Beverly Crusher. American actress Gates McFadden, who plays Beverly Crusher. Doctor Beverly Crusher is a fictional character from the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation The character is played by actress Gates McFadden. Crusher was born as Beverly Howard. She is a human medical doctor working for
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Beverly Crusher (geb. Beverly Howard [4]) ist ein Mensch, der im 24. Jahrhundert als Offizierin in der Sternenflotte dient. Sie schlägt eine medizinische Richtung innerhalb der Sternenflotte ein ist von 2379 auf der USS Enterprise -D und USS Enterprise -E, als Chefärztin tätig. Nach diversen Wechseln übernimmt sie im 25.
Beverly Crusher fue la jefa medica del la nave insignia de la Federación USS Enterprise -D, bajo la capitanía de Jean-Luc Picard. Nació en el año 2324 con el apellido de soltera de Howard. Originaria de la colonia de Arvada III y vivió prácticamente toda su niñez con su abuela, Felisa, quien tenia la costumbre de usar Hierbas medicinales para curar a la
Doctor Beverly Crusher : [to Dr. Russell] I am delighted that Worf is going to recover. You gambled, he won. Not all of your patients are so lucky. You scare me, Doctor. You risk your patients' lives and justify it in the name of research. Genuine research takes
Il comandante Beverly Cheryl Crusher, MD, (Howard da nubile) era il primo ufficiale medico a bordo della USS Enterprise-D e del suo successore, la USS Enterprise-E, entrambe sotto il comando del capitano Jean-Luc Picard. Per un breve periodo lasciò il suo posto di ufficiale medico capo (CMO) dell' Enterprise-D per diventare capo della divisione medica della
Beverly Crusher. La doctora Beverly Crusher és un personatge fictici de Star Trek: La nova generació interpretat per Gates McFadden. És la doctora de la USS Enterprise D (i després de la USS Enterprise E) durant totes les temporades de la sèrie excepte la 2a, quan el seu lloc és ocupat per la doctora Katherine Pulaski.
Dr. Beverly Crusher parancsnok (sz. Beverly Cheryl Howard) a Star Trek: Az új nemzedék című amerikai sci-fi televíziós sorozat és az ez alapján készült négy mozifilm egyik főszereplője. Alakítója Gates McFadden . Crusher doktornő az orvosi részleg vezetője a USS Enterprise -D, majd a USS Enterprise -E csillaghajón.
Beverly Crusher: Candle Enthusiast One of the things that should 100% bother you is the lack of action Beverly Crusher gets in the seven years of Trek TV and four movies she
The Next Generation. Beverly Crusher.-Rank: Commander.-Current assignment: Chief Medical officer, U.S.S. Enterprise (detached service upon loss of vessel in 2371)-Full
Beverley Crusher is the main medical doctor for the USS Enterprise NCC 1701D for the majority of the time that the shipis out exploring. She has an uneasy relationship with
Beverly Crusher, MD, was a female Human who served in Starfleet during the 2380s as chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-E.[1] She held the rank of commander as of 2380.[citation needed] Crusher's son, Wesley, served on the USS Titan as an assistant chief engineer.[2] Beverly served as chief medical officer on the USS Enterprise-E in
Doctor Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher MD, was a Starfleet officer who served as chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E for many years from 2364 to the 2380s, under Captain Jean-Luc Picard, with brief stints serving as head of Starfleet Medical in 2365 and 2379. Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher was born (prematurely) as
If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!Beverly Crusher Beverly Crusher was the medical doctor of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D from 2363 to 2371 followed by the
Beverly Crusher zal geboren worden als Beverly Howard in 2324. Ze zal aan haar toekomstig echtgenoot Jack Crusher worden voorgesteld door hun beider vriend, Walker Keel. Ze zullen trouwen in 2348 en één zoon krijgen: Wesley Crusher, in 2349. In 2350 zal ze afstuderen aan de medische school. Daarna zal ze een tijdje met haar grootmoeder
Captivating HD Wallpapers featuring Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation for your desktop inspiration and admiration. Filter: All 14 HD Wallpaper (1920x1080) 14,283 Tags William T Geordi La Forge
Picard überbringt Crusher und ihrem Sohn die Nachricht vom Tod von Jack Crusher. Beverly Crusher begleitet darauf Picard auf die Sternenbasis 32, wo ihr toter Mann aufgebahrt wird. Crusher will ihren toten Mann noch einmal sehen, doch Picard rät ihr davon ab, damit sie ihren Mann nicht so sieht.
Beverly Crusher is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise played by Gates McFadden. Debuting in the television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, McFadden
Worf (Star Trek:TNG/DS9) Guinan (Star Trek) Geordi La Forge. Deanna Troi. William Riker. Jack Crusher (Star Trek: Picard) A behind the scenes look through the ten episodes of Picard Season 3. How Beverly and jean-Luc deal with each other, and their new relationship, and how they manage to create a family with Jack.
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