Challenges of quarry activities among rural dwellers in Odeda
Despite the vast body of research on the impact of quarry activities on the ecosystem in Nigeria, little has been done on the challenges it poses to the people living in quarry areas. Hence the study determined the personal characteristics, prevalent diseases and challenges of rural dwellers in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State in relation with the
· The review identified nine areas where quarry activities in the technosphere interact with the environment to form an environmental aspect that can lead to impact: noise, vibration, aesthetics, geomorphology, toxic substances, air, water, land
· Likely, plant activity had a substantial influence on the complexity and stability of the native TGP MENs as plants are important to microbial community dynamics in natural ecosystems due to the
· crops due to quarry activities and the res pondents show 26% for Y am, 15% f or Cass ava, 30 f or Vege tables, 7% for Plantain an d 27% for other c rops. The re sult shows t hat vegetable was the
· Resource availability and extraction seem to present a paradox to most countries in the global south. It appears to be a curse rather than a blessing. Using the resource curse theory as a philosophical lens, this study qualitatively analysed the effects of the stone quarrying industry in the Wenchi municipality of Ghana. Using the case study
· For effective performance at the quarry and as a measure of relief to the daily fatigue, the quarry women workers go on medication. About 40% embraces the use of modern medicine, 35% orthodox medicine and the remaining 25% favours both in order to keep the work going for the sustainability of life.
:Quarrying ActivitiesEnvironmental ImpactsProblems of Quarrying · Quarry activities cause vegetation destruction, bare land, and soil erosion through both anthropogenic and natural ways, and also release HMs into the
GCCA Sustainability Guidelines for Quarry Rehabilitation and
• Support the process of quarry rehabilitation and biodiversity management across member companies, and by doing so, improve the standard of applied practices for existing and
· Perceived Effects of Quarry Activities on Arable Crop Production in Calabar Agricultural Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 7(6). 141-146
· Quarrying of rocks and minerals has contributed to the economic development of many nations. However, dusts generated from these quarries have caused environmental and health challenges. Health risk assessment of the environments around quarries in southwestern Nigeria was, therefore, carried out to delineate the effects of
:Quarrying ActivitiesEnvironmental ImpactsProblems of Quarrying · Four papers implemented crop vulnerability curves to climate change (Table 1), while only two papers designed vulnerability curves for storms (Table 3) and
Effects of Quarry Activities on Arable Crop Production in Odeda
T.O. Agboola et. al AJAFS 8 (2024) 14-27 18 3.0 Results and Discussion 3.1 Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Arable Crop Farmers Table 3.1 presents the socio-economic characteristics of the arable crop farmers in the study area. The results reveal that the
:Quarrying ActivitiesPublish Year:2017 · According to respondents’ responses, quarrying has a significant detrimental impact on a variety of local plants, with vegetables suffering the greatest
· Heavy metal concentration in the quarry soil and cassava tubers varied significantly from the control except for Cd (mg/kg) at P<0.05. All heavy metals identified in the soil were also present in the cassava tuber samples, with Al concentration in the quarry soils correlating positively (0.977**) with that of cassava tubers.
Effects of Quarry Activities on some Selected Communities in the
Figure 4 shows crops on farmlands near (a) and far away (b) to a quarry site. (a) 5. Health Impact of Quarrying Activities It has not been possible to separate the health records of the people from the control community, N4 from those of the study area, N1, N2 and N3 because all residents attend the same health facilities.
· Contamination of agricultural soils by quarry activities is posing serious challenges food security in greater parts of the Sub-Saharan Africa. This study determined the heavy metals
:CropsClimate Change · Several serious environmental impacts related to quarrying activities on and near the river, such as vibrations, land degradation, land subsidence and landslides,
Effects of Quarry Activities on Some Selected Communities in the
V. K. NARTEY ET AL. 363 can be breathed into the lungs. Potential health impacts are almost exclusively linked to the presence of airborne dusts, in particular respirable particles, i.e. those
· The results show that soapstone quarrying activities lead to vegetation cover destruction which exposes the soil to agents of erosion (Figs. 2 and 3). These findings are similar to those of [2,3
· Kitula (2005) also reported instances of indirect benefits where mines in Tanzania sourced agricultural products preferentially from local agriculture and subsistence businesses. And despite this contribution, the industrial activities were considered to be the major cause of pollution.
Perceived Effects of Quarry Activities on Arable Crop Production
quarry activities on arable crop yields, a five point likert Eta et al. 143 scale was used with response categories of Strongly Agreed (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D) & Strongly Disagree (SD) and with values 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 summed up and divided by
· Perceived Effects of Quarry Activities on Arable Crop Production in Calabar Agricultural Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 7(6). 141-146.
· An assessment on the environmental effects of limestone quarrying on some communities in the Lower Manya Krobo District in the Eastern region of Ghana revealed notable deteriorations in the health of the people as a result of the quarrying activities. Extraction of Limestone is an economically important and widespread activity
· The pollution produced from quarry activities affect the health of people living very close to the site thereby making live difficult to the residents (Ugbogu et al., 2009;Oyinloye and Ajayi, 2015
· Bamgbose et al. (2014) also concluded that dust from quarry activities covered up leave surfaces, altered photosynthesis, decreased crop yields and reduced income derived from farming.
· This study aimed to adjust Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) goals towards a Vulnerable-Smart Agriculture (VSA). It suggested a new conceptual framework consisting of five elements. VSA starts with small-scale farmers and attempts to understand the barriers they face.
Resident’s Perception Towards Environmental Impact on Human Wellbeing Near the Quarry
that quarry activities. The questionnaire was structured into three (3) sections which are background information, the impact of quarry activities on the residential area and preventive measures. There were 60 numbers of the resident from two locations in
Quarry violations threaten over 100 irrigation projects; DENR,
By: Karl R. Ocampo-Reporter / @kocampoINQ Philippine Daily Inquirer / 01:22 PM August 19, 2021. MANILA, Philippines – Over 100 irrigation projects nationwide are being threatened by sand and gravel quarry operations, the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) said, prompting it to seek help of other government agencies to strictly enforce
:Quarrying ActivitiesPublish Year:2021Conservative Species Stress Tolerant · According to Oyegbile et al. (2017), some of the negative effects of quarry activities on the environment include: air, water and soil pollution, poor human and
Challenges of quarry activities among rural dwellers in Odeda
The study area is Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun state, Nigeria. Odeda Local Government Area (LGA) has its headquarters at Odeda Community. The coordinates of the local government area is 7