· The Barite Beneficiation Process is one of flotation, it is used as an ingredient in “heavy mud” for oil-well drilling, for which purpose specifications demand a material meeting the drilling “mud”
· The fluorite, barite and calcite particles with size range from 38 to 74 μm (-74 ∼ +38 μm) were obtained by sequentially crushing, grinding and sieving their high-pure samples as-purchased from Ye mineral companies, Guangzhou. (Yu et al., 2023) Their X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X ray fluorescence (XRF) results are showed in Fig. 1 and
· The results of flotation tests showed that highly selective separation of fluorite from barite was obtained when 250 mg/dm³ of modified starch and 13.16×10⁻⁵ mol/dm³ sodium oleate was used
· As shown in Fig. 2, the flotation recoveries of barite and fluorite were very high with NaOl alone, indicating the poor selectivity between fluorite and barite in the absence of GS. With the addition of 75 mg/L GS prior to NaOl, the flotation behavior of fluorite was not affected at pH 6.0-8.0 but slightly decreased to a certain extent at
Investigation on flotation separation of bastnaesite from calcite and barite
DOI: 10.1016/J.SEPPUR.2020.117792 Corpus ID: 224876297 Investigation on flotation separation of bastnaesite from calcite and barite with a novel surfactant: Octylamino-bis-(butanohydroxamic acid) @article{Duan2021InvestigationOF, title={Investigation on
· 2.2. Reagents The novel oleate hydroxamic acid OLHA was synthesized in laboratory and used as a flotation collector. The raw materials methyl oleate (C 19 H 36 O 2), hydroxylamine hydrochloride (H 3 NO·HCl), methanol (CH 3 OH) were purchased from Shanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd..
· Flotation tests were performed on a skarn ore to attain the selective separation of scheelite (CaWO 4 ) from fluorite, apatite, and silicates. Fluorite and apatite constitute common
· These anionic collectors are non-selectivity for the fluorite and barite [10], thereby they need to be used with the depressant to inhibit the flotation of barite. Sodium hexametaphosphate
The utilization of citric acid as a depressant for the flotation separation of barite from fluorite
Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2020, Cheng Liu and others published The utilization of citric acid as a depressant for the flotation separation of barite from fluorite | Find, read and cite all
· The micro-flotation results showed that OEBA efficiently floated out fluorite and barite from calcite at pH ∼ 9.0, and barite from fluorite at pH ∼ 11.0. OEBA adsorbed on the surface of fluorite, barite and calcite through forming the Ca(Ⅱ)/Ba(Ⅱ)-carboxylate species.
· Flotation experiments indicated that efficient flotation separation of fluorite from barite could be achieved with 15 mg/L GG as depressant and 100 mg/L NaOL as collector and at pH 7.5. In this situation, a high-quality concentrate with CaF 2 grade and recovery of 85.24% and 86.73% was obtained in artificial mixed minerals flotation test.
· In barite flotation, sodium oleate is widely used as a collector in a highly alkaline pulp, but it is susceptible to slime and hard water ions (Gurpinar et al., 2004;Chen et al., 2019; Lu et al
· Present Situation and Outlook of Barite Flotation and Purification in China. 1. 2. Barite is an important strategic non-metallic mineral. China has rich barite resources. Its reserves, output and export volume rank first in the world. However the situation of low export price has existed for a long time.
· The concentration of barite by gravity separation generates substantial quantities of fine-particle wastes, and it is estimated that ≈40% of the contained barite is lost to these waste streams. In this study, froth flotation was examined as a potential method for the recovery of fine-barite particles. The study included the use of kinetic equations to
· Mineral flotation tests show that barite, deionized water flotation after microwave treatment, recovery increased by 2.67%, 3.35%, respectively, while the pulp and the pulp of chemically added ore
The anionic flotation of fluorite from barite using gelatinized
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The anionic flotation of fluorite from barite using gelatinized starch as the depressant" by Siyuan Yang et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2020.124794 Corpus ID: 216513577 The anionic flotation of fluorite from barite using gelatinized
· After one roughing flotation and two cleaning flotations, a barite concentrate with 92.03% grade and 84.58% recovery was obtained from the feed with a 52.62% grade of barite, suggesting a high efficiency of
· This paper introduces the research on the beneficiation of a low-grade barite ore taken from Myanmar.Through the analysis of the ore properties and research on the flotation experiment, the optimum flotation conditions are determinedwhile the ore sample assays 64.32% BaSO4.Under the flotation conditions of the grinding fineness
Exploration of an eco-friendly depressant 2-hydroxyphosphonylacetic acid for the flotation separation of barite
DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.133607 Corpus ID: 268234429 Exploration of an eco-friendly depressant 2-hydroxyphosphonylacetic acid for the flotation separation of barite from calcite @article{Ai2024ExplorationOA, title={Exploration of an eco-friendly depressant 2
the flotation separation of barite-calcite using sodium silicate as
The flotation separation of barite from calcite using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as the collector and sodium silicate (SS) as the depressant has been concretely studied in this paper. The results show that SDS has high collecting ability for both barite and calcite and that the flotation separation of barite from calcite cannot be achieved by using SDS alone.
Understanding the sequential flotation separation of fluorite, barite
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.119608 Corpus ID: 265697228 Understanding the sequential flotation separation of fluorite, barite and calcite through the AFM adhesion force @article{Yu2023UnderstandingTS, title={Understanding the sequential flotation separation of
· The flotation of bastnaesite, as a major mineral source of rare earth elements, attracting much attention in the mineral processing field, is challenging owing to the natural flotability of calcium-bearing minerals. To promote the application of flotation, we systematically investigated the flotation behavior of bastnaesite, barite, and calcite, with
Study on flotation separation of barite fluorite by citric acid
DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.134058 Corpus ID: 269305263 Study on flotation separation of barite fluorite by citric acid under new collector system @article{Liu2024StudyOF, title={Study on flotation separation of barite fluorite by citric acid under new collector
· This paper proposes luteolin (LUT) as a novel depressant for the flotation-based separation of scheelite and calcite in a sodium oleate (NaOL) system. The suitability of LUT as a calcite depressant is confirmed through micro-flotation testing. At pH = 9, with LUT concentration of 50 mg·L−1 and NaOL concentration of 50 mg·L−1, scheelite
The utilization of citric acid as a depressant for the flotation separation of barite
DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106491 Corpus ID: 219931354 The utilization of citric acid as a depressant for the flotation separation of barite from fluorite @article{Liu2020TheUO, title={The utilization of citric acid as a depressant for the flotation separation of barite from fluorite}, author={Cheng Liu and Ming Zhou and Ling Xia and Weng Fu and Weiguang
Selective flotation of fluorite from barite using trisodium
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Selective flotation of fluorite from barite using trisodium phosphate as a depressant" by Cheng Liu et al. DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2019.02.008 Corpus ID: 104377866 Selective flotation of fluorite from barite using trisodium
Flotation separation of barite from calcite using acidified water
DOI: 10.1016/J.COLSURFA.2019.123605 Corpus ID: 198362384 Flotation separation of barite from calcite using acidified water glass as the depressant @article{Deng2019FlotationSO, title={Flotation separation of barite from calcite using acidified water glass as
: Ying Lu, Weiping Liu, Xuming Wang, Huaigang Cheng, Fangqin Cheng, Jan D. MillerStudy on flotation separation of barite fluorite by citric acid under
Abstract. Barite and fluorite have similar physical and chemical properties and floatability, and traditional flotation reagents are difficult to effectively separate these two minerals.
Flotation Recovery of Barite from Ore using Palm Bunch Based
Froth flotation of Azara barite ore was carried out using a mixture of available raw materials, the burnt empty palm (Eleasis guineesis) bunch solution, and analytical grade palmitic acid as collector, sodium silicate as depressant. Optimum recovery was obtained at collector concentration of 0.01 moles litre-1. Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrophotometric
Baryte, barite or barytes ( / ˈbæraɪt, ˈbɛər -/ [7] or / bəˈraɪtiːz / [8]) is a mineral consisting of barium sulfate (Ba S O 4 ). [3] Baryte is generally white or colorless, and is the main source of the element barium. The baryte group consists of baryte, celestine (strontium sulfate), anglesite (lead sulfate), and anhydrite (calcium