View AbstractStrain rate effect on the axial compressive properties of basalt
18 · To investigate the strain rate effect of basalt fiber (BF)-reinforced ambient-cured lightweight expanded polystyrene (EPS) geopolymer concrete (LEGC), this study
Abstract This paper presents the results of a study on the axial compressive strength of columns strengthened with FRP wrap. The experimental part of the study included testing 6 reinforced
· Gao Ma, Cheng Wu, Hyeon-Jong Hwang, Jiulin Bai, Zhihu Zeng, Behavior of pre-damaged normal-strength concrete prisms repaired with basalt FRP sheets under axial compressive monotonic and repeated loading, Engineering Structures, 10.1016/j.engstruct269,
· In this study, the basalt fiber content (0%, 0.075%, and 0.15%) and replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate (0%, 50%, and 100%) were used as parameters, and the compressive strength of 15
· Axial compressive tests were conducted on fourteen BFRP-confined square reinforced concrete (RC) columns, involving variations of the corner radius and FRP layers. The test results demonstrate that the Basalt-FRP confinement leads to strength improvement, such as 109% gain at a corner radius ratio of 0.6, and also improves the
AComparisonAmongSomeNon-linearPredictionToolsonIndirect DeterminationofUniaxialCompressiveStrengthandModulus ofElasticityofBasalt
Keywords Basalt · Uniaxial compressive strength · Modulus of elasticity ·ANFIS ·ANN ·Non-linear multiple regression 1 Introduction Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and modulus of elas-
· The working process of BFRRAC-filled square steel tubular stub column under axial compression can be divided into three stages: elastic, elastic–plastic, and plasticity. With the increase in the replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate, the peak bearing capacity and ductility of specimens were finally weakened, and the energy
· Lee et al. [17] performed axial compression tests on seven corroded circular RC columns repaired with carbon FRP. They found that carbon FRP (CFRP) wrapping effectively improved the strength and ductility of the specimens and decreased the corrosion ratio of rebars by 50%.
· PDF Uniaxial compressive strength ( c) and deformation modulus of
Basalt 145 50 347 25 207 82 395 3 (17) Diabase, dolerite 229 88 384 13 152 81 537 5 15.2 Hyperite---- 245 108 441 2 ure Graywacke 81 25 310 12---- Sandstone 109 28 257 95 147 28 189 5 18.8 Siltstone 89 31 350ne-s
Assessing the uniaxial compressive strength and
Assessing the uniaxial compressive strength and tangent Y oung’s modulus of basalt rock using the Leeb rebound hardness test • 9 Materiales de Construcción 70 (340), October–December 2020
Uniaxial compressive strength ( c) and deformation modulus of
Basalt 145 50 347 25 207 82 395 3 (17) Diabase, dolerite 229 88 384 13 152 81 537 5 15.2 Hyperite---- 245 108 441 2 ure Graywacke 81 25 310 12---- Sandstone 109 28 257 95 147 28 189 5 18.8 Siltstone 89 31 350ne-s
· The axial compression behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns strengthened with cementitious grout was studied by conducting the axial compressive tests on twelve column specimens. The effects of replacement position and thickness on the failure modes, load–displacement responses, compression capacity, and load–strain
Strength and deformation properties of granite, basalt,
The difference in the unconfined compressive strength between. the slow and the rapid rates of loading for the rocks tested varied. considerably. The dynamic compressive strength factor f^ for the. granite was less than 1; for the basalt, 1.35; for the limestone, 1.52; and for the tuff, 1.74.
· The average compression strength and elastic modulus of the plain concrete were 37.7 MPa and 33.5 GPa respectively at the time of the axial compression test. The unidirectional basalt fiber sheets with a nominal thickness of 0.126 mm used were produced by Sichuan Aerospace Tuoxin Basalt Industrial Co., China [24] .
· The brittle behavior of concrete under axial compressive loading has been a persistent issue. This study investigates the effectiveness of a hybrid Basalt-E-glass confinement (B-CSM) in improving the compressive behavior of concrete. The B-CSM confinement demonstrates a considerable improvement in ultimate strength and strain
Limits on strength and deformation properties of jointed basaltic
A study of strength and deformation measurements for basaltic rocks, along with consideration of the influence of fracturing using a rock mass classification system, documents the range of brittle response for basaltic rock masses. Although basalts vary widely in composition and other physical factors, many of the properties of a basaltic
· The elastic modulus and axial compressive strength of coal gangue sand concrete were decreased by increasing the replacement ratio regardless of concrete grade. When the replacement ratio is 100%, the elastic modulus and axial compressive strength of C30-grade concrete were reduced by 2.9% and 12.6% respectively whilst
· The axial compressive strength behavior of BF- and PANF-reinforced LWAC specimens subjected to freeze-thaw cycles was researched, including the axial compressive strength, peak secant and initial tangent compressive elastic modulus,
Strain rate effect on the axial compressive properties of basalt
18 · To investigate the strain rate effect of basalt fiber (BF)-reinforced ambient-cured lightweight expanded polystyrene (EPS) geopolymer concrete (LEGC), this study conducted uniaxial compression tests on BF-reinforced LEGC with different EPS doping and different strain rates. The test results showed that the final damage mode of the
· Thirty-six new circular SCCFCT columns were subjected to monotonic axial compression tests to investigate the axial compressive behavior. The effects of the FRP type, FRP layer and steel tube diameter-thickness ratio on the failure mode, strength, deformation and stress–strain curve of the specimens under static axial compression
· As the axial compressive stress ratio increased, steel-basalt fiber reinforced concrete's relative dynamic modulus of elasticity changed less. Concrete degradation was more pronounced in the 10% Na 2 SO 4 + 3.5% NaCl solution and F-0.6 loading environment.
: Xianggang Zhang, Xiang Gao, Yahong Ding, Ping Xu, Gaoqiang Zhou, Jinjun XuInfluence of different mixing methods on the axial compressive
Experimental results show that axial compressive strength of the cement paste wrapped fiber was superior to that mode of which fiber is added directly, but with the change of
· Vincent T, Ozbakkaloglu T (2013) Influence of concrete strength and confinement method on axial compressive behavior of FRP confined high-and ultra high-strength concrete. Composites Part B: Engineering 50: 413–428.
· Methods/Statistical analysis: Strength of the RC column was assessed by performing compressive and split tensile strength tests at the interval of 7, 14, and 28 days as per code of provision
Assessing the uniaxial compressive strength and tangent Young's modulus of basalt
Assessing the uniaxial compressive strength and tangent Y oung’s modulus of basalt rock using the Leeb rebound hardness test • 9 Materiales de Construcción 70 (340), October–December 2020
· ratio, the axial compressive strength first increased followed by a decrease. Furthermore, the maximum axial compressive strength was obtained as the RCA replacement ratio was 50%. Fang et al. [35] reported that an optimal BF content effectively improved the
· Currently, indirect tensile or compressive strength tests are commonly used to study the fatigue performance of basalt fiber The design strength of basalt fiber concrete is 30 MPa, and the
· A total of 39 cylindrical specimens were studied under a monotonic axial compression test to understand the compressive behavior of FRP-confined CGC, considering the CGC strength, FRP layer number, basalt FRP (BFRP) and carbon FRP (CFRP) type as
· compressive strength, with the axial stress maintained at roughly 75– 90 % of this value. These buckled specimens showed optimal ductility, although a few of the curves exhib-
· of pre-damaged normal-strength concrete prisms repaired with basalt FRP sheets under axial compressive monotonic and The compressive strength predicted by the ML-based model are evaluated in