· It was found that a maximum zinc extraction (95% Zn) was obtained at a 4.5 M concentration of sulphuric acid in 3 h leaching at 70 C, keeping the solid:liquid weight ratio at 1:5 Iron and
· This paper attempts to capture the difference between the ultrasound augmented and conventional sulphuric acid leaching of zinc from zinc residue, having a Zn content of 12.31 %, along with other
Effect of iron in zinc silicate concentrate on leaching with sulphuric acid
Similarly, Souza et al. (2007) veri ed the in uence of temperature on leaching a zinc silicate fi fl calcine in the range 3060 °C. – Figs. 6 (high-iron) and 7 (low-iron) present the effect of sulphuric acid concentration on the rate of zinc extraction. In both cases, zinc extraction increases gradually with the sulphuric acid concentration
· PDF Pressure leaching of zinc silicate ore in sulfuric acid medium
present work, zinc silicate ore is treated by method of pressure leaching in sulphuric acid medium. The optimum conditions for zinc extraction and silica dissolution from zinc silicate ore in sulphuric acid medium under pressure are systematically investigated. 2.
Zinc recovery from sphalerite concentrate by direct oxidative leaching
periments, the initial sulphuric acid concentration 5% (v/v), leaching temperature (333 K), pulp density (10%) and the amount of ammonium persulphate 20% (w/v) were maintained constant as shown in
· The optimum condition for leaching of zinc from zinc oxide dust was identified to be a leaching temperature of 79.0 C, a leaching time of 35.4 h, a liquid/solid ratio of 12.1 and an NTA
Germanium and Indium Recovery from Zinc Metallurgy by-Products—Dross Leaching in Sulphuric and Oxalic Acids
Generally, the processing of indium-bearing material comprises leaching in hydrochloric [35,36] or sulphuric acid [34,36,37], followed by precipitation of concentrate [35–38] or solvent
· Despite many researches were reported on sulfuric acid leaching of zinc silicate ores at 293-368 K, work on the high temperature leaching of siliceous zinc ores is scanty. Sulfuric acid leaching
[PDF] Reductive leaching of zinc and indium from industrial zinc ferrite particulates in sulphuric acid
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(16)64342-X Corpus ID: 138775171 Reductive leaching of zinc and indium from industrial zinc ferrite particulates in sulphuric acid media @article{Fan2016ReductiveLO, title={Reductive leaching of zinc and indium from industrial zinc ferrite particulates in sulphuric acid media}, author={Zhang Fan and Chang Wei
· Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Sulfuric acid leaching of zinc silicate ore under pressure" by H. Xu et al. DOI: 10.1016/J.HYDROMET.2010.07.014 Corpus ID: 93398547 Sulfuric acid leaching of zinc silicate ore under pressure @article{Xu2010SulfuricAL, title
· The highest recoveries of zinc, nickel and iron were obtained at a leaching time of 240 minutes, particle size of 75 μm, sulphuric acid concentration of 1 M, temperature of 55 C.
:Publish Year:2007A.D. Souza, P.S. Pina, E.V.O. Lima, C.A. da Silva, V.A. Leão · This chapter covers the most significant Zn secondary leaching using inorganic sulphuric acid (H2SO4) as lixiviant. The physical, chemical, and
· The optimum conditions for leaching Zn and Ge from zinc oxide dust are as follows: ozone time 10 min, leaching temperature 90 ℃, initial acidity 160 g/L, leaching time 60 min, and liquid/solid mass ratio 7:1. Under the optimum conditions, the leaching rates of Zn and Ge are 95.79% and 93.65%, respectively.
Recovery of zinc from zinc ash by leaching in sulphuric acid and
The zinc ash contained simonkolleite, zinc oxide and metallic zinc as main phases. Influence of solid to liquid ratio (150–500 kg/m3) and sulphuric acid concentration (20% and 25%) on dissolution of zinc and metallic impurities was investigated. 95–97% zinc recovery was obtained for 150–200 kg/m3 in 20% H2SO4, but the solu
· pr ese nce of 0. 2 g/l MnO 2 could result in uranium leaching. effi cien cy of about 87%. The leachin g kinetic s of ura-. nium showed that the rate of ur anium leaching using. sul phur ic acid in
· In this study, extraction characteristics of Cu, Co, Zn and Fe from copper converter slag by oxidative leaching with potassium dichromate–sulphuric acid lixiviant were investigated. The experimental results indicated that the presence of dichromate has a large influence on the extraction of metals.
· However, the leaching kinetics of these concentrates has received little attention. This work, therefore, addresses the leaching of a zinc silicate concentrate in sulphuric acid. The effects of particle size (0.038–0.075mm), temperature (30–50°C) and initial acid concentration (0.2–1.0mol/L) were studied. The results show that decreasing
· The leaching efficiency of sulphuric acid towards several metallic elements such as Ni, Zn and even Cu, contained in a galvanic sludge, is much higher than that observed by using ammonia/ammonium carbonate. In fact, the metals dissolution by H 2 SO 4 is almost complete within 1 h, while leached levels reached upon by ammoniacal
(PDF) Optimization study of the leaching of roasted zinc sulphide concentrate with sulphuric acid
Sulphuric acid is a leaching reactant used to recover zinc from oxidized zinc ores. FeCl3 and Fe2 (SO4 )3 salts with H2 SO4 have been used as leaching reactant for direct ∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Chemical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Atatürk Üniversity, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey.
· As already stated, the alkaline leaching kinetics of zinc-containing materials is far less studied than acid leaching kinetics and activation energy values vary considerably as shown in Table 2. An activation energy of 45.1 kJ/mol was determined for the sodium hydroxide leaching of EAF dusts by Jarupisitthorn et al. (2003) , which is
· In second stage, NaClO 3 used as oxidant with sulfuric acid recovered 91.6% Ge. Quite recently, germanium and indium recovery from leaching of zinc dross was tested in sulfuric and oxalic acids by
· Water leaching experiments were ended with insufficient zinc extractions in the order of 18% at different duration and temperature which led to hot sulphuric acid treatment of blended leach residue. By hot acid leaching 71.9% of Zn was taken into solution at the optimum conditions of 150 g/L H 2 SO 4 , 120 min, 95 °C, 200 g/L pulp
Email: [email protected]Pressure leaching of zinc silicate ore in sulfuric acid medium
Sulfuric acid pressure leaching of zinc silicate ore was carried out to assess the effect of particle size, sulfuric acid concentration, pressure, reaction time and temperature on the
Effect of iron in zinc silicate concentrate on leaching with sulphuric acid
Batch leaching experiments under industrial conditions (150 g/L solids; 70± 2 C; 7 h retention time; 35 g/L fi nal acid concentration and 2.75 L total volume) were also carried out Share "Effect of iron in zinc silicate concentrate on leaching with sulphuric acid"
:Zinc ExtractionPublish Year:2021 · A novel hydrometallurgical procedure is described for the recovery of zinc from zinc silicate ores which have high acid-soluble zinc and silica contents. The
Leaching of Metals from Hydrometallurgical Residue by Sulfuric Acid
2 H2SO4 ==== CuSO4 +H2S(aq) Hydrogen according is distributed. according The leaching ====H2S(g) efficiencies to extraction the following = [(C1×V1 ) / (W1×C2)]×100% equation: of Zn, Fe and Cu metals were calculated. hydrometallurgical W1 Fe Cu metals in V1 C2 (%): the percent of metals Zn, Fe and of concentrations leaching solution
· Physical and chemical properties of electric arc furnace (EAF) dust from Tianjin seamless Pipe Company were measured and analyzed. The zinc leaching tests in alkaline medium were carried out under variation of leaching agent concentration, leaching temperature, leaching cumulative time and solid-to-liquid ratio. The thermodynamics and
:Sulfuric AcidZincKinetics of sulphuric acid leaching of a zinc silicate
This work, therefore, addresses the leaching of a zinc silicate concentrate in sulphuric acid. The effects of particle size (0.038–0.075mm), temperature (30–50°C) and initial
· With different properties, zinc is one of the most important non-ferrous metals and it is used in various application areas, especially as an anti-corrosion agent. In Turkey, zinc production was based on zinc carbonate ores (ZnCO3), at Çinkur plant from establishment to 1997 due to high reserves of zinc carbonate. After that, zinc
· Abstract Zinc ferrite of the general formula (Zn 1−x Fe x 2+) Fe 2 3+ O 4 (x≤0.4) is the principal constituent of the “neutral-leach residues” which are commonly treated by “hot-acid leaching” in electrolytic zinc plants. In