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Stechnolock Journal of Mining Science and Technology (JMST) welcomes all novel research works that promote and describe the procedures that help the scientists, professors, and other research community people to enrich their knowledge related to their subject. Stechnolock Journal of Mining Science and Technology (JMST) accepts
· A peer-reviewed, open access journal in mining engineering, safety technology and engineering, mineral processing, coalfield geology & geotechnical engineering. Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
· Michael P. Kearney. Micah Nehring. Peter F. Knights. Preview abstract. Restricted access Research article First published March 1, 2019 pp. 51–64. xml GET ACCESS. Table of contents for Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, 128, 1, Mar 01, 2019.
· In this third article John looks at mining's complex relationship with new technology. Evolving technology in mining A thought leadership program from Mining Journal 20 JUN 2023 Introduction
· International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2020, 30(2):141-149. DOI Google Scholar Zhu, S., Feng, Y., Jiang, F., et al. Mechanism and risk assessment of overall instability induced rockbursts in deep island longwall panels.
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Mining Journal Intelligence Investor Sentiment Report 2024 Survey revealing the plans, priorities, and preferences of 120+ mining investors and their expectations for the sector in 2024.
The Mongolian Mining Journal
Build Mongolia 2023 Construction, Infrastructure, And Mining Technology Expo will be held on April 19-21 At Steppe Arena Over 100 of the best companies in the industry will be participating in the expo, showcasing their products and services. Ten countries will be represented by companies such as Alternativa LLC, Magna Tires Singapore Pte Ltd
· Volume 58, issue 1 articles listing for Journal of Mining Science Skip to main content Menu MINERAL MINING TECHNOLOGY 19 September 2022 Pages: 35-43 A Path Search Algorithm for Optimizing Ultimate Limit of
International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering
IJMME is an interdisciplinary and refereed international journal that fosters innovative solutions to the safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible exploration and
· This Special Issue aims to summarize the scientific achievements and progress, and to discuss the newest research hotspots and difficulties around the world—especially in China—in the field of Intelligent Coal Mining Technology. Topics of interest for publication include, but are not limited to:
Journal of Mining Science
Layouts of reloading points in the cyclical-and-continuous technology for deep-level surface mining are analyzed. The innovative structure of a reloading point involving dump trucks drivethrough passing has been proposed; the structure will make it possible to increase reloading point productivity, cut the costs for rock mass extraction, and reduce the time of
· This paper provides an overview of planning requirements, including regulatory, and implementation approaches for achieving ecologically sound reclamation and restoration of mines upon closure in the USA. Mine closure includes mined-out areas, decommissioning of plants and structures, and appropriate monitoring of post-mining
Mining Technology-Volume 133, Number 1, Mar 01, 2024-SAGE
Volume 133 Issue 1, March 2024. View issue contents. View additional files. Select all. Export selected citations. Articles. Developing a digital twin for a laboratory ball mill
· This paper takes its starting point in the fact that many mines have managed to improve its work environment, with regards to, for example, accident occurrence, while at the same time having stopped seeing improvements in these areas even in the wake of technology interventions. Technology projects in the mining industry continue to make
Mining | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
Mining is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on mining science and engineering published quarterly online by MDPI. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus , GeoRef, AGRIS, and other databases.
· To identify the research foundation, development frontiers, and emerging topics of the tech mining field, this article conducts a bibliometric literature review study combining specific methods. The research framework of this paper is shown in Fig. 1. A bibliometric review answers a series of research questions by systematically reviewing
· With the unceasing appearance and widespread application of new surveying technology, the present age mining survey has meet huge change. However, lots of problems occurred while using the new techniques since the number of mine is large in China and condition of the mine district is complex, it in some sense influenced the
· Breakthrough technologies for mineral exploration are discussed from two perspectives. The first perspective is intended to discuss the important factors required for exploration technologies, derived deductively from a review of the role and expectations of exploration in the mining industry and the current situation of the mining industry. The
International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering
Objectives The objective of IJMME is to provide an international forum for academics, industry leaders, and policy makers to investigate and exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge and information covering the broad range of activities including, but not limited to, mining engineering, economics, environment, safety and health,
· Many technologies are in the process of emerging, such as: Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), Big Data analytics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These technologies are the foundation of Industry 4.0 and they ensure that the manufacturing industry is smart and able to meet current challenges,
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Mining Journal provides comprehensive coverage of mining company news. Stay ahead of the curve as we bring you real-time updates, strategic insights, and in-depth analyses on
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KPMG: Canada Critical Minerals Mining 'Needs tax Breaks'. KMPG survey shows Canada’s mining leaders see potential for success in critical minerals vital for sustainability, but say more government support needed…. The No.1 Magazine, Website, Newsletter & Webinar service covering Technology, Automation & AI, Sustainability, Supply Chains and
:Mining Technology JournalMining Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Mining Science and Technology
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology is a monthly English-language journal. It was founded in 1990 and was originally the Journal of China University of
· Data mining plays an important role in various human activities because it extracts the unknown useful patterns (or knowledge). Due to its capabilities, data mining become an essential task in large number of application domains such as banking, retail, medical, insurance, bioinformatics, etc. To take a holistic view of the research trends in
Mining Technology: Vol 131, No 2 (Current issue)-Taylor
Article | Published online: 3 Jun 2022. Loose rock detection methods for automating the scaling process. Alexandra Radl et al. Published online: 26 May 2022. Explore the current issue of Mining Technology, Volume 131, Issue 2, 2022.
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Read the latest articles of Mining Science and Technology at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and
Scope. The International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment published research on mining and environmental technology engineering relating to metalliferous deposits, coal, oil sands, and
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
Scope. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology is an English-language journal. Previously entitled Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, it was founded in 1990 and publishes original and forefront research papers and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of mining sciences and technologies.
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
Final citation details, e.g. volume and/or issue number, publication year and page numbers, still need to be added and the text might change before final publication. Read the latest articles of International Journal of Mining Science and Technology at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.
· Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a tool to improve the efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. Technological progress has also been crucial to allow the exploitation of new deposits in more complex scenarios: