The effect of grading on crushed rock railway ballast degradation
Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2154: 149-155, 2010. Journal of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC. 1 Effect of Grading on Degradation of Crushed-Rock Railway Ballast and on
· The increased rainfall in summer induces warming and humidification of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, significantly affecting the temperature boundaries and cooling effects of the crushed-rock embankment (CRE). The crucial issue of quantitatively characterizing the hydrothermal changes and the cooling effects of CRE has not been
· The crushed rock should be clean (with limits on clay or other weak rocks, silt, and dust) and not contain deleterious impurities (e.g., mudstone, pyrite, coal, mica) that would reduce strength and durability. It should be resistant to attack by alkali-silica reaction (Kazi and Al-Mansour 1980 ). Aggregates for load-bearing road pavements
· Although a crushed-rock embankment has been used as a mainstream technique to maintain the road foundation stability of railways and ordinary highways on the plateau [9] [10][11], the current
· Understanding the long‐term role of cooling the underlying permafrost of the crushed rock structure embankment (CRSE) along the Qinghai–Xizang Railway (QXR) is crucial for the railway's safe operation. The thermal regime of the permafrost under the CRSE is analyzed here using monitoring data of soil temperature from 2005 to 2015. The
· Crushed rock protecting structure, as an economical and environmental friendly measure, was most prevalent embankment structure along the railway, which had been employed as much as 60% of the railway in permafrost regions [9,10].
· Through indoor large-scale direct shear tests, the interface characteristics of the crushed rock cushions layer reinforced with ParaLink geogrid were studied. The test results indicate that the shear strength of the crushed rock aggregate and the interface strength parameters have a non-linear relationship with the normal stress. The addition
: Anyuan Li, Anyuan Li, Fujun Niu, Caichu Xia, Caichu Xia, Chunyan Bao, Chunyan Bao, Hao Zheng · Understanding the long-term role of cooling the underlying permafrost of the crushed rock structure embankment (CRSE) along the Qinghai–Xizang Railway
· For the CRE, it is shown that the diameter of crushed rock determines the porosity. The porosity is a key parameter affecting the air convection effect of the open CRE (He et al., 2006; Liu et al
Crushed Rock Track Ballast Specification
1.1 DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFICATION. This document outlines the material, stockpiling, and handling specifications of ballast. It covers the supply of ballast from the quarry site to the storage yard for the two following classes of crushed rock ballast: Class 1 – Crushed rock ballast for use primarily on main line track.
· Numerical analysis for critical thickness of crushed rock revetment layer on Qinghai-Tibet Railway Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. , 57 ( 2 ) ( 2009 ) , pp. 131-138 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar
· A series of large-scale repeated-load triaxial tests on a crushed metasand-stone railway ballast is described. The effects of different gradings on degradation and accumulation of permanent
· In certain crushed rock aggregate the frost susceptibility at under 15 % fines content was found to be directly proportional to the fines content of the material. As the result of a stepwise regression analysis performed to analyse various aggregates together a regression model based on the under 0.002 mm material content, water absorption of
· Water migration and deformation of subgrade in Chinese high speed railway was studied.Crushed rock with fines content produced apparent deformation during freeze thaw cycle.A freeze thaw hysteresis loop-like
The coupled reinforcing effect of crushed rock slope protection and thermosyphons in Qinghai-Tibet Railway
Corpus ID: 131040692 The coupled reinforcing effect of crushed rock slope protection and thermosyphons in Qinghai-Tibet Railway @article{Yandon2015TheCR, title={The coupled reinforcing effect of crushed rock slope protection and thermosyphons in Qinghai
Dependence of shape on particle size for a crushed rock railway
This paper sets out methods for evaluating form and roundness (aspects of shape) and proposes a new measure for evaluating roundness, termed ellipseness. These methods
· Dependence of shape on particle size for a crushed rock railway ballast. L. Pen, W. Powrie, +2 authors. S. Aingaran. Published 18 August 2013. Engineering, Materials Science. Granular Matter. Laboratory testing of railway ballast poses practical difficulties because the particle size is often too large for most standard apparatus. There
· In some places of the first railway track the crushed rock layer makes 100–105 cm, at the second track – 100–120 cm. On this section the crushed rock layer is integr al. The average fouling
· Crushed rocks in grade no. 2 usually range from 1½ inches to 3 inches in diameter, so, depending on your supplier, may contain larger gravel stones that, like #1, are not easy to work with and will need to be moved as individual pieces. Uses of gravel #2 include the following: Filling large holes. Culvert ballast.
Why Crushed Stones Are Used In Railway Track-Daily Civil
Following are the reasons for using crushed stones on railway track: 1. To hold the sleepers in place, both laterally and longitudinally (as they, in turn, hold the rails in place & help maintain gauge. 2. To distribute the load of entire moving cargo from rails into the sub-base/formation (ground below the ballast. Powered By BEdigitech. 3.
Characteristics and evaluation of recycled crushed rock in railway
The present research represents several laboratory experiments to evaluate the characteristics of recycled crushed rock (RCR) in railway sub-grade applications.
Comparative analysis of cooling effect of crushed rock embankment along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
Based on the in-situ monitoring data of ground temperature along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the cooling effects of crushed rock embankments (crushed rock revetment embankment and U-shaped crushed rock embankment) positioned in different permafrost regions with diverse mean annual ground temperatures were analyzed. The comparative
· A series of large-scale repeated-load triaxial tests on a crushed metasandstone railway ballast is described. The effects of different gradings on degradation and accumulation of permanent strain are investigated. The material tested was a mechanically strong ballast aggregate with grading curves similar to the envelope curves
: Qingbai Wu, Hongting Zhao, Zhongqiong Zhang, Ji Chen, Yongzhi Liu · On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, transportation infrastructure has been greatly affected by permafrost degradation owing to the increasing air temperature caused by
· Thermal stability of permafrost under U-shaped crushed rock embankment of the Qinghai‒Tibet Railway. January 2024. Advances in Climate Change Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2023.12.005. License.
· Moreover, the CRREs and CBREs could decrease the permafrost temperature with an MAGT from −1.0 to −2.0 C. 20, 34,35 The permafrost temperature at a depth of 10 m showed a decreasing trend
· This paper focuses on the thermal regimes and deformation behaviors of three different crushed-rock embankments along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) (Fig. 1), which is located on the Tibetan Plateau, China (Fig. 2).Ten cycles of
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Stone for Model Railroads, Riverbanks, Beaches, Quarries, Mines, Roadways & MORE! Superior Scenics produces both stone and clay products that will add realism to your modeling project. The stone
The mechanical properties of unbou… · Water migration and deformation of subgrade in Chinese high speed railway was studied. • Crushed rock with fines content produced apparent deformation
For this study the lower limit of the particle range is extended to 9.5 mm so that the scaled and full size particles can be grouped over a sequential range of eight sieve intervals as follows: (1) 9.5 mm to 11.2 mm, (2) 11.2 mm to 13.2 mm, (3) 13.2 mm to, 16.0 mm and (4) 16.0 mm to 22.4 mm (scaled), (5) 22.4 mm to.