Nigeria Cracks Down on Illegal Mining of Critical Minerals
by Motoni Olodun May 27, 2024. Abuja, Nigeria – Nigerian authorities have intensified efforts to combat illegal mining activities, particularly focusing on the extraction of critical minerals such as lithium and tin. In recent operations, several arrests have been made, highlighting the government’s commitment to regulating the mining
· At about 7.44 pm on January 16 this year in Bodija area of Ibadan, the Oyo state capital, an explosion occurred killing two persons, injuring 77 others and causing massive damage to property. The
· precious metals and minerals, have made illegal mining and trafficking in mined commodities a lucrative criminal enterprise. Governments across the globe are implementing eradication programs to
on Illegal Mining and the Illicit Trafficking in Precious MetalsI N T R O D U C T I O NThe objective of this framework is to (i) briefly outline the global challenges related to illegal mining and traficking. n precious metals, as well as to (ii) provide an overview of UNODC’s role and response. In the context of this framework, UNODC puts
· The recent arrests come as Nigeria seeks to regulate its mining operations of critical minerals, curb illegal activity and better benefit from its mineral resources. ABUJA, Nigeria (AP
· Although mining is illegal in the national parks of Venezuela, mining has been reported in and around Canaima, Yapacana, and many other national parks. Mining has also been reported in the
In Indonesia’s illegal mines, the poor risk it all for fortune
6 May 2022. Medan, Indonesia – Lampang has been a miner at a community gold mine in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan for more than 30 years. Even still, he does not like to talk openly about his
· 15.9k. Illegal rare earth mining has surged in northern Kachin State since last year’s coup in areas along the border with China controlled by a militia sponsored by the Myanmar military. Reports in The
· Illegal Sand Mining. Illegal sand mining in India is a crime under Sections 378 and 379 of the Penal Code, 1860. This is because natural resources are public property, and the state is its trustee. Illegal sand mining can have negative social and economic impacts on local communities. It can lead to the displacement of communities
· The mining of large untapped mineral deposits in the area, especially gold which has strategic importance and economic value, is at the root of community violence. The government’s ban of artisanal
· According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, illegal mining operations in the country span over 64,000 hectares, with activities taking place in 970 identified locations. In 2020, an estimated 69 percent of Colombia’s gold was mined illegally, up 3 percent from the previous year. For mining to be considered legal in
The number of underground incidents rose from 185 in 2019 to 226 in 2020, while the number of arrests rose from 483 in 2019 to 549 in 2020. Surface illegal mining remains a concern and continues to manifest when groups of surface illegal miners invade the Mining Right with the purpose of stealing material from the surface.
· Updated 7:26 PM PDT, May 26, 2024. ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria’s government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests of unlicensed miners since April for allegedly stealing the country’s lithium, a critical mineral used in batteries for electric vehicles, smartphones and power systems. The recent arrests come
· Recently, the U.S. government has made “a real push” to “look at Africa and see what can be done to assist U.S. and other Western mining companies to get involved,” USIP Africa analyst Tom Sheehy said last month, notably by investing in building a $2.3 billion railroad to carry copper and cobalt from Congo and Zambia to Angola’s
· Illicit mining is often directly related to transnational criminal activity and human rights violations. CBP uses its authorities to investigate and deter illegal mining. Some of the most common illegally mined materials are gold and diamonds. CBP is designated by the U.S. Congress as the “importing authority” for diamonds to ensure
Illegal mining on the rise-Minerals Council South Africa
In the spotlight. Illegal mining is on the rise in South Africa and presents challenges that need to be addressed from a range of perspectives. It takes place both at abandoned mines and at operating mines, with illegal miners often operating out of desparation and dangerous conditions. The growth in illegal mining, which is now taking place on
· Gokwe. A controversial police crackdown on illegal mining late last year, followed by an environmental rehabilitation project in which small-scale farmers in central Zimbabwe were forced to participate, has left them struggling to find their feet and adversely affected food security. Police arrested more than 20,000 "illegal miners" across the
Combating illegal mining-Sibanye-Stillwater
COMBATTING ILLEGAL MINING. Illegal mining presents a growing risk to the sustainability of the mining industry in South Africa. It undermines the rule of law and property rights, degrading the state’s ability to attract investment and meet its developmental goals. “The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (2002) specifically
· The concept of conflict diamonds or “blood diamonds” emerged in the late 1990s when it became evident that several violent civil wars in Africa were connected to mining and trading of rough diamonds.
Rajasthan Mineral Prevention of Illegal Mining Transportation
Rajasthan Mineral Prevention of Illegal Mining Transportation and Storage Rules, 2007 Published vide G.S.R 41 Notification No. F. 14(2) Mines/Gr 2/85 dated 10.8.2007. Published in Rajasthan Gazette Exty, Pt. 4(Ga), dated. 14-8-2007 012 G.S.R. 41—in exercise of the powers conferred by section 23C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and
· The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notifications of 1994 and 2006 made environmental clearance compulsory for mining in areas more than or equal to five hectares. The EIA was amended in 2016 which made environmental clearance mandatory for mining in areas less than five hectares, including minor minerals.
The Harms and Crimes of Mining-Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Organized criminal groups engaged in illegal mining also tend to use firearms to commit the offense and operate with large quantities of illegally mined metals or minerals (UNODC, 2023). The increasing global scarcity of natural resources and the persistently high prices for mined commodities have made illegal mining and trafficking in metals
· The 170–180 km (illegal mining rate: 0.35 Mm 3 /yr), 10–20 km (0.30 Mm 3 /yr) and 130–140 km (0.23 Mm 3 /yr) reaches had the highest rates of illegal mining, while the volume of illegally
· According to Minerals Council member Errol Smart, “illegal mining here is mega-scale corruption and crime”. According to the Minerals Council, some 20 per cent of the world’s gold comes from artisanal mining, which has “become integral to the economies of many mining countries in the developing world”.
· As a “serious crime,” illegal mining and illicit trafficking in precious metals and minerals could fall under the scope of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and the Protocols thereto, among other
ith their national legal frameworks.All responding countries – Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru – define illegal mining as an of. ence punishable by prison sentences.The penalty goes from two to twelve years of imprisonment and is aggravated in case illegal mining activities are perp.
Illegal mining is the mining operation that is carried out without consent permit or allowance of the federal or state government, especially of when rights to land , licenses to mine, or transport mineral allows (Dozolme, P., 2018).
· AFP. By Chris Erasmus. Sub-Saharan Africa is losing billions of dollars annually to a growing global network of financiers and middle-men working with corrupt in-country officials to facilitate illegal and ‘grey’ mining operations which are spreading across the continent, and which are already systemically entrenched in several countries.
Illegal mining is increasingly referred to as mining activities conducted by organized criminal groups, spearheaded by illegal mining syndicates, and is often associated with
· On 10 September 2022, the EFCC’s Ilorin Zonal Command arrested a Chinese national, Dang Deng, managing director of lithium miner Sinuo Xinyang Nigeria. He was charged with possessing 25 tonnes of assorted crude minerals and convicted on 19 October. Namibia’s Minister of Mines, Tom Alweendo, revoked the company’s mining