· Another study in change of the rock wool with rates of %5, %7.5, %10, %12.5, where it was found that best percentage of the rock wool is 12.5% after studying mechanical and physical properties
· With increasing dead volume, the experimentally inferred bulk modulus approaches the drained bulk modulus. We show that the transition from undrained to drained state as a function of dead volume can be modelled with a 1D poroelastic model for the rock sample‐dead volume system with a boundary condition that honours the
Bulk Modulus-an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The bulk modulus of the rock matrix grains K m depends on lithology, and should equal the bulk modulus of the porous matrix K dry when porosity equals zero. Variations of the petrophysical model can require additional input data, such
A differential scheme for modulus ratio of dry rock | SEG
The bulk and shear moduli of dry rock framework are two essential parameters for fluid substitution and shear‐wave prediction in rock physics study. The modulus ratio of the bulk to the shear modulus, in general, is assumed to be constant, irrespective of porosity, by some popular empirical models such as the critical porosity model and Krief's model, but
Extracting static elastic moduli of rock through elastic wave
P- and S-wave velocities, Young’s, and bulk moduli of rock, especially the saturated rock, have strong frequency dependence in a wide frequency range of 10–6–106 Hz. Different rocks or conditions (such as water content, amplitude, and pressure), have different frequency-dependent characteristics.
· 1.5.4 Method D: Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Speci-mens in Uniaxial Compression. 1.5.5 Option A: Temperature Variation Applies to any of the methods and allows for testing at temperatures above or below room temperature. 1.6
· It is possible to invoke tighter theoretical bounds 16.However, these Hashin–Shtrikman bounds for solid bulk modulus require knowledge of both bulk and shear moduli of all solid constituents. In
· Fig. 9 a shows predicted relative change (%) in saturated soft rock bulk modulus due to 10% change in water saturation, where effective fluid modulus is upper bound. Fig. 9 d shows the similar plot but for soft rock
· We performed new quasi-static measurements over a broad range of strain amplitudes to determine the dynamic and static bulk moduli of rocks. The observed strain amplitude dependence is consistent, at first order, with frictional slip at grain contacts. Absent pre-existing micro-cracks or at high effective pressure where cracks are closed,
· Rock geomechanical characteristics mainly include elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, bulk modulus and rock strength. These parameters can be obtained from the measurement of seismic wave velocities of
Elasticity and rigidity of rock | SpringerLink
Although not all rocks have initial changes in bulk modulus and Young's modulus as pronounced as Westerly granite, the effect is observed in nearly all rocks to some degree. The rapid initial changes in these properties are apparently due to tiny cracks that exist in rocks but not in metals and glass.
· The reservoir bulk modulus (sometimes referred to as wet rock bulk modulus or drained bulk modulus) can vary approximately from the order of ∼10 −1 to the order of ∼10 1 GPa. Its value depends on rock type, temperature, degree of fracturing, confining pressure and degree and type of hydrothermal alterations (e.g. Zimmerman et
· The elastic properties of low-porosity rocks depend more on the specific pore structure than on the actual porosity, and, in general, the bulk modulus within the crack-like porosity dominates the overall fluid response (Johansen et al., 2002).
1: Bulk modulus, shear modulus and density of different minerals used in rock
Show more. Download Table | 1: Bulk modulus, shear modulus and density of different minerals used in rock physics modeling. from publication: Integrating sequence stratigraphy and rock-physics to
· The dry rock modulus is the incremental bulk changes originated from an increase of lithostatic pressure with constant pore pressure. Murphy et al. (1993) and Russell and Smith (2007) demonstrated
:Bulk ModulusPublish Year:2020Amplitude Dispersion · To this graph we also added the 100%-wet-rock dynamic bulk modulus computed using Gassmann's fluid substitution equation. The pore fluid is clean water
· Other moduli, such as bulk modulus, Lamé’s mod ulus, shear modulus, etc., can be determined from these two constants. Thus, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio play the mos t important role
The bulk modulus of the pore space is a weighted harmonic mean of the bulk moduli of the pore constituents (Gassmann, 1951). When the two pore constituents are water and air, the bulk modulus of the pore space fluids (K fl) can be calculated as: 1 𝐾𝑓𝑙 = 𝑆𝑤 𝐾𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 + 1 −𝑆𝑤 𝐾𝑎𝑖𝑟
:Dynamic Bulk ModulusStatic Bulk ModulusTypes of Bulk Modulus · After obtaining the dry bulk modulus of a rock, the saturated bulk modulus at the low-frequency limit can be calculated using Gassmann's formula ().
Extracting static elastic moduli of rock through elastic wave
The conventional wave velocity test processes the rock specimen into a certain shape and measures P- and S-wave velocities in laboratory experiments. By a detector, a seis-mograph, or other equipment, in situ tests of large-scale rock can also be carried out for determining the dynamic elastic moduli of rock.
· The larger the porosity of the samples, the greater the increase in the saturation bulk modulus relative to the dry bulk modulus. The bulk modulus of the sample S2 (29.85 per cent) grew slowly at low-saturation (<80 per cent), then increase significantly as the water saturation further increased until the sample was completely
· Bulk modulus which relates seismic attributes to rock and fluid properties is considered as an important parameter for seismic reservoir characterisation workflows, and can provide
· SUMMARY. The squirt flow model, proposed by Mavko & Jizba, has been widely used in explaining the frequency-related modulus and velocity dispersion bet The unrelaxed frame bulk modulus, |${{K}}_{{\rm{uf}}}^{\rm{M}}$| (eq. 2), which takes the first two terms of Taylor expansion of the exact one K uf in powers of ϕ c, is an approximation
:Bulk ModulusPublish Year:2021 · The results show that the model performed well at predicting the effective bulk modulus and attenuation of the rock with different water saturation. Finally, we
:Dynamic Bulk ModulusDynamic Bulk ModuliStatic Bulk Modulus · The classical theory of poroelasticity for an isotropic medium involves the skeletal deformability properties characterized by the skeletal or effective shear modulus
· 5.8 Pressure. 5.9 In-Situ Stresses. 5.10 Temperature. 5.11 Gassmann Fluid Substitution. 5.12 Solid Mineral Bulk Modulus. 5.13 Cracked Rock. 5.14 Anisotropy. 5.15 Attenuation and Velocity Dispersion. 6 Rock Failure Relationships.
Pore pressure prediction from bulk modulus in shale based on rock
In this study, the normal compaction velocity and bulk modulus of shale are simulated by anisotropic shale rock physics modeling to improve the accuracy of the normal trend. Since the bulk modulus and the seismic wave velocity can be converted to each other, we have tried to propose a method for predicting pore pressures from bulk modulus.
· The bulk modulus of multiphase pore fluid is not only affected by the saturation and micro-distribution of each phase but also by the confining pressure and pore connectivity (White, 1975;Domenico
Bulk modulus of rock solid versus porosity of cracks (left) and.
However, the bulk modulus of rock solid varies inversely with the porosity of round pores in Figure 6 (right), which may result from stronger quartz cementation with decreasing total porosity.
:Rock PhysicsEarth ScienceRocks and StonesBulk Moduli · We measured the static and dynamic bulk moduli of soft and hard lithofacies, where the static bulk modulus ranged from 2.2 to 28.7 GPa and dynamic