The Global Power Plant Database is an open-source open-access dataset of grid-scale (1 MW and greater) electricity generating facilities operating across the world. The
The China Emissions Accounts for Power plants (CEAP) is the first ever database of particulate matter (PM), SO2 and NOX emissions from China’s power plants from 2014 to 2017, using the actual measurements monitored by China’s continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) network.
Global Power Plant Database. The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights. Each power plant is geolocated and entries contain information on plant capacity, generation, ownership, and fuel type.
The foundation of Power Explorer is the Global Power Plant Database, the most comprehensive, open-source database for exploring the world’s power plants, released
Italy has 391 utility-scale power plants in operation, with a total capacity of 72650.8 MW. Name. Capacity. Type. Other Fuel. Commissioned. Owner. ACCEGLIO. 19.0 MW.
India generates biomass-powered energy from 50 biomass power plants across the country. In total, these biomass power plants has a capacity of 1003.3 MW. Name. Capacity (MW) Type. Other Fuel. Commissioned. Owner. ARVINDNAGAR SUGAR.
Coal Power Plants in Philippines Philippines generates coal-powered energy from 23 coal power plants across the country. In total, these coal power plants has a capacity of 8731.3 MW. Name Capacity (MW) Type Other Fuel Commissioned Owner Anda 83.7 MW
The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate,
Gas. Geothermal. Hydro. Nuclear. Oil. Solar. Wind. Power Plants in Poland. Poland has 188 utility-scale power plants in operation, with a total capacity of 35229.0 MW.
Global Power Plant Database. The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open-source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights for one’s own analysis. The database covers approximately 35,000 power plants from 167 countries and includes thermal
The Europe Beyond Coal campaign maintains a database with information on all major coal power plants covering EU-27 + UK, Turkey, and all countries in the Western Balkans. This crowd-sourced repository includes key information like capacity, commissioning year, ownership, status, geodata, historic emissions of CO2 and pollutants, modelled plant
The Global Coal Plant Tracker (GCPT) provides information on coal-fired power units from around the world generating 30 megawatts and above. The GCPT catalogues every operating coal-fired generating unit, every
Khadoda Solar Power Plant 10.0 MW Solar Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited Khaira Khurad 25.0 MW Solar Khandala Solar Power Plant 5.2 MW Solar Firestone Trading Private Limited Khariya Mishar 80.0 MW Solar Khera 5.0 MW Solar Khetusar-Northern 20.
Indonesia has 178 utility-scale power plants in operation, with a total capacity of 48751.4 MW. Name. Capacity. Type. Other Fuel. Commissioned. Owner. Amamapare Port power station. 195.0 MW.
These data identify operable electric generating plants in the United States by energy source, as of November 2023. This page may have been moved or deleted. Try searching for it from the homepage
The Global Power Plant DataBase is an open-source open-access dataset of grid-scale (1 MW and greater) electricity generating facilities operating accross the world. The actural Database currently contains nearly 35000 power plants in 167 countries, representing about 72% of the world's capacity. Entries are at the facility level only
Global Power Plant Database Problem Statement: Description. The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights for one’s own analysis. The database covers approximately 35,000 power plants from 167
Global Power Plant Database. Homepage. The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights for one’s own analysis. The database covers approximately 35,000 power plants from 167 countries
Welcome to China’s Global Power, a new inter-active database generated by the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University. China’s Global Power tracks electric power projects with the involvement of Chinese capital overseas. As of the end of 2018, Chinese capital has involved in upwards of 777 power plants overseas, providing in total
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), China accounted for more than 40% of global solar panel production in 2020, and it has consistently ranked as the world's largest producer of solar panels for several years. China also had the largest installed solar capacity of any country in 2020, with a total of 253 gigawatts (GW), or more
In many cases our data sources do not include power plant geolocation information. To address this, we attempt to match these plants with the GEO and CARMA databases, in order to use that geolocation data. We use an elastic search matching technique developed by Enipedia to perform the matching based on plant name, country, capacity, location,
Ireland has 59 utility-scale power plants in operation, with a total capacity of 7582.2 MW. Name. Capacity. Type. Other Fuel. Commissioned. Owner. Aghada. 528.0 MW.
This report is a description of the JRC's open power plant database (JRC-PPDB-OPEN), its structure and the information it contains. JRC-PPDB-OPEN is mainly based on information from ENTSO-E's lists of installed capacity in Europe, extended through information contained in other open datasets, as well as own analysis of historical hourly
The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate,
Hydro Power Plants in Canada Canada generates hydro-powered energy from 553 hydro power plants across the country. In total, these hydro power plants has a capacity of 80589.1 MW. Name Capacity (MW) Type Other Fuel Commissioned Owner Aberfeldie 24.0
South Africa has 104 utility-scale power plants in operation, with a total capacity of 50422.7 MW. A joint venture (JV) of Exxaro Resources and Tata Power Cennergi is the owner and developer of the wind farm. This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.
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