PDF | On Sep 5, 2003, Ben Whiting published Ore reserve and mineral resource estimation methods-current practices and comparisons | Find, read and cite all the research you need on
rather than true measurements. It provides a method of estimating the volume, tonnage, and average grade of a 3-D body from sparse drill hole data. From the available exploration data, a geological database is created to determine the extent of ore deposits and
Mineral resource estimation is used to determine and define the ore tonnage and grade of a geological deposit, from the developed block model. There are different estimation methods used for different scenarios dependent upon the ore boundaries, geological deposit geometry, grade variability and the amount of time and money available.
The various stages of a geostatistical ore-reserve estimation procedure are explained, leading to the production of block (local) reserves and overall (global) reserves. The final stage of the whole exercise is the construction of a grade—tonnage curve. Download to read the full chapter text.
In general, two types of continuity are defined in the framework of estimation (Sinclair and Val-lée, 1994; Dominy et al., 2003a): 1. geological continuity — the geometric continuity of the geological structure(s) or zone(s) hosting mineralization. (e.g., orebody thickness and up-/down-dip continuation); and.
ORE RESERVE ESTIMATION METHODS. The main objective of ore reserve estimation is to as accurately as possible define the extent (size) and value (grade) of a mineral deposit. We are confronted with two
SURESH PANDEY [email protected] +91-9534062256 fOre body Modelling-Concepts and Techniques 1. Introduction A key point in the design and operation of a mine is the construction of what is called an ore body model. The proper description of an ore body is the foundation upon which follow up mine decisions are taken.
Download Free PDF. View PDF. Geology Geostatistics Estimation Kriging. This study involves the study of ore reserve estimates and the modelling of ore body (Use of SRPAC). The importance of accurate ore reserve estimates has always been recognized in the past. Mining companies obviously need accurate ore reserve.
The authors discuss the results of a series of comparative studies where polygonal, IDS, and kriging were compared for their local estimation accuracy. The study was performed on simulated coal deposits and the evaluation parameter chosen was the coal thickness. For this study many conditionally simulated deposits having different degrees of seam
In the conventional estimation techniques, the ore reserve can be estimated using the three different methods namely: polygonal, rectangular, and/or cross sectional. Polygonal estimation method
Ore Reserve estimation techniques for caving mines, as outlined above, have significant advantages compared to the broad-brush single application of a multiplier to the Mineral Resource. However, none of the methods published in the literature met all of the
r)ABSTRACTA comparison was made of the Geostatistical or. reser. s. Conventional. ethods tested are the polygon method, the inverse, of thedistance squared. (IDS) method, and BLIP whi. allowing different weights in different directions. elypredict individual block grades and tota. ore reserves for one be.
Part I contains a comprehensive treatment of the comparative study of the geostatistical ore reserve estimation method over the conventional methods. The conventional methods chosen for comparison were: (a) the polygon method, (b) the inverse of the distance squared method, and (c) a method similar to (b) but allowing different weights in
Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation. G. Watson, M. David. Published 1977. Geology, Mathematics. Matheron', geoslalis lical method (or the estimation of ore reserves has been developed to the point al which real-life problClll'l may be handled effectively. The steps invol~d in the method ale: (i) ob (alning the varioaram, (ii) fitting a model
Reserve Estimation Techniques” submitted by Mr. Manasa Chandra Moharaj and Miss. Yeshi Wangmo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelors of Technology Degree in Mining Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela is an
Journal Article: Comparison of different ore reserve estimation methods using conditional simulation Title: Comparison of different ore reserve estimation methods using conditional simulation Journal Article · Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 1983 ·
Reserve estimation using neural network techniques. Wu and Zhou, 1993 S-02 Data segmentation and genetic algorithms for sparse data division in nome placer gold grade estimation using neural
Ore Reserve Calculations. 9.1 ORE AND ORE RESERVES. Ore is defined as a mineral or mineral aggregate more or less mixed with a gangue, from which a metal or metals
3.2.3: Overview of Reserve Estimation Methods The polygon method is an old and established approach based on a simple geometric algorithm, in which we construct a polygon around each hole to determine an
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation. The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice. Chapter 1 | An Overview and Outline. Overview. J T Baldwin, J H Lew and M F Whitham.
Grade Reconciliation Techniques – A Review.” Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, vol. 3. n. . 5 (2015): 16-121. doi: 10.12691/jgg-3-5-1.1. IntroductionParhizkar et al. [6] define ore grade reconciliation as comparing the values of grade estimation in exploration stag.
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