SANDISK USB flash drive not recognized in Windows 11 | 202262 |
Cannot access USB flash drive after upgrade to Windows 10 | 2020513 |
The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM | 2016122 |
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· After upgrade was moving files from SSD hard drive to USB drive and transfer process stopped and froze laptop. Rebooted laptop and from then onward the USB drive is not fully accessible in this laptop or on other Win10 and Win8.1 machines. USB drive is partially recognized in File Explorer and Disk Management and Device Management.
· USB flash drive is not working. Name: USB2.0-CRW (USB2.0) VID&PID: Vid_0bda&Pid_0138 Speed: high speed Vendor Description: Generic Product Description: USB2.0-CRW Serial Number: 20090516388200000 \.\PHYSICALDRIVE…
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· a) Press Windows key + X, select device manager. b) Expand USB Controllers. c) Right click on the USB Drivers and select uninstall. Now perform a system restart. a) Now open device manager. b) Click on Scan for hardware changes. c) And follow the installation wizard to install the drivers for the USB hard drive.
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· I dont get a pop up message, its not located in the device manager. The only thing thats under my disk drivers is ST500DM0 02- 1BD142 SATA Disk Drive. There is pretty much no recognition that my flash drive is even then, on any computer I try it on. It worked fine one day and then the next, nothing at all. I’d really appreciate any help in
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· Plug in the USB drive, go into Settings > Devices > Autoplay to find the device, in the drop down menu choose what you want it to do. If it doesn't show up right click Start to open Disk Management, scroll down to find the drive by size and type, if indicated initialize or format it, or right click to assign a letter.
· Click the WD SES Driver Setup (x86) .msi, or the WD SES Driver (x64) .msi file. Click Next. Click Next again. Click Install. Wait for the install to complete. Click Finish. Restart Windows before using the external hard drive if
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· 3. Double click on “Start” DWORD and change the value to 3. 4. Restart your PC and check if you able to access your external drive. Also refer the article on Troubleshoot common USB problems and check if that helps. Note: Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry.
· Thanks for checking in Ed. My first thought was a virus but I’ve scanned multiple times and the system is clean. I’m able to open the first Cruzer drive on another machine with no problem but when I load it on my PC, it will show as a removable drive for about 15 seconds before it disappears from the File Explorer. Again this drive used to
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