Ajloun Die Wunder der Natur und die Genialität der mittelalterlichen arabischen Militärarchitektur haben dem Norden Jordaniens zwei der wichtigsten ökologischen und historischen Attraktionen im Nahen Osten beschert: die weitläufigen Kiefernwälder der Region von Ajloun-Dibbeen und die emporragende Ayyubid Burg von Ajloun, die zur
Bel exemple d’architecture arabo-islamique, le fort d’Ajlun toise fièrement la cité d’Ajlun depuis la colline d’Auf. Une balade intemporelle au nord-ouest de la Jordanie. Le château fort d’Ajlun, un monument phare de la Jordanie Quelle paraît loin, l’époque où le célèbre sultan Saladin menait la guerre sainte contre les Chrétiens d’Orient ! Le château
What to see in Ajloun. The main monument to see in Ajloun is undoubtedly his castle, also known as Qala’at Ar Rabad). It is located about 3 kilometers west of the city, so you will have to solve the issue of displacement, as we tell you below. It is interesting to delve into a really relevant period of Jordanian history: the offensives and
Natural resources varies from one place to another, among these is natural stone (rock) used mainly in construction and buildings, it is noticed that a high percentage of these quarries are spreading randomly and in an unstructured or studied manner without taking into consideration the environment or the regulations of sustainable development, the
Located in the Ajloun Highlands in the north of Jordan, this beautiful nature reserve consists of 13 km2 of rolling hill country dominated by open woodlands that are home to a diverse collection of plant and animal
urnal of Civi Jo l ro Envi nmen n Engi eering tal & ISSN: 2165-784X Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering Gandah and Atiyat, J Civil Environ Eng 2016, 6:4 DOI: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000238 Research Article Open Access Re-Use of Abandoned Quarries; Case Study
9.65mi. Elevation +. 2037f. TrailRank. 36 | 4.33. View more photos. A hike from Khirbet al Souk heading North and following the Jordan Trail for most of the route. This is excellent hiking country, especially in Spring. Quiet wooded valleys and olive orchards.
We describe the problem and the negative impact engendered by the activity of exploitation of the quarries of the region of Casablanca-Mohammedia on the environment, most of which of these last ones were
ajloun العربية (ar) English (en) العربية (ar) لم يتم دخولك. (تسجيل الدخول) الصفحة الرئيسية ajloun elearning للدخول الى موقع المكتبة الألكترونية
And that is what will be implemented throughout this paper, where a study case from Jordan will be reviewed of the rehabilitation of an old quarry in Ajloun city, by transforming it
Royal Academy for Nature Conservation. Ajloun, Jordan. The project for an Academy was originally proposed to be on a site inside a nature conservancy reserve, but the architect convinced the client to use an adjacent abandoned quarry which is outside the reserve. The basic philosophy was that the building would use the parts of nature which
Ajloun Castle It was first built in 1184 by one of Saladin's generals, Izzeddin Usama Mungidh, to repel the Crusader threats to north Jordan (the Crusaders had already occupied south Jordan, from their massive castles at Showbak and Kerak, and were driven out of TransJordan in 1188/1189).
Ajlun National University. Jordan-Ajlun-Irbid Ajlun Road-Ras Muneef-Near Irhaba Triangle. Box Office 43-Ajlun-26810 Jordan. Telephone + 6466616 2 962. Fax 6455584 2 962 +. Liaison Office 0096265660141. [email protected].
Re-Use of Abandoned Quarries; Case Study of Eco-Tourism and Rangers Academy – Ajloun-Jordan Firas Gandah and Diala Atiyat* Al- Balqa Applied Science University, Salt- Jordan Abstract
rehabilitation of an old quarry in Ajloun city, by transforming it into a scientific academy designed on the quarry’s site, which aims to help and assist the local community.
5 raisons qui vous feront visiter le château d’Ajlun. 01 Parce qu’il est un bijou suspendu. Les merveilles de la nature et le génie de l’architecture arabe militaire médiévale ont pris forme dans le nord de la Jordanie avec ce fabuleux monument qu’est la forteresse d’Ajlun. Ce splendide édifice musulman magistralement situé sur
Cosa vedere ad Ajloun. Ajloun e il castello di Ajloun (in arabo: قلعة عجلون; traslitterato: Qal’at ‘Ajloun) si trovano a poca distanza da Jerash ed è il sito più rilevante per quanti siano interessati a conoscere la commistione tra imponenza della natura e genio militare e architettonico di matrice araba.
October 3, 2023 by Lindsay Nieminen. Ajloun Castle is a 12th century Muslim castle located in Northwestern Jordan. It was built high above the historic town of Ajloun, by Saladin, a Sunni Muslim Kurd. Today the ruins of Ajloun Castle provide visitors with spectacular views of the Jordan Valley.
Ajloun forest reserve. Located in the Ajloun Highlands in the north of Jordan, this beautiful nature reserve consists of 13 km2 of rolling hill country dominated by open woodlands that are home to a diverse collection of plant and animal species. The rich greenery makes Ajloun a popular spot for picnickers and hikers, especially in the spring
urnal of Civi Jo l ro Envi nmen n Engi eering tal & ISSN: 2165-784X Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering Gandah and Atiyat, J Civil Environ Eng 2016, 6:4 DOI: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000238 Research Article Open Access Re-Use of Abandoned Quarries; Case Study
North 32° 19′ 30″ East 35° 43′ 38″. Google Rating. 4.5/5. Ajloun Castle. GUIDE TO JORDAN'S CRUSADER CASTLES. If you are visiting Jerash from Amman, you can also visit Ajloun Castle situate a further 25 km North-East. Built on top of the mountain, this castle is a fine example of Islamic military architecture, marking it an important
And that is what will be implemented throughout this paper, where a study case from Jordan will be reviewed of the rehabilitation of an old quarry in Ajloun city, by transforming it
Ajloun Le meraviglie della natura e il genio dell'architettura militare araba medievale hanno dato alla Giordania settentrionale due delle più importanti attrazioni ecologiche e storiche del Medio Oriente: le vaste foreste di pini della zona di Ajloun-Dibbine e l'imponente castello Ayyubide ad Ajloun, che otto secoli fa favorirono la sconfitta dei crociati.
The Ajloun plateau host the Ajloun Nature Reserve, one of the important nature conservation hotspot of Jordan. Established in 1988 to host a captive breeding program focusing on the endangered roe deer species, Ajloun reserve is today a sanctuary for many wild endemic animals including the stone martens, polecats, wild boars, hyena, grey
Burg Ajloun. Von der Burg Ajloun aus (oder Ajlun, Adschlun; arabisch: Qala'at ar-Rabad), einem der herausragenden Beispiele islamischer Militärarchitektur, wurden die Verbindungen zwischen Damaskus und
What to see in Ajloun. The main monument to see in Ajloun is undoubtedly his castle, also known as Qala’at Ar Rabad). It is located about 3 kilometers west of the city, so you will have to solve the issue of displacement, as we tell you below. It is interesting to delve into a really relevant period of Jordanian history: the offensives and
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.