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Keene RC1 Rock Crusher. This amazing rock crusher is ideal for the gold prospector interested in a light-weight and economical high-speed machine. Material is gravity fed into the hopper and drops into the center of a high-speed tube. The centrifugal force throws the rock into a hardened steel impact wall at speeds in excess of 400 miles per hour.
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[randpic]Models RC-46 RC-46T-Keene Eng2019.2.6 x 6 inches into powder in moments. The first stage is a jaw crusher, that initially crushes the rock to a size of approximately 1/4 of an inch. The second stage is a [randpic]Keene Engineering RC46 G
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Making up another run of the Keene RC46 rock crushers. These are all handmade here in our factory. Even the bearing are all American-made Dodge and Browning bearings. Some of the other crushers that say they are made in the USA are made in China so be
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Keene RC1. $1,495.95. Image: Lightweight, high speed rock crusher ideal for prospectors. Virtually indestructible and unjammable. Centrifugal force with impact speeds up to 400 MPH crush the rocks and pass the dust on
We have just lost a great prospector and a friend of the Keene family. Bob or Robert Arnold was a long-time friend, employee, claim partner, and freedom fighter over the past 35 years. From the old days dredging on the East Fork to being buddies with Pat Keene and working for Keene Engineering, Bob was well respected and loved by many in the Mining
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Keene Engineering has brought into view, a new ROCK CRUSHER that has brought the mining industry to its feet. A new combination rock crusher and roller mill that has the
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