· One of the most important aspects of mining is selecting a mining method. It determines the efficiency of the economy, technology, and the environment. As shown in Fig. 4.5, mining technique selection is seen as an issue with multiple decision-makers. In reality, some mines exclusively use one type of mining.
· Sections discuss: mine design considerations; stopes requiring minimum support (includes room-and-pillar mining and sublevel stoping); stopes requiring some additional support other than pillars
· Bimal et al. (2002) applied a multi criteria decision making process to select opencast mining equipment. Elevli et al. (2002) selected a new vertical shaft or ramp system by comparing the
· selection process. A study of different approaches has been presented in this paper. Keywords: Mining method selection, AHP, FAHP including main criteria of mining method selection is d
· The results show that mining companies have a supplier selection process with a high degree of evaluation and analysis. It considers economic, social, and environmental criteria.
: 584KB(PDF) Mining method selection by multiple criteria decision
The purpose of this paper is to present an application of the AHP technique to a mining method selection problem faced by a Colombian mining company; in this case we use
A framework for success criteria for mine closure, reclamation and post-mining
There are many guidelines and frameworks for mine closure and reclamation, but the great majority are based on processes – the ‘means’ rather than the ‘ends’, which are outcomes such as future use, performance and function. Success is often judged in the very short term, or is judged post-facto, with hindsight.
· 8. Decision and job offer. 1. Application. The application phase in the selection process is sometimes seen as passive from the hiring team side – you just wait for candidates to respond to your job ad. However, applications can and should be selection tools, helping you sort candidates as qualified or unqualified.
Process Mining Handbook-vdaalst
Process mining emerged as a new discipline around the turn of the century. The combi-nation of event data and process models poses interesting scientific problems. Initially, the focus was on the discovery of process models (e.g., Petri nets) from example
· Steps for the selection of the mining method are as follows: (1) We should carefully collect and study the basic information related to selecting the mining methods. Basic information includes geological and hydrogeological information, data of rock mechanics, ecological and environmental conditions in the mining area, data related to
· Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, such as Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP, (Saaty, 1980(Saaty, , 2008 or ELECTRE (Roy, 1990) which are commonly used for mining method selection
· The paper proposes a problem-solving approach in the area of underground mining, related to the evaluation and selection of the optimal mining method, employing fuzzy multiple-criteria
crusher selection criteria and process for mining pdf
Artículos de productos Haulage system selection for open pit mines using fuzzy Aug 19, 2016· Haulage costs in mining operation are significantly raised with the increase in the diesel prices. Therefore, the movable plans, such as the mobile and semi-mobile
IJAHP Article: Mu, Saaty/A Style Guide for Paper Proposals To Be Submitted to the International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process 2014, Washington D.C., U.S.A. 2. Literature Review The selection of extraction methods in mining is one of the oldest
· One of the most critical and complicated steps in mine design is a suitable mining method selection based npon geological, geotechnical, geographical and economical parameters. Since there are
· Abstract: Underground mining method selection is a very complex task for. the mining engineers because the chosen method should fulfill the technical, economic and production requirements
Multi-criteria decision making for the choice problem in mining and mineral process…
The DM process of equipment selection in mining includes an integrated evaluation of multi-disciplinary knowledge The Problem of Multiple Criteria Selection of the Surface Mining Haul Trucks. Archives of Mining Sciences, 61(2), 223–243. doi:10.1515/amsc
· 2. Method. The systematic review process comprised of five steps: (i) to. search terms [ (“sustainability” or “sustainable. development”) and m ining] on the database and to apply. filters
· The mining method selection for underground mining can be described as a multi-criteria decision-making process, as several factors are involved in the selection process. In this
· As MMS is a decision-making process that involves several conflicting factors (or criteria) for the selection of different mining methods (or alternatives), it is an appropriate method
Mining method selection by multiple criteria decision making
The Gol-Gohar iron mine is located 60 kilometres southwest of Sirjan city of Kerman province in Iran between 29° 3'' and 29° 7'' latitude and between 55° 15'' and 55° 24'' longitude. Kerman province is located in the southeast part of Iran. The Gol-Gohar iron mine contained six anomalies, Figure 1.
(PDF) 23 Equipment Selection for Mining: with Case Studies
The authors developed a hierarchical structure where both attribute categories and their importance, i.e. priority or weight in the selection process were determined. For each category, a number of sub-attributes and their priorities were assigned, and a pairwise comparison among them was performed using the AHP method.
· Geography of Angouran mine (a) and schematic regional geological map of the area (b) (Boni et al, 2007) As a result, these eleven criteria were employed in the process of the evaluation and
Literature Review to Identify Techniques for Mining Method Selection
The classification system proposed by Boskov and Wright (1973) is one of the first qualitative classification schemes developed for underground method selection. Therefore, their system assumes that the possibility of surface mining has already been eliminated. The results of this classification scheme results in four methods that may be
Selection Criteria for the Application of Resue Mining
The mining of an underground orebody requires development both in waste and ore before stoping commences. Regardless of what metal is being extracted, the waste development is minimised to reduce the cost per unit of metal mined. At the Western Metals Zinc Kapok mine site, reducing the cost per tonne of lead and zinc mined is paramount._x000D_
Mining method selection by multiple criteria decision making
This paper attempts to determine important parameters that impact on the mining method selection and demonstrates the calculation of the weighting factors for each selected
· DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.12.001 Corpus ID: 59529815 Multi-criteria decision making for the choice problem in mining and mineral processing: Applications and trends Purpose. All over the world, natural substance – the most consumed after water –
(PDF) Selection mining methods via multiple criteria decision
PDF | On Jun 9, 2021, Mahrous Ali Mohamed Ali and others published Selection mining methods via multiple criteria decision analysis using TOPSIS and modification of the UBC
· Selecting the optimal mining method is one of the most critical issues in mining design. It entirely depends on different parameters, such as geotechnical, geological, economic, and geographic factors. Although many researchers have tried to apply a various multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) technique to select the most
The mining method selection for underground mining can be described as a multi-criteria decision-making process, as several factors are involved in the selection process. In