from tailings (0.2% Ni) obtained in a chromite beneficiation plant using H2SO4 leaching followed by oxalic acid precipitation. The tailings were characterized using mineral liberation analysis. Ni was found as Fe-Ni, Fe-Ni-Co sulfide minerals, which were encapsulated in serpentine, olivine,
· A flotation scheme, which introduced the use of a fluoride ion with a fatty-acid collector for selective recovery of chromite, was used in the initial studies. This method, developed and patented by Richard Havens, is applicable primarily to particle sizes between 48- and 200-mesh.
· Floatability Although flotation is not a major method of beneficiation for chromite ores, fatty acids, such as oleic acid, have been used extensively where this method has been adopted. One of the major difficulties with flotation is the wide variation in surface properties of chromites from different locations.
Beneficiation of South African chromite tailings using Magnetic
As a result, it is expected that enriching of the chromite by magnetic separation will yield favourable results. The chromite content in the courser fraction is much lower at an average of 12.79%. This is typical tailing which will be uneconomical to enrich. Figure 3: Chromite and Silica deportation. 3.5.
Separation of chromite from olivine by anionic collectors
Because of the complex nature of chromite and olivine which is the most abundant adjoininig mineral, the type of collector is very important in this flotation. After examination of the effect of sodium oleate on chromite and olivine by adsorption studies and electrokinetic mobility measurements, sodium oleate and other anionic collectors were
· Phosphoric acid and derivatives (e.g., diphosphonic acid) is the most widely used depressant in reverse flotation of phosphate ore in order to depress the valuable mineral apatite while sodium silicate and gum arabic are used as depressants for the gangue minerals in direct flotation of the phosphate ores. 5.
A Review of Fatty Acid Collectors: Implications for Spodumene Flotation
Spodumene concentration with DMS is achieved by rejecting gangue minerals with specific gravities (SG) lower than spodumene (SG of 3.1– 3.2). However, DMS is most effective with coarser particles (> 0.85 mm), which means concentration by DMS is limited by the degree of spodumene liberation.
17.1: Fatty Acids-Chemistry LibreTexts
17.1: Fatty Acids is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts. Fatty acids are carboxylic acids that are the structural components of many lipids. They may be saturated or unsaturated. Most fatty acids are unbranched and contain an even number of carbon atoms..
Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite-Abido-1971
The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied.
· Modifying agent when used with Tallso and other fatty acids in flotation of ilmenite and rutile from beach sand. Naphthenic Acid “D” A petroleum bi-product. Undiluted liquid .5 to 2.0 A frother and promoter for flotation of potash salts, barite, magnesite and
Effect of sodium oleate dose on the flotation of chromite.
Moreover, as it is evident from Fig. 2, the use of SDS and CTMAB as flotation collectors, is strongly dependent on pH, a disadvantage for practical operation. Fig. 3 shows that chromite floated
· It was demonstrated that, when Na-oleate is used as collector, chromite, olivine and serpentine can be separated at pH 2.5 and/or pH 5.5 when employing ethylene-diamine tetraacetate (EDTA) on previously deslimed material. This approach ensures flotation concentrates with a Cr2O3 content better than 50% with a recovery of more
· Chromite is one of the main gangue consituents of UG2 ore and it is essential that the amount of chromite reporting to the concentrate during flotation be minimised since it is detrimental to the subsequent smelting operations. It is generally considered that chromite is naturally hydrophilic and only reports to the concentrate by