:Antonios Deligiannakis, Yannis Kotidis, Nick RoussopoulosPublish Year:2006 · Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have received increasing attention in the past decade. In existing studies for query processing of WSNs, each sensor node
Optimizing in-network aggregate queries in wireless sensor networ…
This study proposes a method of in-network aggregate query processing to reduce the number of messages incurred in a wireless sensor network. When aggregate queries are issued to the resource-constrained wireless sensor network, it is important to efficiently perform these queries.
The PSL MAC Protocol for Accumulated Data Processing in the Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networ…
In the energy-harvesting wireless sensor network (EH-WSN), the actual energy-harvesting rate of each node varies due to the difference in node deployment or a sudden change in the environment. Therefore, when a node with a low energy-harvesting
aggregate query processing in wireless sensor networ
aggregate query processing in sensor networks, QUERY PROCESSING WITH GUARANTEES IN QUERY-CENTRIC NETWORKS. of the NETWORk beyond keyword-based search queries to aggregate queries (e.g., sum, count, Go to Product Center
:Chih-Chieh Hung, Wen-Chih PengPublish Year:2011 · An adaptive in-network aggregation operator for query processing in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Systems and Software, 81 (3), 328–342. Article
Robust and efficient aggregate query processing in wireless sensor networ…
Wireless sensor networks have been widely used in many applications, such as soil temperature monitoring for plant growth and abnormal event detection of industrial parameters. Among these applications, aggregate queries, such as SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MIN and MAX are often used to collect statistical data.
Wavelet-Based Least Common Ancestor Algorithm for Aggregate Query Processing in Energy Aware Wireless Sensor Networ…
The proposed WLCA-SWA is developed with the integration of the weighed sliding window and Least Common Ancestor (LCA), which enables the energy-aware aggregate query processing and de-duplication such that the duplicate records are detected potentially prior to the communication of the sensed data to the sink node. Wireless sensor network
Aggregate Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks-Jeong-Joon
However, these aggregate query processing techniques have problems such as high energy consumption in sensor nodes, low accuracy of query processing results, and long query processing time. In order to solve these problems and to enhance the efficiency of aggregate query processing in wireless sensor networks, this paper proposes
Aggregate query processing in the presence of duplicates in wireless sensor networ…
In existing studies for query processing of WSNs, each sensor node measures environmental parameters such as temperature, light and humidity around its location. Instead, in our work, we consider a different type of sensors that detect objects in their sensing regions which may overlap with each other.
· Top-k monitoring in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. v19. 962-976. Google Scholar Xu et al., 2006. Xu Y, Lee W-C, Xu J, Mitchell G. Processing window queries in
:Prachi Sarode, R. NandhiniPublish Year:2018 · In this paper, we propose a new query aggregation method to preprocess the query predicates. The size of the relational table can be further reduced
· Since the processing of a tumbling window query is the same as multiple invocations of a single window aggregate query, we assume 0 < ℓ < w without loss of generality in the rest of paper. To make our presentation simpler, we also assume that Q w is invoked at timestamp 1 in this section.
· This paper presents an approach for adapting query processing in wireless sensor networks (WSN) based on the notions of quality of query services (QoQS) and novelty detection (ND).
· In this paper, we introduce a general framework for distributed processing of spatio-temporal queries in a sensor network that has two main phases: (1) routing the query to the spatial area
· Impact of Applying Aggregate Query Processing in Mobile Commerce Article Apr 2012 Say Ying Lim Siew Fan Wong With the increased usage of mobile devices, society is seeing more and more users doing
· Area query processing is significant for various applications of wireless sensor networks since it can request information of particular areas in the monitored environment. Existing query processing techniques cannot solve area queries. Intuitively centralized processing on Base Station can accomplish area queries via collecting
Efficiently computing Pareto optimal G-skyline query in wireless sensor networ…
On efficient processing of continuous reverse skyline queries in wireless sensor networks. KSII Trans Intern Inform Syst 2017 ; 11(4): 1931 – 1953 . Google Scholar
Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Network
A wireless sensor network (WSN’s) is a specialized network composed of numerous low cost, and low power sensor nodes which can be defined as the capability of performing some processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with others. WSN’s collects the information from target environment by sensor nodes.
· Consequently, data aggregation brings new challenges to wireless sensor network security. In this article, we propose a novel secure data aggregation solution based on autoregressive integrated moving average model, a time series analysis technique, to prevent private data from being learned by adversaries.
· Poornima, A. S., Amberker, B. B. Secure end-to-end data aggregation (SEEDA) protocols for wireless sensor networks Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 2013 173-4 193 219 Google Scholar 18.
· Wireless sensor network (WSN) is developed as a network of sensors, which engage in sensing and transmitting the data to the sink node. The constraints, such as energy, memory, and bandwidth insist the researchers to develop an efficient method for data transmission in WSN. Accordingly, this paper introduces a data aggregation
Top-k query framework in wireless sensor networks for smart grid
In this paper, a framework that can effectively apply top-k query to wireless sensor network in smart grid is proposed, which is based on the cluster-topology sensor network. In the new method, local indices are used to optimize the necessary query routing and process intermediate results inside the cluster to cut down the data traffic, and the
Optimizing Multiple In-Network Aggregate Queries in Wireless Sensor Networ…
in-network query processing for power saving in wireless sensor networks [3][5][6]. Prior works [2][6] explore the feature of in-network aggregation in which sensor nodes in a routing tree are able to perform aggregate operators. The authors in [1] proposed in
Assembling Regions for Efficacious Aggregate Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networ…
Assembling Regions for Efficacious Aggregate Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks by Apostolos Fertis Diploma, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2003) National Technical University of Athens Submitted to the Department of Electrical
· Expand. 40. Experimental results show that the bloom filter based complicated event query processing algorithms achieve performance improvement in terms of energy consumption. In this paper, we propose two bloom filter based algorithms to solve the complicated event query adopting the separate DCS scheme.
:Jun-Ki Min, Raymond T. Ng, Kyuseok ShimPublish Year:2015 · Recently as efficient processing of aggregate queries for fetching desired data from sensors has been recognized as a crucial part, in-network aggregate
Query Processing and Data Aggregation | part of Wireless Sensor
Chapter Abstract: This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
The PSL MAC Protocol for Accumulated Data Processing in the Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network | Wireless
In the energy-harvesting wireless sensor network (EH-WSN), the actual energy-harvesting rate of each node varies due to the difference in node deployment or a sudden change in the environment. Therefore, when a node with a low energy-harvesting rate is
· Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) merupakan jaringan komputer terdistribusi (Distributed Computer Network) yang memanfaatkan sejumlah node sensor berukuran kecil, dikembangkan dan dikonfigurasikan
· After wireless sensor network is deployed, users often submit spatial window aggregation queries to obtain statistical information of the regions of interest, such as maximum temperature, average humidity etc. Existing spatial window aggregation query processing algorithms are based on the assumption that the communication links are