This 3D validation considers a block of fractured rock mass of 2000 m x 1000 m x 1000 m. Permeability is generated by a single family of horizontally fractures with aperture 0.1 mm and frequency 100 (1/m). The rock density is =2500 kg/m3, closure stress is 0 ′=350 MPa, and Poisson ratio is taken as =0.5.
The hydromechanical coupling failure process and pore water pressure distribution law of basalt are analyzed, and the rationality of the critical pore water pressure failure criterion is verified. These findings are significant for understanding the rock failure process under hydromechanical coupling action and provide a valuable reference for future research.
Effective Stress in Unsaturated Soils 371 recent experiments confirm this expectation. These phenomena are briefly reviewed in the following section. In what follows, we focus on the role of fluid–fluid interfaces in effective stress formula-tion.Butasdiscussedin
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108649 Corpus ID: 260322382 Coupling Explicit Phase-field MPM for Two-Dimensional Hydromechanical Fracture in Poro-elastoplastic Media @article{Hu2023CouplingEP, title={Coupling Explicit Phase-field MPM for Two-Dimensional Hydromechanical Fracture in Poro-elastoplastic Media}, author={Zhiqiang
It is proposed that a means to obtain these functions is through pore-network modelling, by which it is possible to integrate the phenomena of drainage and volume change and the different effects of suction and mechanical loading. The implementation of a two-dimensional pore-network model is described. A simple algorithm for individual pore
During the hydromechanical coupling calculation, the critical water pressure failure criterion of equation (4) was employed, and the shear and tensile failure criteria of the rocks are defined as follows:where σ1 and σ3 are the maximum and minimum principal 1−sin
s. s − − saturation and water pressure head at saturation, respectively; λ is the model parameter and determined for a given soil. The hydraulic parameters used in the simulation for rainfall infiltration and ponding in the loamy sand are from Ref. [44]: Ks=2 cm/h, θs=0.43, θr=0.08, h. s=−22.6. cm, λ =0.53.
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.