· The engineering stress-strain curves were obtained from the load and the corrected elastic deflection of the micropillar using the initial cross-sectional area and the height of the micropillars measured in the SEM. The yield stress, σ y, was determined from the loss of linearity in the stress-strain curve following the methodology described in
Figure 4 from The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on
Figure 4—Simulated layout with regional pillars (after Maritz et al., 2012)-"The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of safety in a room-and-pillar layout" Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu
· The effect of these partings should therefore be investigated in more detail. Currently any shear stresses acting on the pillars are also ignored in the designs. This paper is a preliminary investigation of the effect of shear stresses on a parting at the pillar/hanging wall contact.
· The shear behavior of rock is markedly affected by the presence of water. To study the influence of water on the shear behaviors of rock, a series of direct shear tests were conducted on intact sandstone specimens with different water soaking durations (from dried to saturated) under three levels of normal stresses. Before direct shear tests were
Effect of Shear Stresses on Pillar Stability: A Back Analysis of the
The model elucidated that the dipping orebody geometry in relation to topography led to shear stresses in pillars at Troy Mine. Shear stresses resulted in significant loss of confinement in pillar cores (many theoretically in tension), even at width-to-height ratios that would be deemed stable under zero shear stress (flat seam under flat topography).
· Garza-Cruz et al. (2019) used disctontinuum models and found that shear stresses developed within the pillars at this mine resulted in significant confinement loss at their cores, which led to
· It was found that the presence of discontinuities tends to promote stress relief due to shear. Consequently, discontinuities in the mass with high in situ stresses tend to favour excavation stability.
The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on
The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of safety [2] wwhere K represents the pillar strength constant (downgraded uniaxial compressive value), w the width of the pillar, and hthe height at which the mining is taking place. In the South African
The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of
The possible shear stress poses a safety and financial risk to the design process, whereby an undersized pillar would lead to unstable working conditions, whereas oversized
· Numerical analysis of the effect of the presence, number and shape of bonding defect on the shear stresses distribution in an adhesive layer for the single-lap bonded joint; Part 1 The objective of this study was to analyze by three-dimensional finite element method, the effect of the position, number and shape of the bonding defect on
· The micro-pillars were compressed along [55 10 ¯ 9] and [01 1 ¯ 0] directions in order to activate basal slip and {01 1 ¯ 2} twinning, respectively. The critical resolved shear stresses were determined. Precipitates
· Based on the part-I [1] results of the shear stresses distribution found by the numerical analysis using the Finite Element software Comsol Multiphysics ® [18], we have chosen the values of
dc.contributor.author: Maritz, J.A. (Jan)Figure 4 from The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the
Figure 4—Simulated layout with regional pillars (after Maritz et al., 2012)-"The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of safety in a room-and-pillar layout"
· Inverse pole figure (IPF) map showing the crystallographic orientation of the grains in the Mg-Y-Ca alloy. (a) The loading direction in micropillars from grains A and B form an angle of ~ 48.5
The effect of shear stresses on pillar strength-University of
Abstract: In mining, the loading environment on pillars is highly complex with combinations of normal and shear stresses. It is also understood that with an active and working face, constant redistribution of stresses will occur to maintain stress equilibrium. A rock sample subjected to uniaxial loading conditions can fail in either indirect
· When ocean waves propagate over the sea floor, dynamic wave pressures and bottom shear stresses exert on the surface of seabed. The bottom shear stresses provide a horizontal loading in the wave-seabed interaction system, while dynamic wave pressures provide a vertical loading in the system. However, the bottom shear stresses
· The shear effect in the side and deck structures is included with options for large openings. As a result, the method allows for the calculation of the normal stresses and vertical deflections in
Elastic shear waves in the presence of couple stresses | Acta
In this paper the effect of the presence of couple stresses in an elastic medium on the propagation of shear waves is discussed. Two different analytical representations for the solution are obtained. Diffusion is seen to dominate near the source. Far down the source two wave fronts appear. One is associated with damping, the other, corresponding to the
· The shear lag effect on stress concentration in a simply-supported stiffened box girder is investigated by three-dimensional finite element analysis. In the analysis, the dependence of the stress concentration on the finite element mesh is circumvented by the multimesh extrapolation method. An extensive parametric study is conducted with
· The effect of Ca and Zn in solid solution on the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) of basal slip, tensile twinning and <c+a> pyramidal slip in Mg alloys has been measured through compression
· Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Numerical analysis of the effect of the presence, number and shape of bonding defect on the shear stresses distribution in an adhesive layer for the single-lap bonded joint; Part 1" by M. Elhannani et al. DOI: 10.1016/J.AST.2016.11.024
· 2. Compressive Stress: Compressive stress is the stress that acts inwardly on an object, causing it to shorten and decrease in volume. It is also known as the pushing stress, and it is denoted by the symbol σ. Compressive stress occurs when a material is pressed or squeezed by external forces in opposing directions.
· The effect of shear depends on the quiescent mechanism: suppression in the activated regime and enhancement in the diffusion-limited regime for small strain rates. At higher strain rates
Figure 9 from The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on
The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of safety in a room-and-pillar layout @article{Maritz2014ThePO, title={The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of safety in a room-and-pillar layout}, author={J. A. Maritz}, journal={Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy}, year={2014},
· Download a PDF of the paper titled Critical resolved shear stresses for slip and twinning in Mg-Y-Ca alloys and their effect on the ductility, by Mingdi Yu and 7 other authors Download PDF Abstract: The deformation mechanisms of an extruded Mg-5Y-0.08Ca (wt. %) alloy were analyzed by means of micropillar compression tests on single
· In this study, a parametric study was conducted using FLAC3D numerical models to examine the impact of oblique loading, generated from seam dip, on the strength and the failure propagation pattern of a stone pillar using two simplified geometry types. In type 1, the sidewalls of the pillars were assumed to be perpendicular to the roof and the
The effect of shear stresses on pillar strength-University of Pretoria
As the stress environment changes, so does the loading on the pillar with preliminary results showing that the strength of the pillar will also be affected in the presence of shear
Effect of phase boundary on the critical resolved shear stress and
For prismatic 〈a 3 〉 slip, the α/β phase boundary in Ti-6Al-4V alloy has a significant strengthening effect on the measured critical resolved shear stress (CRSS), with values of approximately 52 MPa and 40 MPa for each β fillet in different pillars.
· 190 Effect of Shear Stresses on the Ultimate Str ength of the Hull Girder of a Containership center. Indeed, the decrease is significantly more pronounced in the local model. Case [A], as
· The detrimental effect of shear stresses on the stability of pillars in orebodies in shear has been identified by others (Hoek and Brown 1980; Coates 1981; Pariseau 1982; Suorineni et al. 2011; Mgumbwa 2011; Suorineni et al. 2014).