· The global demand for sand and gravel is at 50 billion tons per year, far exceeding global resource capacities. It reached 7.6 billion tons in 2021 in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB), China. However, production is severely limited in the YRB. Therefore, the incongruity between the supply and demand of river sand is prominent. Wise
A Monitoring System of Sand Mining in Large Rivers and Its
Barges for transporting goods were distinguished and filtered from sand-mining barges based on sand mining daily activity and based on the mid-channel working or berthing location during the night. As mentioned above, three kinds of vessels are used for sand mining: dredgers, barges, and pushers (Figure 3).
Sand management | WWF
However, in recent years, the resilience of the Delta has been heavily impacted by human activities, including upstream hydropower dams and sand mining in its main and distributary channels. Between 2018 and 2020, sand mining within the Mekong Delta's channels was reported at 17.77 Mt per year-far more than the 6.18 Mt of sand flowing into the Delta
· According to WWF report (see figure above), India may be using about 1.5 tonnes sand per capita per annum in 2010, up from about 0.8 tonnes per capita per annum ten years earlier. By that growth rate, we would be using around 2.5 tonnes per capita per annum in 2020.
· Communications Earth & Environment-Sand mining intensified in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta between 2013 and 2018–2020 with an increase in the allowable rate of sand extraction leading to
· Earlier, the monitoring and assessment of sand mining activities were difficult but the use of geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques has given a unique advantage. The satellite data, obtained from MODIS, LANDSAT, Google Earth Engine, etc., are processed using GIS tools and various
Sand mining-Wikipedia
Sand Mining also takes place in the Stockton sand dunes north of Newcastle and in the Broken Hill region in the far west of the state. A large and long-running sand mine in Queensland , Australia (on North
· The Ganges river dolphin has undergone a regression of its eye lenses while evolving over millions of years in the murky, sediments-rich Ganga and Brahmaputra basin rivers. Consequently, the species is effectively blind. It uses high-frequency ultrasound clicks for navigation, communication, and foraging.
· The sand acted as an aquifer, regulating the river’s flow. But sand is also a crucial ingredient in concrete, and India is urbanizing at a speed and scale virtually unmatched by any country in
In-Stream Sand Mining and Primary Productivity of Otamiri River
Citation: Bibiye, Alaye A. S. (2022) In-Stream Sand Mining and Primary Productivity of Otamiri River in Owerri, South-East Nigeria, International Journal of Management Technology, Vol.9, No 2, pp.1-11 ABSTRACT: Sand
· Globally, estimates of sand extraction from large river systems are lacking, in part due to the pervasive and distributed nature of extraction processes. For the Mekong River, the widely assumed
Preliminary research on evaluation index system of sand mining
In recent years,in order to improve the investment environment,the demand of sand mining in river channel for land reclamation along the Yangtze River increases gradually.Large-scale,disorderly and blind sand mining has caused local unfavorable changes of the river regime and threatens the flood and navigation safety of the Yangtze River estuary.In
· Assuming that in one year, the Saddang River sand mining operations last for 350 days, the annual production volume can be estimated at 890736 m³/year. This amount can be the average volume of
Geography of Sand and Gravel Mining in the Lower
In France, the impact of gravel and sand mining was seen as detrimental at the end of the 1970s, then non sustainable in the 1980s and in-channel mining was finally banned in the early 1990s. The general causes of bed
Status of Water Quality Subject to Sand Mining in the Kelantan
Overall, the Kelantan River was classified as a clean river because the WQI was above 80. For the last 5 years, the WQI value for the Kelantan River increased from 84 (2005) to 85 (2007 to 2009). This indicates that the water quality of the Kelantan River is improving; the higher the WQI value, the cleaner the river.
· We demonstrate that this net negative sand budget to the river is driving major bed incision with a median rate of −0.26 m a−1 over the period 2013 to 2019. The use of satellite imagery to
· The effects of river sand mining extend beyond the immediate mining sites. Zou et al. (2019) state that: “knowledge of the effects of sand mining on freshwater lake ecosystems remains limited, especially for biotic communities”.
· 2. Objectives i. Need-supply evaluation Methodologies used to calculate sand demand vary among states. Besides, some of the methods implemented are ineffective; thus, the estimated amount varies significantly compared to demand estimated by scientific methods (Ministry of Mines Government of India, 2018a).
Geography of Sand and Gravel Mining in the Lower Mekong
In France, the impact of gravel and sand mining was seen as detrimental at the end of the 1970s, then non sustainable in the 1980s and in-channel mining was finally banned in the early 1990s. The general causes of bed degradation were studied by Galay (1983) and the negative ecological consequences were documented (Peiry, 1987; Petit et al ., 1996;
· Raidak-II River, consisting 28 mining sites in its course from Bhutanghat to Binnaguri, is well known for maximum number of sand and gravel mining sites of Dooars region of West Bengal.
· Excessive sand mining led to riverbed alteration, affecting the course of the river and causing bank erosion. Deepening of the rivers and river mouths leads to saline water. It also leads to loss
· Artisanal and Small-scale river sand mining is one of the upcoming activities associated with the environmental crisis concerning the water ecosystem. However, the determination of the duration in which illegal sand mining has occurred, and the future prediction on the extent of river sand mining is not well-established in most of
· The problem is that the supply of sand that can be mined sustainably is finite – but as the great urbanisation boom is proving, the demand for it is anything but. Sand Mining: The Global Environmental Crisis You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. Times are good for Fey Wei Dong. A genial, middle-aged businessman based near Shanghai,
River-Sand Mining: An Ethnography of Resource Conflict in China
Preface Acknowledgments List of Illustrations Notes on the Text 1 Introduction 1.1 A Brief History of River-Sand Mining: A National Perspective 1.2 The Current Demand for River Sand in China 1.3 The Political Ecology of River-Sand Mining 1.4 The Concept of Indigeneity in China 1.5 The Zhuang and Their Indigenous Ecological Knowledge 1.6
· Indiscriminate sand and gravel mining over the years has imposed permanent damages to the river ecosystems in the several parts of the India. Padmalal D. (2008–2014) is one of the leading researchers in India to successfully address the several consequences of instream and floodplain sand mining. S.
· morphological factors such as erosion status, slope angles, width, depth, vegetation cover status, weathering. status/geology, and riverbank position influence the sand. abundance in the seasonal
Sand Extraction: 1. Introduction-GreenFacts
Surprisingly, reliable data on their extraction in certain developed countries are available only for recent years. Sand was until recently extracted in land quarries and riverbeds; however, a shift to marine and coastal aggregates mining has occurred due to the decline of inland resources. River and marine aggregates are now the main sources
· Sand mining by politically connected companies has been blamed for the collapse of riverbanks along the Mekong and Bassac rivers in Cambodia. Affected residents say they’ve lost their homes and
· River sand mining is widespread in most of the developing and developed countries. Of the different types of fluvial systems, small rivers (catchment area <10,000 km 2) are the worst affected due to indiscriminate sand mining than large rivers as the area available for dissipation of negative externalities is low in small river basins. This
· Vietnam is a prime example of a little-known global threat: the mining of river sand to build the world’s booming cities. In An Giang Province, Vietnam, a half-mile stretch of riverfront along