Lineage II brings you into an expansive free-to-play MMORPG experience where you create your own destiny in the realm of Aden. Lineage II Aden Play Lineage II Aden Now Featuring new and updated classes, options for solo play, new hunting zones, and more!
12 · Type: Bigblunt, P.Atk/Def: 405, M.Atk/Def: 151. Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Rsk. Focus. NPC Name. Type. Quantity. Chance. Drop.
Dynasty Crusher [Health]-Item ID 10531 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Dynasty Crusher [Health]-Item ID 10531 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Sunday 16 June, 2024 | 12:57 AM (GMT+2) GF 20x Orfen 5x Istina 50x Freya 15x Home Connect Support .
Dynasty Crusher is an item of type Two Handed Blunt. S80-Grade. Base price is 74946000 Adena. Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Rsk. Focus. Lineage 2 GF (Gracia Final) Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Rsk. Focus.
Lineage II Lore For Newbies Character’s Stats ⇒ Character’s Level Game Interface⇒ Chat Vitality Herbs Treasure Chests How to Make a Game Video Game Board Battle Skills Party System Mini-games Fantasy Island⇒ Underground Coliseum Help to the New
The issue with the number of some required crafting materials (Compound Braid & Asofe) not being set correctly to create following items has been fixed. Lineage® II is a beautiful, war-torn land where trust is critical and betrayal is inevitable as players fight for glory and clans struggle for political supremacy.
Doom Crusher [Rsk. Haste] <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or lower. Linedia — база знаний и энциклопедия игры Lineage 2 на русском языке: квесты и описания, прохождения и статьи, вещи и
Recipe: Dynasty Crusher (level 9, quantity 1, rate 60%, MP 240) 1 Recipe-Dynasty Crusher(60%) 4 Warsmith's Holder () 2 Maestro Holder (8 total) () 10 Varnish of Purity
Doom Crusher-Item ID 7902 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Doom Crusher-Item ID 7902 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Monday 3 June, 2024 | 03:56 PM (GMT+2) GF 20x Orfen 5x Istina 50x Freya 15x Home Connect Download and installation Vote Forum
Dynasty Crusher-Great Gale [Anger]-Item ID 11285 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Sunday 9 June, 2024 | 12:46 PM (GMT+2) GF 20x Orfen 5x Istina 50x Freya 15x Home Connect Download and installation Game Info Frequently Asked Questions Features
Stats. Recipe-Dynasty Crusher (60%) ID: 10545. Item grade: S80. For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Dynasty Crusher. Requires Create Item Skill-Level 9. 60% success rate.
Properties. Ice Vortex Crusher. ID: 1453. Creates an Ice Vortex that inflicts water damage on the enemy with 195 Power added to user's M. Atk. Level: 1. Cast Range: 108.
Dynasty Crusher is an item of type Two Handed Blunt. S80-Grade. Base price is 74946000 Adena. Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Rsk. Focus. Lineage 2
Item Recipe-Dynasty Crusher(60%)-For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Dynasty Crusher. Requires Create Item Skill-Level 9. 60% success rate. / Database Lineage 2 High
Dynasty Crusher-Great Gale (crystals: 3597 S80) Type: Bigblunt, P.Atk/Def: 405, M.Atk/Def: 151 A Masterwork Item that increases the Atk. Spd.. Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health, or Rsk. Focus. NPC Name Type Quantity Chance (none
Quick Special Ability (SA) Guide A wide variety of A, B, C and S grade weapons in the game can have a special ability, or SA for short, applied to them. Except dual swords (their SA cannot be chosen) all other weapons can have only one of
Craft. Item Recipe-Dynasty Crusher (60%)-For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Dynasty Crusher. Requires Create Item Skill-Level 9. 60% success rate. / Database Lineage 2
Рецепт: Recipe: Doom Crusher (60%) Спойл: отсутствует. Дроп: 67 Mul's Wizard-ТоИ 68 Purgatory Gargoyle-каты Спойла нет, по дропу: Mul's Wizard-это моб на 5-м этаже Tower of Insolence, но мобов там чрезвычайно мало, буквально два штучка, поэтому основной дроп
Foundation Dynasty Crusher-Item ID 12470 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Foundation Dynasty Crusher-Item ID 12470 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Wednesday 29 May, 2024 | 11:57 AM (GMT+2) GF 20x
1 a 2 přestupáky Freya nejnovější update na officiálním serveru. Freya i na CZ/SK free severu Plně funkční Hellbound i na free CZ scéně Soul Crystaly a jejich Stage(1-18) Informace o aktualizaci webu Oprava Člověk
Skill Insane Crusher ID 762-Unleashes a powerful strike with 8409 Power added to P. Atk. and Dark Curse to surrounding enemies when rage reaches its peak. Cancels at least
리니지2, 당신만의 특별한 이야기가 펼쳐지는 진짜 MMORPG 리니지2, 당신만의 특별한 이야기가 펼쳐지는 진짜 MMORPG 실시간 추천상품 에바서버 에바 패스 29,700 본서버 엘코인 8,000개 패키지 39,000 각성서버 아인하사드의 금화 월간 패키지 40,000
Skill Insane Crusher. Unleashes a powerful strike and Dark Curse to surrounding enemies when rage reaches its peak. Cancels at least one of the enemy's buffs, and decrease the maximum CP, tolerance to de-buff attacks, and effectiveness of receiving HP recovery magic momentarily. Requires a swordblunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores shield
Insane Crusher. ID: 762. Unleashes a powerful Dark Curse that cancels at least one of the enemy's buffs, and decreases their maximum CP, resistance to de-buff attacks and the
и описание Doom Crusher (Крушитель Рока) – – – × База знаний Lineage 2-Interlude, Gracia Final, Gracia Epilogue, Freya, High Five, GoD Искать Искать Квесты Квесты на первую профессию Квесты на вторую профессию
Recipe-Dynasty Crusher(60%)-Item ID 10545 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Tuesday 9 April, 2024 | 08:34 PM (GMT+2) GF 20x Orfen 5x Istina 50x Freya 15x Home Connect Download and installation Game Info Frequently Asked Questions Support
Focus]-Item ID 10532 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Dynasty Crusher [Rsk. Focus]-Item ID 10532 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Wednesday 12 June, 2024 | 05:07 AM (GMT+2) GF 20x Orfen 5x Istina 50x Freya 15x Home Connect Download and Support
Recipe-Dynasty Crusher Fragment-Item ID 10547 | L2 Freya-Lineage 2 Database Friday 21 June, 2024 | 06:53 PM (GMT+2) GF 20x Orfen 5x Istina 50x Freya 15x Home Connect Download and installation Game Info Frequently Asked Questions Support
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.