· Slags from the ferrous and nonferrous metallurgical industries have been used to treat toxic contaminants in water and wastewater. Using slag as a recycling or renewable resource rather than a waste product has environmental and economic benefits. Recycled smelter slags can be used in both in situ and ex situ treatment. However, their
· Abstract. The production of raw titanium metal relies on natural and man-made feed materials, including natural rutile, titanium dioxide slags of different grades (“chloride slag,” UGS, and “sulfate slag”), and synthetic rutile. Natural rutile was the feedstock of choice at the early years of the Kroll process, but nowadays it comes in
of Slags by Big Data Mining-MDPI
Minerals 2020, 10, 257 3 of 15 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Data Collection and Preprocessing A total of 1459 slags’ (i.e., samples) data with one variable denoting slags’
Application of steel slags, ferronickel slags, and copper mining
DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107175 Corpus ID: 261265755 Application of steel slags, ferronickel slags, and copper mining waste as construction materials: A review @article{Kurniati2023ApplicationOS, title={Application of steel slags, ferronickel slags, and copper mining waste as construction materials: A review}, author={Eka Oktavia Kurniati
· as well as some types of bauxite residues and mine tailings [7, 8 13-17]. Slags originating from the ferrous of the former ore processing area. The slags exhibit high concentrations of Co (247
· In this study, four steelmaking slags with different compositions, shown in Table 1, were used to investigate the effect of composition on the granulation process. Initial compositions of slags mainly consisted of CaO, iron oxides (FeO and Fe 2 O 3 ), SiO 2, and a small amount of P 2 O 5 and Al 2 O 3. Slag A has the highest basicity (CaO/SiO
· Abstract The world of stainless steel production was 52 Mt in 2019, and the annual amount of slags including electric furnace, AOD converter, ladle, and casting tundish, was estimated at 15–17 Mt. Nowadays, only a minor fraction of slags from stainless steel production is utilized and a major part goes to landfilling. These slags contain high
· Slags are byproducts of mining and processing of ore minerals (Ettler et al., 2009; Piatak et al., 2015; Potysz et al., 2015). These metallurgical byproducts are significant in volume; for example, it is estimated that in order to produce a given amount of copper (e.g. 1 ton) the process generates twice the equivalent volume of slag (e.g. 2
processing mining slags
chinese mineral processing machine for copper iron ore slag chinese mineral processing machine for copper iron ore slag offers 718 china clay processing plant products. About 19% of these are mineral separator, 12% are mine mill, and 2% are other mining
· After 55 5 min after the start of the slag leaching, the pulp (slag: water = 1:3) was continuously fed into the reactor from tank 1 using peristaltic pump 2, and from tank 3 using pump 4–10.5 wt.% sulfuric acid solution containing 1.0 g L 1 copper. Simultaneously, the pulp was unloaded using. Metals 2023, 13, 1265.
Sequential Bioleaching of Pyritic Tailings and Ferric Leaching of Nonferrous Slags as a Method for Metal Recovery from Mining
to ore-processing plants’ operation. Estimates of average mine tailings production worldwide range from 5 to 7 billion tons per year [3]. Mine tailings may contain metals, such as copper, nickel, and zinc, in relatively high concentrations (from 0.5% to 3%), and
· Steel slags are identified with the waste code 10 02 01 (slag processing wastes) and 10 02 02 waste code (untreated slags) in the Annex-4 list (waste from the iron and steel industry) of the Waste
· Slag brick is made by mixing, watering, grinding and pressing slag and limestone. In the production process of slag brick, the particle size of the slag is generally smaller than 8 mm, and the steam temperature injected into the kiln is about 80 ℃ to 100 ℃, the maintaining time is about 12 hours.
· Methods for Processing Slags of Copper Production A.A. Yusupkhodjaev, Sh.T. Khojiev, X.R. Scientific and technical basis for the processing of mining and metallurgical wastes. Tashkent: Fan
Slag is mainly a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide. Broadly, it can be classified as ferrous (by-products of processing iron and steel), ferroalloy (a by-product of ferroalloy
· This article presents the mineralogical and chemical characteristics of zinc and lead smelting slags, with particular reference to the slags formed during the simultaneous production of Zn and Pb by the Imperial Smelting Process. These slags, because of the presence of many metals in their composition, mainly in the form of
· Large amounts of copper slag are produced every year and major fractions of it are currently disposed, not withstanding the multiple ways the material can be used. Application of the slag is often limited by the presence of hazardous elements and their leaching behavior so they can potentially pollute soil, surface water and underground
Modeling and Prediction on Viscosity of Slags by Big Data Mining
A two‐equation model of six‐degree polynomial combined with Arrhenius formula is also established for the purpose of providing theoretical guidance for industrial application and reutilization
: Nadine M. Piatak, Michael B. Parsons, Robert R. Seal · Slags are important by-products generated by ferrous and non-ferrous pyrometallurgical operations, with hundreds of millions of tonnes generated globally e.
· In view of deterioration of the raw material base it is necessary to optimize autogenous smelting of copper sulphide raw materials, to intensify the heating regime, and to increase Vanyukov furnace (VF) productivity, which is possible when additional fuel is supplied to the process also acting as a reducing agent. Physicochemical investigation
· to ore-processing plants’ operation. Estimates of average mine tailings production worldwide range from 5 to 7 billion tons per year [3]. Mine tailings may contain metals, such as copper, nickel, and zinc, in relatively high
Current State Of Copper Smelting Slags And Their Processing: A
Alamova Gulbahor Khamroevna, Khojiev Shokhrukh Toshpulatovich, & Okhunova Roziya Khamroevna. (2021). Current State Of Copper Smelting Slags And Their Processing: A Review. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(2), 49-55
· Mining activities lead to substantial quantities of tailings and slags containing metallic trace elements (MTE), leave persistent pollutants in the environment and are toxic even in low
Studying The Possibilities of Processing of Mining Slags
The article discusses the inevitability of copper losses due to slag, as well as the possibility of decreasing them through various approaches and the use of local secondary
· Historically slags have been discarded as a waste product and, through release of potentially toxic trace elements, represent a hazard to the environment and human health. However, increasingly we are realizing the resource potential of what was previously thought of as waste, thus reducing the environmental impact and taking a step
Metallurgical Slag-an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Metallurgical slag is the solid waste produced by the metallurgical industry, such as steel slag, blast furnace slag (BFS), red mud (RM), and copper slag (CS). The heavy metals in metallurgical slags, such as lead, chromium, and cadmium, are harmful to the environment (Zhou et al., 2021; Rahou et al., 2022 ).
· The mass production of steel is inevitably accompanied by large quantities of slags. The treatment of ironmaking and steelmaking slags is a great challenge in the sustainable development of the steel industry. Japan and China are two major steel producing countries that have placed a large emphasis on developing new technologies
· The article presents an overview of the methods of processing slag from Waelz process, and various approaches employed by scientists globally, aimed at processing such slags. Despite several listed methods of processing slag from Waelz process, none entails a sufficient complex nature of its processing. In addition, the slag
· From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, extensive Zn–Pb mining and smelting was carried out in East-Belgium. By lack of waste treatment techniques and sustainable management practices, metal-bearing slags and unprocessed waste were dumped in huge tailings, which still represent an important
· The classification of mine residue as hazardous has been shown to negatively affect mine waste entering a circular economy (Haywood et al., 2019). Table 2 . The acceptance criteria of the relevant landfill class in the EU including three types of landfills (inert, non-hazardous and hazardous) based on two-stage CEN batch leaching