· The Witwatersrand is a 2.9–2.8 Ga sedimentary basin located on the Kaapvaal Craton (Fig. 1) 1.The Witwatersrand basin together with the gold reefs from the Venterdorp and Transvaal supergroups
· 10.1 Introduction. The Witwatersrand Basin near the centre of the Kaapvaal Craton (Fig. 10.1) is a domain of many superlatives and holds several world records. Foremost it has become famous for representing the by far largest known gold anomaly in the world.
· Abstract. Descriptions of the Witwatersrand goldfields have invoked superlatives around themes including great wealth, huge depths, giant mines and innovative engineering. After its discovery in 1886 and further discoveries in the 1930s and 1940s, the Witwatersrand dominated world gold peaking at 1000 t Au production in 1970.
· Witwatersrand, ridge of gold-bearing rock mostly in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Its name means “Ridge of White Waters, in Afrikaans .”. The highland, which forms the watershed between the Vaal and Limpopo rivers, is about 100 km long and 37 km wide; its average elevation is about 1,700 meters. Its rich gold deposits, occurring in
Witwatersrand. Witpoortjie Falls in the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, formerly the Witwatersrand National Botanical Gardens. Waterfalls like this, cascading over a 56-kilometre-long (35 mi) quartzite ridge in Gauteng gave rise to the name “Witwatersrand”, which means “white water ridge” in Afrikaans. Highest point.
A Review of the Witwatersrand Basin-The World’s Greatest
The world’s greatest deposit of gold is hosted by the Archaean Witwatersrand sedimentary basin, situated in the central portion of the Kaapvaal Craton of South Africa. The
Cornish Miners and the Witwatersrand Gold Mines in South
Microsoft Word-Cornish Miners Paper John Nauright.doc. Cornish Miners and the Witwatersrand Gold Mines in South Africa, c. 1890-1904. Introduction. The economy and society of southern Africa was
· The Witwatersrand gold–uranium ore contains an average of 3 wt% pyrite (Hallbauer, 1986).Mineralogical data of 16 tailings samples throughout the Witwatersrand collected from surface to a depth of 80 cm (Rösner et al., 2001) indicate that the major constituents, at least at surface, are quartz, mica (unspecified) and chlorite with
· In black autopsied miners, PTB increased from 4.62% in 1975, peaked at 43.12% in 2007 and decreased to 27.18% in 2014; silicosis increased from 3.03% to 23.62% over the study period; and HIV increased rapidly from below 1.00% from 1987 to 1993, to a peak in 2002 (47.20%), and then decreased to 20.96% in 2014.
· In 2002, near the town of Krugersdorp, acid mine drainage from an abandoned mine welled up and began pouring out on the surface. Since then, about 15 million liters a day of acid mine drainage have been spilling out — some of it into a stream that flows north toward the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site.
The Witwatersrand, A Unique Gold Mining Community
Other gold rushes have attracted settlers and helped to populate otherwise empty areas, such as California, Siberia, or Australia. But in none of these has the influence of gold
the Mineowners Made-JSTOR
emergence of the Witwatersrand gold fields also produced a series of more specific international economic linkages. In particular, it witnessed a massive out-flow of capital
· In 2002, near the town of Krugersdorp, acid mine drainage from an abandoned mine welled up and began pouring out on the surface. Since then, about 15 million liters a day of acid mine
· Almost 40% of all gold mined during recorded history has been recovered over the past 120 years from a single ore province: the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa. Today, the gold-mining industry in the Witwatersrand has passed its maturity, but it is set to remain the world's leading gold producer. Estimated resources in the province
· This work therefore examines the use of gold mine tailings. in the production of bricks. Different mixing ratios of gold tailings, cement, and water were used. The resulting bricks were then cured
· Abstract. The Witwatersrand ‘basin’ is the largest known gold province in the world. The gold deposits have been worked for moren than 100 years but there is still controversy about the ore
"We Must Speak for Ourselves": The Rise and Fall of a Public Sphere on the South African Gold Mines, 1920 to 1931-JSTOR
2 CAD NTS 7675, 102/333(1) Witwatersrand Mines Native Unrest General File, 1938-47, Hepburn, T. District Commandant, SAP, Boksburg District to Deputy Commissioner, Wit- watersrand Division, SAP, 20 March 1940.
Wulf Sachs's Black Hamlet: A Case of 'Psychic Vivisection'?-JSTOR
Thus, Black Hamlet represents a psychological and anthropological engagement with 'the other', but it is also an account of the way in which two very different individuals confront and attempt to understand each other and themselves. 8. 'Dr Wulf Sachs: A Tribute', by Ellen Hellman, The Zionist Record, 1 July 1949. 9.
JSTOR Home-The Development of the South African Gold-Mining Industry…
The population of California, for example, rose from I4,000 to 250,000 between i849 and i852.6 Between i895 and i898, there was a net outward migration of 75,500 United Kingdon citizens to South African ports as a result of the economic expansion generated by the Witwatersrand gold fields.7 Gold rush towns grew with similar speed.
JSTOR Home-Railways and Labour Migration to the Rand Mines:
More than any other mode of transport, and despite geographical, technical and organisational constraints, the railways in southern Africa contributed massively to shuttling migrants between the countryside and the Rand. In the second decade of the century, 200,000 men were working on the mines at any one time.
Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils from Witwatersrand Gold Mining
Study Area. The study area is a gold mining area situated some 70 km west of Johannesburg in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. It lies between 26 18’ S–26 26’ S latitude and 27 23’ E
Minerals and Migrants: How the Mining Industry has Shaped South Africa-JSTOR
Gold mining, as the economic historians have long pointed out, powered South Africa's industrial revolution and domi. nated its economy for a century. Whether in terms of export earnings, employment of labor, stimulation of a wide range of. economic activity from coal mining to agricultural production, or tax revenue, gold was the driving force.
The Witwatersrand-Springer
History. Although the Bantu, who were the first people with a metallurgical culture to inhabit the velt, were skilled workers in gold, it is doubtful if they ever worked these deposits, but
· The first geological survey of the West Wits was done at Doornfontein in 1932 and proved the continuity of the central Witwatersrand Main Reef and the presence of a new high-grade reef, dubbed the Carbon Leader. Figure 2 shows a timeline of mining operations on the West Wits, based on a literature review of mining company reports
the Mineowners Made-JSTOR
Review, III, 2, Fall 1979, 289-302. III. The World the Mineowners Made: Social Themes in the Economic Transformation of the Witwatersrand, 1886-1914* Charles van Onselen In 1 886-the year that the Witwatersrand gold fields were first declared open as public
MONITORING FOR CONTAMINANTS IN A GOLD MINING AREA IN SOUTH AFRICA1 U. E. SIBILSKP, J. O. OKONKWOb* and A. U. OKONKWOc aAnglogold Ltd ', Private bag X5010, Vaal Reefs 2621, South Africa b Department of Environmental, Water
(PDF) Chinese Indentured Mine Labour and the Dangers Associated with Early 20th Century Deep-level Mining on the Witwatersrand Gold
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 26: 648–660 (2016) Published online 30 April 2015 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/oa.2455 Chinese Indentured Mine Labour and the
Geology of the Witwatersrand Gold Field | Nature
The results of this survey are shown on an excellent map (Geological Map of the Witwatersrand Gold Field, 3 sheets, 1917) on the scale of 1 to 5000, or almost an inch to the mile.
THE INTERNATIONAL GOLD STANDARD 1890-1914*. BY JEAN JACQUES VAN-HELTEN. B Y T H E late i 890s, barely twelve years after the discovery of rich gold bearing ores on the Witwatersrand by two itinerant diggers, the Transvaal was producing over a quarter of the world's annual output of gold.'. In spite of.
In the wake of the South African war, the indenture and transport of over 63,000 Chinese men to gold mines in the Transvaal sparked a rush to supply smoking opium to a