Campaigning under the banner of People & Planet's Fossil Free Careers campaign, these students are calling upon University careers services to do the following: Refuse all new relationships with oil, gas and mining companies. Decline to renew any current relationships with oil, gas and mining companies after the contractually obligated period ends.
About us. About us. Fossil Free London exists to challenge the social licence of fossil fuel corporations and the banks that fund them by protesting and disrupting them to push for a fossil free city. We use direct action, creative stunts, disruption and protest to target key fossil fuel corporations and banks.
Steps of Certification. CONNECT: During an initial conversation, get to know the Bank.Green team, introduce your bank or credit union's climate and sustainability commitments, and learn more about Fossil Free Certification. SUBMIT: Submit documentation, including: • Any public-facing web pages or materials stating your bank
The long campaign at the UC culminated in a system-wide faculty YES vote for Fossil Fuel Divestment, & the CIO of the UC announced (May 2020) that its investments are "fossil free" but made clear he was derisking not divesting. Soon after, it was clear the UC
Frequently Asked Questions. Thanks for your interest in the Fossil Free campaign. We don’t have answers to every question, but here are a few that we’ve been hearing a lot.
The Economy and Fossil Fuels. Fossil fuels are bad for business. The fossil fuel industry has been the worst performing sector of the economy for the last decade. Our future prosperity depends on transitioning to clean energy.
What are we asking for, and who are we asking? Why divestment? Shouldn’t we just focus on stopping fossil fuel projects like offshore drilling, tar sands pipelines, coal power plants and hydrofracking wells? Companies like ExxonMobil, Shell, BP have billions of
Fossil Free Funds can help you avoid fossil fuel investments As You Sow Invest Your Values Sign up Donate Home About us How it works Video tutorials Resources Fossil fuel companies Carbon reserve owners Carbon Underground 200
Divestment-Forderungen von Über uns Was wir fordern Was wir glauben Wer wir sind Wen wir suchen Datenschutzerklärung Kontakt Unterstützen FAQ Gründe für Divestments aus fossilen Energien 1. Divestment ist ökonomisch sinnvoll
Who We Are. Fossil Free Research is an organization that supports the international movement of students and faculty working to expose and dismantle fossil fuel industry’s toxic influence on higher education, especially concerning climate-related research. Our campaign has received coverage from:
Based on increasing customer demand, SSAB is developing two steels with zero fossil carbon emission. SSAB Zero™ is based on recycled steel, using electric arc furnaces powered by fossil-free electricity and biogas. It was launched in the US and Europe in March 2023, with more markets to follow. SSAB Zero™ has zero fossil carbon emission
The not-so-fine print: The Fossil Free campaign and are not making investment recommendations, but merely providing information about possible alternatives to fossil fuel related investments. Individuals should evaluate any investment alternative for personal appropriateness.
SSAB aims to place the world's first fossil-free steel on the market already in 2026; SSAB Fossil-free™ steel. In 2023, SSAB launched a steel based on scrap-with no carbon emissions; SSAB Zero™. Together, these high-quality steel products are revolutionizing the industry by products that does not create fossil-fuel CO2 emissions.
FAQ. General FAQ. How successful are so called “isolation campaigns” like FFU? You’re right: a petition alone isn’t enough. In FFU, we go by an edict of a fellow activist: passive
Six reasons. What is the difference between SSAB Zero™, SSAB Fossil-free™ steel and standard steel? Both SSAB Zero™ and SSAB Fossil-free™ steel, are steels with no
Fossil Free München, München, gemeindefreies Gebiet. 776 likes · 1 talking about this. It's wrong to profit from wrecking the climate -- so we're building an unstoppable movement to divest from
Inzwischen ist die Fossil Free Bewegung ein breites, internationales Netzwerk von Organisatione, Gruppen und Einzelpersonen, die in Kanada, den USA, Australien, Neuseeland, Schweden, Norwegen, Großbritannien, Japan, Südafrika, den Niederlanden und Deutschland Divestment fordern. Unsere Forderungen unterstreichen wir mit
Fossil Free Sverige. 3,580 likes. För etiska investeringar och en fossilfri framtid! En nationell kampanj mot klimatförstörande okloka investeringar.
These trainings will run you step-by-step through how to set up a strong local campaign group. Download all → If you use google-drive, copy this folder to your drive and explore and adapt the resources for your local group. Otherwise, you can download each individual resource using the links below. Download all as .PDF or .DOC.
Build back. fossil free. . Our country is in crisis. In the midst of a pandemic and climate catastrophe, our communities turned out in record numbers to elect you. Now it’s time to fulfill your promises to end the era of fossil
3 · Fossil Free is about leveraging our power where it’s most effective — in our local communities. We join that power together in a connected global movement, that shares
Fossil Free Shropshire, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. 98 likes. A community group asking the Shropshire County Pension Fund to divest from polluting fossil fuels.
SSAB planuje wprowadzić na rynek już w 2026 roku pierwszą na świecie stal wyprodukowaną bez użycia paliw kopalnych; stal SSAB Fossil-free™. W 2023 roku firma SSAB wprowadziła stal bazującą na złomie stalowym-bez emisji dwutlenku węgla; SSAB Zero™. Razem, te wysokiej jakości produkty stalowe rewolucjonizują branżę, dzięki
The first Fossil Free campaigns in Europe kicked off in autumn 2013. Since then, over 250 campaigns are underway in the UK, Germany, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and other countries.
Keine Kohle-, Öl- oder Gasprojekte mehr — nirgendwo! Stattdessen Bürger-Energiewende — 100 %. Dezentral. Gerecht. Gemeinsam können wir eine Welt ohne Kohle, Öl und Gas aufbauen! Überall auf der Welt
SSAB aims to place the world's first fossil-free steel on the market already in 2026; SSAB Fossil-free™ steel. In 2023, SSAB launched a steel based on scrap-with no carbon emissions; SSAB Zero™. Together, these high-quality steel products are revolutionizing the industry by products that does not create fossil-fuel CO2 emissions.
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