· Optimisation of Reagent Addition during Flotation of a Nickel Sulphide ore at the Nkomati Mine Concentrator Prepared by: Riyard Kahn (783709) Supervised by: Prof Vusumuzi Sibanda 28 January 2017 A dissertation
:Saeed Farrokhpay, Lev FilippovPublish Year:2016 · The process exploits the particle size dependence of nickel sulphide flotation and the different ways that pH change and pulp density influence the response
· Wang et al. [] proposed using a scrubbing–desliming and flotation process to enrich vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum, and in a study obtained Vanadium–molybdenum-rich sludge and nickel-containing tailings products. The V 2 O 5 and molybdenum grades in
Hydrometallurgical nickel and cobalt plants and processes
Other precipitation processes Leach solution purification as well as nickel, cobalt, and by-product recovery can also be achieved via various precipitation, oxidative precipitation, neutralization, cementation, and reduction technologies using Metso Outotec OKTOP
· The sulphidation of a nickeliferous lateritic ore was studied at temperatures between 450 and 1100 °C and for sulphur additions of 25–1000 kg of sulphur per tonne of ore. The experiments
· Over the past 10 years, a significant advancement in machine learning applications in flotation processes has become evident. Research has approached different challenges in this mechanism by employing various models that have been specifically developed and adjusted for a particular flotation problem. 3.1.
Nickel processing-Extraction, Refining, Alloying | Britannica
In carbonyl refining, carbon monoxide is passed through the matte, yielding nickel and iron carbonyls [Ni (CO) 4 and Fe (CO) 5 ]. Nickel carbonyl is a very toxic and volatile vapour that, after purification, is decomposed on pure nickel pellets to produce nickel shot. Copper, sulfur, and precious metals remain in the residue and are treated
· Also a dependence of nickel recovery upon both conditioning speed and conditioning time was observed in the flotation process (Chen et al., 1999a, Chen et al., 1999b, Engel et al., 1997). Xanthate is one of the most commonly used collectors for the flotation of sulphide minerals.
· Air is self-induced through a valve on the shaft. Alternately air can be supplied from a compressor and controlled by valve. What rotor speed is used on the D12 in a flotation test is a matter of personal choice or company standard. The speed affects the degree of agitation and the amount of air going into the cell and the number of air bubbles
(PDF) Flotation of nickel-copper sulphide ore : optimisation of process
A new method, staged flotation for effectively increasing the recovery of ultra-fine copper oxide ore with a new type of collector (ZH-1, C3-5 carbon chain xanthate) is proposed for the first time. The flotation process and mechanism were examined by flotation tests
· The effect of microwave treatment on the grinding and flotation performance of a typical copper–nickel sulfide ore was evaluated, based on the determination of its microwave absorption capability, grinding and flotation indexes such as crack percentage, mineral liberation degree, particle size distribution, relative work index
· Flotation of nickel oxide with amyl xanthate showed an optimum pH range ca. 4 to 8. •. The isoelectric point of NiO was ca. pH 8.1 and showed an acidic shift in the presence of AmX −. This, coupled with the flotation result, suggests that interaction between NiO and AmX is at least partly physical (electrostatic). •.
:Nickel Sulfide FlotationCopper · The challenges in processing nickel laterite ores using flotation process were comprehensively reviewed. Literature shows that flotation has not been successful
· Concentrators Process W ater Using Dissolved Air Flotation Annukka Aaltonen 1, 2, * , Thi Minh Khanh Le 1 , Eija Saari 1 , Olli Dahl 2 , Benjamin Musuku 2,3 , Aleksandra Lang 4 , Sakari
Flotation: The Past, Present and Future of Mineral Processing?
“Advanced process control and statistical process control will allow us to do a much better job of controlling the flotation process than we do today,” he said. “I have yet to see a mineral processing operation that uses statistical process control; it’s difficult to apply to continuous processes.
· Kinetic studies of ion removal from wastewater give insights into the ion flotation process and facilitate the engineering process. This study evaluated the effect of hydrodynamic parameters on the nickel ion flotation kinetics in the OGC at energy input from 0 to 2 W/kg, using 130 and 820 μm bubbles at three SDS/Ni(II) ratios and at three
[PDF] Flotation of nickel-copper sulphide ore : optimisation of process
Froth flotation is widely used for concentration of base metal sulphide minerals in complex ores. One of the major challenges faced by flotation of these ores is the ever varying grade and mineralogy. This therefore calls for a continual characterisation and optimisation of flotation parameters such that concentrator performance as a whole is always
· Ikotun, B., Adams, F. and Ikotun, A. (2016). Application of three xanthates collectors on the recovery of nickel and pentlandite in a low-grade nickel sulfide ore using optimum flotation parameters.
· Quast et al. (2015a) have concluded that the complex mineralogy of nickel laterite ores makes it difficult to achieve any significant nickel upgrading by physical techniques, including flotation. They achieved 40% increase in the nickel content (from 1.0% to 1.4%) at a nickel recovery of 43% (Quast et al., 2015c).
· For the beneficiation process, nickel ore was processed by jaw crushers, a circular vibrating screen, ball mills, a flotation machine and a thickener to obtain the mixed nickel–copper concentrate with a nickel content of approximately 8.6%.
Research on flotation process of copper-nickel sulfide ore | 10
The ore is ground to 75% -0.074 mm, and then mixed flotation process is carried out to obtain mixed concentrate, which undergoes two roughings, three beneficiations, and two sweeps. The obtained mixed concentrate contains 3.03% nickel, 73.03% recovery, 2.
The Effect of Oxidation on the Flotation Behaviour of Nickel-CopperOres
ABSTRACT. Surface oxidation is one of the most imponant factors that influence the flotation selectivity and recovery in the processing of complex sulphide ores. It is an inherent part of surface chemical reactions that determine whether the surface fJ.1m formed on a sulphide mineral will act as a hydrophobic or hydrophilic one.
· Heavy metal contaminated waters are a significant environmental hazard, which require novel treatment methodologies. Further, the metals which might be recovered from these streams have significant intrinsic value, if they can be collected and concentrated. This work demonstrates, for the first time, the use of surfactin, an
· The results of theoretical and technological investigations have been presented for the application of electrochemical technology in copper-nickel flotation processing schemes. The sorbed xanthate and dithiophosphate products on chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite have been studied in distinct polarisation conditions of mineral
· The possibility of using Tecflote non-ionic organic agents as collectors in the flotation of copper-nickel ores is estimated. Non-frothing flotation experiments showed their specific behavior toward nickel and copper sulfide minerals, and the higher activity is manifested relative to nickel-bearing minerals. When used separately from standard
· Pre-concentration of laterite ores by flotation was found to be possible, but it is highly determined by the ore mineralogy. In this study, no or minor upgrade in the nickel content was found for
· Abstract. The challenges in processing nickel laterite ores using flotation process were comprehensively reviewed. Literature shows that flotation has not been successful to recover nickel from laterite ores. Nickel in laterite ores is often finely disseminated in various minerals in very fine size. Therefore, fine grinding can be useful
· Abstract. Effect of calcium and thiosulfate ions on flotation of a Ni–Cu ore was investigated. The ions improved the flotability of sulfides at the normal process pH after grinding in steel mill
· Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Process mineralogy of copper-nickel sulphide flotation by a cyclonic-static micro-bubble flotation column" by Yijun Cao et al. DOI: 10.1016/S1674-5264(09)60143-5 Corpus ID:
:G.D. Senior, W.J. Trahar, P.J. GuyPublish Year:1995NICKEL AND COBALT ORES: FLOTATION-911 Metallurgist
Most of the world’s nickel is extracted from the mineral pentlandite, (Ni, Fe)9S8, which frequently oc-curs in ores containing predominantly pyrrhotite and various non-sulRdes, some of which contain magne-sium (Table 1). The nickel content in such sul Rde ores is generally low (0.2}3%) and varies from place to place in the same deposit.