Plant volatile emission depends on the species composition of the neighboring plant community Rose N. Kigathi1,2,4, Wolfgang W. Weisser1,3, Michael Reichelt2, Jonathan Gershenzon2 and Sybille B. Unsicker2* Abstract Background: Plants grow in multi
ConsultaPDF | On Jul 28, 2022, Syed Wajahat Husain Jaafry and others published Interactions Among the Plants with Different Neighbor Identities and Plant Communication (A Review
Consultathe position of every plant (B, A, or H). After the field survey, we collected plant and soil samples from each plot. The plant samples included A. mahoshanicus (A), H. rhamnoides (H), P. purdomii growing alone on the biological soil crusts (P B)or within the A), B
Consultathe plant perspective, plant species vary in mycorrhizal dependency (e.g., Hetrick et al. 1988, 1992; Koide and Li 1991; Wilson and Hartnett 1998), and there is varia-tion in the effectiveness of specific AM fungal isolates on different plant species (e.g., Koomen et
ConsultaDOI: 10.1186/s12870-018-1541-9 Corpus ID: 59606396 Plant volatile emission depends on the species composition of the neighboring plant community @article{Kigathi2019PlantVE, title={Plant volatile emission depends on the species composition of the neighboring plant community}, author={Rose Kigathi and Wolfgang W. Weisser and Michael Reichelt and
ConsultaIn an experiment exploring the effects of a treatment (e.g., inoculation with a benecial microbe in Kong et al. (2021)) on VOC-induced responses fi in neighboring plants,
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