ID Name. Unknown. Type. Item. Stackable. No. The Ingot Cast is an item from Tinker's Construct what serves to make metal ingots and Seared Bricks at the Smeltery .
Ore Gravel (Such as Tin Gravel and Iron Gravel) can be mined with a Hammer to produce Crushed Ore. Each Ore Gravel always drops four Crushed Ore, has a 50% chance to
Tin Ore veins generates in the Overworld between y=0 and y=74 with 13 iterations, with each vein having a maximum of 9 ores. It may replace Andesite , Granite , and Diorite
Tin Ore Gravel is a block added by the Ex Nihilo mod. It is the final form of the mineral in the mod's refining process and can be smelted in a Furnace to obtain Tin Ingots. Recipe []
Fantasy. Minecraft. The Ingot Cast is one of the most used cast in Tinkers' Construct. It is used to get metals and fluids out of a smeltery in form of an ingot. Note: This recipe does not require a specific ingot.
Ardite Ore is an ore from Tinkers' Construct found in the Nether, usually on the higher Y levels. It is used in the creation of Ardite Ingots , and Manyullyn Ingots . A pick with mining level 4 (cobalt) is required to mine it, such as one made of Alumite or Steel .
Tin is a metal added by many mods. It can be used to create the alloys Brass and Bronze. Small tin ore can be found at the height range of 60 to 120 with a relative frequency of 32.
The InfiDigger is an item added by a Tinkers' Construct mod. It is the excavator of the Infi set. It has the most damage out of any weapon in the game, with 1250000. It appears to be composed of Ardite large plate and tough binding, a Cobalt excavator head and a Slime tough tool rod. Crafting an excavator with these components will create an
Tin Ore Sand is a block added by the Ex Nihilo mod. It is the final form of the mineral in the mod's refining process and can be smelted in a Furnace to obtain Tin Ingots. Recipe []
Emits Light. No. Flammable. No. Required Tool. Iron Gravel Ore is an ore added by Tinkers' Construct. It is similar to Iron Ore but spawns on the surface of the world and is mined with a stone or better shovel. It can be smelted into an Iron Ingot or used in any other processing machine that Iron Ore can be used in.
Axe Head (Tinkers' Construct) Axe Head refers to a set of items added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. They are crafting components created using a Part Builder or a Casting Table. They are used to craft Hatchets .
The Grinder is a machine from the Factorization mod, used to turn ores into ore gravel, part of a process to increase the output of your metals. Out of all the ways to increase ore
Iron Tool Rod. The Iron Tool Rod is a crafting component added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is one of the many available Tool Rods, which is most commonly used as the handle for tools made with the mod. Though it can be crafted using a Part Builder, these recipes are disabled by default, the Smeltery is used instead.
Copper Ore can be smels. IC2 Copper can be used interchangeably with Forestry's and RedPower 2's Copper. ts or turned into two Copper Dust using a Macerator, Pulverizer, or Rock Crusher. In the Pulverizer, it has a 5% chance of yielding a pile of Pulverized Gold. In an Industrial Grinder, in addition to 2 Copper Dusts, 1 tiny of arpile of Nickel Dust and 1
A Mixer is a machine from the Factorization mod, primarily used to mix Dirty Ore Gravels with water to produce Clean Ore Chunks, which slightly increases your yield of metals. The Mixer has 4 input slots and 4 output slots. The following recipes can be run in a mixer: Dirty Copper Gravel + Water Bucket >> Clean Copper Chunks + Empty Bucket + Sludge Dirty
Cobalt Gravel Ore is an ore added by Tinkers' Construct. It is similar to Aluminum Gravel Ore but spawns on the surface of the world and is mined with an iron or better shovel. It can be smelted into a Raw Cobalt or used in a Smeltery to produce Manyullyn or Cobalt alloys. Usage [ edit] Cobalt Ore can be used to create the following items: Cobalt.
Any tool. The Oreberry Bush is a block added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. A block generated in the world around level 32 in five types: Aluminum, Copper, Gold, Iron and Tin. It grows a special Oreberry which can be harvested and used for crafting, crafted into Ingots or smelted into a nugget [1]. The Oreberry Bush has 3 stages of growth, it
Silver Ore Gravel is a block added by the Ex Nihilo mod. It is the final form of the mineral in the mod's refining process and can be smelted in a Furnace to obtain Silver Ingots. Recipe []
ID Name. TConstruct:binding. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) The Wooden Binding is a crafting component added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is one of the many available Tool Bindings, which is used to craft Pickaxes .
Tin is the product of smelted Tin Ore or Tin Dust. It is a metal used in the creation of Tin Cans, RE Batteries, Fuel Cans, BatPacks, Empty Cells, and Tin Cables. It can also be
Ex Nihilo. ID Names. exnihilo:exnihilo.iron_broken. exnihilo:exnihilo.nether_iron_broken. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) Broken Iron Ore is an item from Ex Nihilo which can be made into Iron Ore Gravel .
Tin Ore is an ore found commonly in upper layers. It can be smelted into Tin Ingots or turned into two Pulverized Tin using a Pulverizer . In the Pulverizer it has a 5% chance of also
Tin Gravel Ore is an ore added by Tinkers' Construct. It is similar to Tin Ore but spawns on the surface of the world and is mined with a stone or better shovel. It can be smelted into a Tin Ingot or used in any other processing machine that Tin Ore can be used in.
The Macerator is a grinding machine added by IndustrialCraft 2 and is capable of breaking down blocks and items. It is used to increase ore output and to convert some blocks and items into even more useful resources. For Example: The Macerator grinds down 1 Tin Ore into 2 Crushed Tin Ore, each of which can be smelted into a Tin Ingot, or washed
The Grinder is a machine from the Factorization mod, used to turn ores into ore gravel, part of a process to increase the output of your metals. Out of all the ways to increase ore yield in Feed The Beast, the Grinder offers the highest yield for coal (3.5 per ore) and diamonds (2.25 per ore), and unless the secondary outputs of the Industrial Grinder are desired,
Stackable. Yes (64) The Steel Pickaxe Head is a crafting component added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is one of the many available Pickaxe Heads, which is used to craft Pickaxes. Though it can be crafted using a Part Builder, these recipes are disabled by default, the Smeltery is used instead.
Copper Gravel Ore is an ore added by Tinkers' Construct. It is similar to Copper Ore but spawns on the surface of the world and is mined with a stone or better shovel. It can be smelted into a Copper ingot or used in any other processing machine that Copper Ore can be
Stackable. Yes (64) The Pig Iron Pickaxe Head is a crafting component added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is one of the many available Pickaxe Heads, which is used to craft Pickaxes. Though it can be crafted using a Part Builder, these recipes are disabled by default, the Smeltery is used instead.
ID Name. TConstruct:metalPattern:6. Type. Item. Stackable. No. Wide Guard Cast is an item added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is used to make Wide Guards out of molten metals by placing it on a Casting Table and pouring molten metal on it.
No. Flammable. No. Required Tool. Any tool. Aluminum Ore Gravel is a block added by the Ex Nihilo mod. It is the frst form of the mineral in the mod's refining process and can be smelted in a Furnace to obtain Aluminum Ingots .
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.