BOND'S WORK INDEX: WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT ISN'T *Alex Doll1 and Berge Simonian2 1Alex G Doll Consulting Ltd. PO Box 1236 Logan Lake, BC – V0K 1W0 (*Corresponding author: [email protected]) 2Centerra Gold Inc. – Mount Milligan Mine 299
· The Bond crushing (impact) work index (Wi C, CWi, LEIT or IWi) conducted on specimens of a nominal dimension between 50 mm and 75 mm. The product size is not relevant to this test; it is a
· The Bond work index, Wi, is defined in a Bond ball mill on the samples of standard size − 3.327 + 0 mm. In practice, it is possible to find materials of non-standard size that are finer than 3.327 mm. In this work, a procedure for the calculation of the Bond work index is suggested for cases when the Bond grindability test is conducted on
· Geometallurgical modeling of the production benches is an attempt to estimate the geometallurgical variables of the different ore domains, which leads to a better understanding of the ore and its properties. Having geometallurgical variables results in a more accurate prediction of ore characteristics, an improved drilling and blasting
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Download Bond Work Index Tables (wi) Type: PDF. Date: November 2019. Size: 1.5MB. Author: Tsakalakis G. Konstantinos. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Report DMCA.
· The work index tests, developed by Fred C. Bond, are conducted in various test devices at a size range for which the material will be processed in the various crushing and grinding ranges. The bench scale test data that can be used for selection of cone crushers, rod mills and ball mills can be obtained as part of either:
20150505 Bond Efficiency-GMG-ICE-v1-r04 Determining the Bond
The metal Bond ball mill is 30.5 cm inside diameter and. 30.5 cm inside length, with rounded corners. It is smooth except for the door hole used for charging. The grinding charge consists of 285 iron or steel balls (43 @ 36.8 mm diameter, 67 @ 29.7 mm diameter, 10 @. 25.4 mm diameter, 71 @ 19.1 mm diameter, and 94 @.
· For the evaluation of laboratory and industrial experiments, the work index can be determined as follows: BWI = 44.5 P 1 0.23 × G 0.82 10 P − 10 F where BWI = Bond's work index (kWh/sh. Ton), F = 80% passing size of original feed (μm), P = 80% passing size of circuit product (μm), P1 = Test-sieve size (μm) and G = Net grams of
· The Bond work index (BWI) is a well-known method used when selecting comminution equipment, to evaluate the grinding efficiency and to calculate the required grinding power. Although considered an
Bond Work Index Tests | GSL
The Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBWi) test is carried out in a standardised ball mill with a pre-defined media and ore charge. The Work Index calculated from the testing can be used in the design and analysis of ball mill circuits. The test requires a minimum of 10kg of sample that has been stage-crushed to 100% passing size of <3.35 mm.
Bond Rod Work Index Mill-911 Metallurgist
Bond Rod Index Mill, 12” x 24” consisting of a one (1) piece cast shell complete with integral wave, 1 Hp 3/60/220 volt motor/gear reducer drive, support frame which allows the mill to tilt +/- 5 degrees during operation
· The Bond work index (BWI) is a well-known method used when selecting comminution equipment, to evaluate the grinding efficiency and to calculate the required grinding power. Although considered an industry standard, Bond did not fully define that procedure, and therefore significant discrepancies in test results can sometimes be
· The Bond work index can be determined by many ways, some of them are as follows: with the traditional standard method in a (1) Bond-ball mill or in a (2) Hardgrove mill with the conversion of the Hardgrove method's result to Bond work index by an empirical formula, (3) with the more work-saving Karra algorithm (compared to the
Grinding work index according to Bond-INFINITY FOR CEMENT EQUIPMENT
Average grinding work index (Wi) by type of mate rial, according to Bond (see table 6.1.): The work index (Wi) expresses the kWh required to reduce a short ton of material from theoretically infinite feed size to 80 % passing a square screen opening of 100 microns. The work index values apply to ball mills grinding wet in closed circuit.
(PDF) The extractive metallurgy of South Africa's platinum ores
Merensky ores have bond work indices of about 21 kwhr/ton at the coarser sizes and up to 25 kwhr/ton at the finer 200 Index @300 Bond Work Index @ 75 Mill Sizes Final Grinds-% passing 200
Bond Work Index-an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Bond Work Index. The Bond work index (Bond, 1960) is based on Bond’s law, which states that the energy consumed is proportional to the 1.5 power of particle size rather than the square of Rittinger’s law. From: Advances in Clean Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing, 2011. Add to Mendeley.
· This Grindability Test or Bond Ball Mill Work Index Procedure is used to determine the Bond Work Index of minus six mesh or finer feed ore samples. These equation application methods are used to process <1/2″ ore samples in a Ball Mill using a standard ball charge. Below describes in general terms the Bond Work Index […]
re separated from the ground material for experiments. The composite samples of an-desite and limestone are made from the rest, in the following ratios: limestone : andesite = 25 : 75, limeston. : andesite = 50 : 50, limestone : andesite = 75 : 25.The Bond work index determination according to the standard Bond's test is done on all these
Prediction of Bond's work index from field measurable rock
In general, Bond's work index is used to determine the grinding efficiency and also to calculate the power requirement. The process is very time consuming and it requires skilled labor and specialized mill. A systematic investigation was carried out to predict Bond's work index using simple field measurable properties of rocks.
· The grindability of an ore in the process of mineral dressing can be determined by use of the Bond work index ( Wi ). This index is determined on a laboratory-scale using a Bond ball-mill and by simulating dry grinding in a closed circuit until the 250% circulating load has been obtained. This happens only after 7–10 grinding cycles, which
Variability Study of Bond Work Index and Grindability Index on
The Bond work index most commonly referred to is the BBM work index. This value is obtained in a 12” × 12” laboratory mill running at 70 rpm, with rounded inner edges and without lifters. The grinding charge is comprised of
· Work Index. Work index indicates the difficulty of ore crushing or ore grinding in mineral processing operation. The initial definition is the work Wi consumed by crushing the unit mass material with infinite particle size to the product with particle size of 100 microns. The mathematical expression is: $$ {W}_i=\frac {W} {\frac {10} {\sqrt {P
· 분쇄 공정을 설계하는 과정에서 분쇄에 소요되는 동력을 추산하는 것은 상당히 종요합니다 (분쇄 장비의 운전관리 등을 사전 평가하는데 이용). 이 전에 소개한 3가지의 이론들(Rittinger, Kick, Bond)*이, 이를 추산하는데 사용됩니다. 이 중, 볼밀과 로드밀에는 본드 분쇄일지수(Bond work index)가 많이
· The Bond work index of the mixture is 16.3 kW h/t. Furthermore, the Bond work index was estimated using the Karra algorithm using the first two cycles of the Bond measurement, the value is found to be 14.5 kW h/t. The difference from the standard Bond-work index is 11.0%. 4.1.2.
Bonds Work Index Ball Mill at best price in Thane by Mechmin
Type. Bond work index type as per ASTM. Power. 1 Hp 3 Phase. MECHMIN engineered Ball Mill consists of a cylindrical shell with Curved end flanges Welded to the shell.. Mill is supported on 2 nos. Double Row Spherical Roller Bearings by 2 nos. shafts welded to the end flanges and stiffened with gussets. The above assembly is placed on Cast Iron
· The basic work index equation is: W = 10 Wi/√P – 10 Wi/√F………………………………………………………………………… (1) where W is the work input required in kilowatt hours per short ton to
· Calibration data set sensitivity A database of 336 Bond ball mill work index results generated by commercial laboratories and by the authors was used to generate Fig. 1.Tests with F 80 values finer than 2 mm were excluded, resulting in a calibration data set with the following statistics:
· La ecuación del ‘Indice de trabajo‘ de Bond, es una herramienta de ingeniería de procesos de vigencia a través del tiempo. Este documento describe su forma y los usos más básicos. Referencia: F.C. Bond, “Crushing and Grinding Calculations”, British Chemical Engineering, Junio, 1961, pp.378-385.
Distribution of impact (crushing) work index for
The traditional Bond work index proposed by F.C. Bond over 60 years ago is still today a useful tool for characterizing material crushability and grindability in the minerals industry.
Bond Work Index –
La Dureza del Mineral. La caracterización del mineral es la variable más importante y de mayor impacto en los procesos mineros, ya que estos presentan una cantidad significativa de características fisicoquímicas que lo hacen único, entre estas se encuentra la dureza, su composición química, las especies asociadas, su granulometría