ハンス・ハーケ「rhine-water purification plant」. (1972) クレーフェルトのハウスランゲでのインスタレーション。. ハーケは、クレーフェルトのからされたラインのをにれた。. このをのガラスにれてギャラリーのに
Wim DELVOYE porte un regard incisif sur la société de consommation et le monde de l'art que l'éloquence du dispositif scientifique irrigue d'une certaine ironie. Processus biologique et projet esthétique : la vie chromatique des moisissures de michel BLAZY dans Running al fresco de 2015 (Biennale de Lyon, La vie moderne).
Take Hans Haacke’s Rhinewater Purification Plant (1972) first exhibited at the Museum Haus Lange in Krefeld. Haacke’s project was a matter of direct engagement in grey-water reclamation. He pumped the foul water released from the Krefeld Sewage Plant
Nov 24, 2014-Artist: Hans Haacke Title: Rhinewater Purification Plant Year created: 1972 Location: Museum Haus Lange in Krefeld, Germany Materials: Contaminated water, purification system, goldfish.
Artist: Hans Haacke Title: Rhinewater Purification Plant Year created: 1972 Location: Museum Haus Lange in Krefeld, Germany Materials: Contaminated water, purification
Haackes Rhinewater Purification Plant (fig. 1) of 1972 epitomises the cohesion between economy and ecology through the eyes of the artist. The functioning bio-technological
Hans Haacke (Colonia, 12 de agosto de 1936) es un artista conceptual germano-estadounidense formado en la Tyler School of Art, Universidad de Temple en Filadelfia y que vive y trabaja en Nueva York. Haacke nació en Colonia, Alemania. Estudió en la Staatliche Werkakademie de Kassel, Alemania, desde 1956 hasta 1960.
‘Rhinewater Purification Plant’ was created in 1972 by Hans Haacke in Conceptual Art style. Find more prominent pieces of installation at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. monumental crystallized artworks by japanese artist tokujin yoshioka, exhibited in all
Jun 15, 2018-‘Rhinewater Purification Plant’ was created in 1972 by Hans Haacke in Conceptual Art style. Find more prominent pieces of installation at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Rhinewater Purification Plant; 1972; Krefeld, Germany; contaminated water + purification system + goldfish Expert Statement: “A system is not imagined, Log In Hmmmmmm · July 22, 2021 ·
Nov. 20, 2014. An ecologist in the broadest sense of the term, Hans Haacke has been working valiantly to promote sane thinking about the real world and its interwoven systems for more than four
Hans Haacke (born August 12, 1936) is a German-born artist who currently lives and works in New York. Haacke was born in Cologne, Germany. He studied at the Staatliche Werkakademie in Kassel, Germany, from 1956
ハンス・ハーケは、ドイツのケルンまれのコンセプチュアル・アーティストである。 1956から1960まで、ドイツのカッセルにある Staatliche Werkakademie でび、1961から1962にかけてフルブライト・プログラムにより、フィラデルフィアのテンプルにある Tyler Sch
Haacke’s Rhinewater Purification Plant stands as the historical precedent for artists like Aviva Rahmani, Natalie Jeremijenko, Tiffany Holmes, and Buster Simpson, whose art concerns water quality. By displaying the
Pour un art de l’écologie. Dans un âge marqué par l’extrême vulnérabilité de toute chose vivante, les artistes contemporains s’emparent de l’urgence climatique et la font résonner dans nos vies intérieures. "A Runaway World" (2017) de Diana Thater met en évidence la condition animale en rapport avec l'action humaine
Hans Haacke 1972년 독일 아티스트 한스 하아케(Hans Haacke)의..물고기, 라인강물 ,플라스틱용기, 펌프등으로 만들어진 'Rhinewater Purification Plant'라는 작품입니다
Rhinewater Purification Plant Hans Haacke 1972 Isolation Box Hans Haacke ? Voir toutes 16 œuvres d'art Artistes associés Piero Manzoni 1933-1963 Erik Boulatov née 1933 Paul Thek 1933-1988 née 1934 Stanley Brouwn née 1935 Billy Apple 1935-2021
5,073 likes, 6 comments-another___kind on September 19, 2019: "‘Rhinewater Purification Plant’ by Hans Haacke, 1972".
Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for freedom. ‘Rhinewater Purification Plant’ was created in 1972 by Hans Haacke in
Recording of Climate in Art Exhibition (1969 – 1970); Diffuse Einträge (2007) invokes Haacke’s Rhine-Water Purification Plant (1972) .13 The extent and depth of Greenfort’s engagement with Haacke’s work indicates that there is more at stake here than polite
'Rhinewater Purification Plant', by Hans Haacke, installed at Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany in 1972. 'By displaying Krefeld Sewage Plant’s murky discharge, officially treated enough to return to the Rhine River, Haacke brought attention to the plant’s role in degrading the river.
Rhinewater Purification Plant 1972 Re-modelling of a bio-technical system in which Haacke was invited to produce a two-month project for the Museum Haus Lange in Krefeld, West Germany. Haacke set up a chemical treatment, charcoal and sand filtration
Rhine-Water Purification Plant. Creator: Haacke, Hans, 1936- Date Depicted: 1972. 1950 AD-2010 AD. Materials: glass and acrylic containers, goldfish, etc. Topics: Sculpture --
Haacke set up a chemical treatment, charcoal and sand filtration plant to process polluted water from the Rhine river. The purified water was collected in a large acrylic basin
Rhinewater Purification Plant 1972, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld The City of Krefeld was known to be the biggest “Rhine polluter” at the time of Haacke’s solo exhibition, so that the artist carefully studied the local, expanded purification plant before putting his own purification plant into operation.
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