aryeelab/hichipper: A preprocessing and QC pipeline for HiChIP
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We are the leading manufacturer inChinafor crushed mirror, crushed glass, crushed sea shell, crushed MOP chips and crushed black quartz, all of our products are very nice and
· waste glass (size 4.75 – 0.15 mm) as the fine aggregat e replacement at levels of 10%, 20%, 30% a nd 40%, by. weight. Result obtained from the experiment showed p ositive growth in the
Recycled Glas in Asphalt-P2 InfoHouse
Material: Recycled Glass Issue:Asphalt containing glass cullet as an aggregate is called “glassphalt,” and has been widely tried as a means to dispose of surplus waste glass since the 1960’s. Glassphalt is basically the same as conventional hot-mix asphalt, except that 5% to 40% of the rock and/or sand aggregate is replaced by crushed glass.
· The reaction occurs when the glass particles encounter the lime and water present in concrete mixes. Below a particle size of 100 µm, ground glass (GG) can have a pozzolanic reactivity greater
[PDF] hichipper: A preprocessing pipeline for assessing library
DOI: 10.1101/192302 Corpus ID: 64752400 hichipper: A preprocessing pipeline for assessing library quality and DNA loops from HiChIP data @article{Lareau2017hichipperAP, title={hichipper: A preprocessing pipeline for assessing library quality and DNA loops from
· 2.5 Waste Glass: Broken toughened/tempered glass was used as a replacement of coarse aggregates (Agarna, 2016; Topcu & Canbaz, 2004; Serniabat, 2014; Srivastava, 2014) as shown in Figure 2. The size of broken pieces varies from 4.75mm 2.
· Chung et al. (2017b) investigated several expanded glass aggregate concretes, where the value of packing factor ‘q’ ranges from 0.23 to 0.45. Study results reported that EGAC with q = 0.30 achieved the highest compressive strength while the concrete samples with q = 0.23 achieved the lowest compressive strength.
· Hichipper tries to solve this problem by modelling a corrected background as a function of proximity to restriction sites and using that background for MACS2 peak calling. This results in many small peaks which then need to be merged to match the restriction fragments, which causes them to lose statistical metrics, such as P- values or
How to use Glass as Aggregate in Concrete-Concrete Decor
Glass aggregate can replace part or all of the sand and gravel in concrete, for effects that range from colorful terrazzo, to granite- or marble-like finishes, to concrete that reflects light like a mirror. Glass aggregate can even be used to produce concrete that literally glows. “One of the prettiest countertops I ever saw had clear glass
[PDF] hichipper: A preprocessing pipeline for assessing library
The hichipper pipeline identifies loop anchors using a background model that accounts for the effect of restriction site proximity on read density. The output of hichipper can be used for quality control, visualization, and downstream topology analysis of HiChIP
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hichipper: A preprocessing pipeline for assessing library
Library quality metrics. hichipper generates quality control metrics that can be used to assess HiChIP libraries, including the proportion of long range interactions (related to proximity ligation e cacy) and the proportion of reads mapping in hichipper-de ned anchors (related to ChIP e cacy).
· As a subslab insulator, foam glass gravel is used as a 2-1 replacement for rigid foam board and crushed stone aggregate. With its compressive strength of 116 psi at 10% deformation, it can be used
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broken glass on sale manufacturers, find details about broken glass manufacturers, supplier and wholesaler-Hi Chipper. [email protected] +86-13853287536 +86
· Recycled pieces of broken glass, with the percentage of stone aggregate in the concrete being replaced by glass varying from 0 to 30%, 50%, 70%, and 100%, respectively. When the recycled glass content of the concrete sample is increased to above 70%, the compressive strength of the concrete sample decreases from 10 to 20%
· It is observed that on r eplacing coarse aggregate by 5% waste glass bottle s on av erage. shown in Table 5 and Figure 3, there is an increase in compressive streng th at 7 days by. 21.34%
· Due to population growth and industrial development, waste generation has increased annually over the last few years. According to a World Bank report, in 2018, about 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste were generated, and this amount was predicted to grow to 3.40 billion tons by 2050 (Kaza et al 2018). Waste glass (WG) is
Output — hichipper-Read the Docs
Each time the user runs hichipper, a *.hichipper.log file containing information pertaining to the flow of the software execution is placed in the out directory (specified by the --out
· Philadelphia-based AeroAggregates LLC is taking post-consumer mixed-glass waste and recycling it into foamed glass aggregate, which is similar to crushed rock, according to The Philadelphia
· Fine aggregates from green, brown, and transparent bottles in addition to clear window waste glass were used. Concrete properties were tested in fresh and hardened states. The incorporation of glass sand regardless of the ratios of replacement showed no significant influence on fresh or mechanical properties of concrete except for
Peaks with hichipper — hichipper-Read the Docs
To call peaks from HiChIP data directly, hichipper aggregates read density from either all samples or each sample individually. Additionally, users can specify whether all read density is used or if only self-ligation reads are used. To specify these options, put the appropriate string of the form {COMBINED,EACH},{ALL,SELF} in the peaks slot of
Using Processed Glass Aggregate in Road and Infrastructure Projects
NHDES Credits: .75Did you know that you can use crushed glass in road and infrastructure projects in the place of virgin aggregate such as gravel? For communities with limited options for recycling glass in a cost effective manner, reusing glass locally can be a great alternative.Join Reagan Bissonnette, Executive Director of the Northeast
Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Broken Glass Bottles
The conclusions of our study are the following. Replacement of coarse aggregate with glass waste has slightly reduced the workability of concrete, however the workability shows greater variation on 15% replacement. The compressive strength of hardened concrete has increased for 5% and 10% replacements.
· (a) hichipper requires aligned and annotated interaction files from preprocessing tools such as Hi-C Pro 2 as well as a. bed file of restriction sites. The output of hichipper can be used for
· hichipper: a preprocessing pipeline for calling DNA loops from HiChIP data Nat Methods. 2018 Feb 28;15(3):155-156. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4583. Authors Caleb A Lareau 1 2 3 , Martin J Aryee 1 2 Affiliations 1 Department of Biostatistics, Harvard
hichipper: a preprocessing pipeline for calling DNA loops from
Additionally, hichipper produces a QC report that allows evalu ation of library preparation, including factors such as the effi- ciency of proximity ligation and chromatin immunoprecipitation.