Tribology Energy-STLE
Global energy consumption is expected to grow in upcoming years, straining both resources and the environment. At the same time, a huge amount of energy is lost to friction: for example, seven quads of energy are wasted annually due to friction in passenger cars globally 1 .
Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the
(DOI: 10.1016/J.TRIBOINT.2017.05.010) This article is published in Tribology International.The article was published on 2017-11-01 and is currently open access. It has received 266 citations till now. The article focuses on
Ali Erdemir-Google Scholar
Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mining industry K Holmberg, P Kivikytö-Reponen, P Härkisaari, K Valtonen, A Erdemir Tribology International 115, 116-139, 2017 453 2017 Synthesis of diamondlike carbon films with superlow friction and
· Calculations on the global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mineral mining industry are presented. For the first time, the impact of wear is also included in more detailed calculations in order to show its enormous tribological and economic impacts on this industry.
· Superlubricity has been developing very rapidly in recent years as a new and important area in tribology. Many new phenomena and materials, as well as some new mechanisms in both liquid and solid superlubricity have been obtained. In liquid superlubricity, tens of new kinds of liquids with superlubricity have been found (e.g.,
· Global energy consumption due to friction in passenger cars Tribol Int (2012) G.A. Marrero Greenhouse gases emissions, growth and the energy mix in Europe Energy Econ (2010) T. Klier et al. Fuel prices and new vehicle fuel economy –
:Friction Energy ConsumptionGlobal Energy ConsumptionEnergy Wear FrictionGlobal energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mining
Abstract. Calculations on the global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mineral mining industry are presented. For the first time, the impact of wear is also
· Holmberg, K. et al. Global energy consumption due to friction in trucks and buses. Tribol. Int. 78, 94–114 (2014). Article Google Scholar Luo, J. & Zhou, X. Superlubricitive engineering—Future
Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the
1 Accepted for publication in Tribology International, 5.5.2017 Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mining industry Kenneth Holmberga,*, Päivi Kivikytö-Reponena, Pirita Härkisaarib, Kati Valtonenb, Ali Erdemirc, aVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O.Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finalnd
· We have analysed in detail the global average energy consumption due to friction in passenger cars, trucks, busses, paper machines and in mining industry. Based on four case studies we have calculated the total global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the main energy consumption sectors: transportation, industry,
· Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mining industry journal, November 2017 Holmberg, Kenneth; Kivikytö-Reponen, Päivi; Härkisaari, Pirita Tribology International, Vol. 115 DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2017.05.010
· Close to one quarter of all energy consumed worldwide is used to overcome friction or due to wear related energy losses. This has been estimated based on four studies on the global impact of friction and wear published recently in Tribology International. The global impact of friction was analysed for passenger cars, trucks and
· Global friction effect on energy, costs and emission was calculated for trucks and buses. Worldwide 180,000 million liters/a fuel goes to friction in heavy duty vehicles. New tribology can save 105,000 M€, 75,000 Ml fuel, 200 Mt CO 2 emission annually. Electrification is best suited for city buses and delivery trucks.
· Globally, approximately 23% (equal to 119 EJ) of total energy consumption is produced by friction [1], and the economic loss by friction and wear reaches as high as 6% of the GDP in the
:Friction Energy ConsumptionGlobal Energy ConsumptionEnergy Wear Friction · This review presents calculations of the global energy consumption due to friction and potential savings through the adaption of advanced friction control
Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the
The following conclusions were reached: • Total energy consumption of global mining activities, including both mineral and rock mining, is estimated to be 6.2% of the total global energy consumption. About 40% of the consumed energy in mineral mining (equalling to 4.6 EJ annually on global scale) is used for overcoming friction.
Energy Consumption Due to Friction in Motored Vehicles and Low-Friction
Energy Consumption Due to Friction in Motored Vehicles and Low-Friction Coatings to Reduce It Ali Erdemir and enneth K Holmberg Abstract During the past two decades, global awareness and societal needs for more fuel-efÞ cient and increased considerably
:Friction Energy ConsumptionGlobal Energy Consumption · Globally, mining operations are estimated to consume 6.2% of total energy, with a substantial 40% utilized to overcome friction, amounting to 4.6 EJ annually [8].
· Increased friction generates additional heat in the engine leading to overheating and implies increased energy consumption as well as additional cooling, which means increased costs []. In recent years, nanomaterials have emerged as a new class of lubricant additives because of their improved tribological performance due to
:Friction Energy ConsumptionEnergy Wear Friction · The energy consumed to overcome friction in a paper mill is in the range 15–25%. –. Globally there were 8525 paper and paperboard machines in operation in 2012. One paper machine uses on an average 140 TJ of electrical energy per year. Of this 32% is consumed to overcome friction, 36% is used for the paper production and mass
· The fundamental requirement of the lubricating grease is to achieve the desired level of wear, friction, and life expectancy of the machinery. The consumption of grease at a worldwide scale is estimated about 1296 Kiloton while 691 Kiloton grease used in industrial applications till 2017 (Panchal et al. 2017 ).
Global Impact of Friction on Energy Consumption, Economy and
heavy vehicles of today in all vehicles world-wide, the energy consumption due to friction could be reduced by 37 % (Truck & bus 2013; in Fig. 3). If the best tribological solutions demonstrated in research laboratories were in use, this factor would be reduced by
Kenneth Holmberg-Google Scholar
Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mining industry K Holmberg, P Kivikytö-Reponen, P Härkisaari, K Valtonen, A Erdemir Tribology International 115, 116-139, 2017 456 2017 Tribology of thin coatings K Holmberg, H Ronkainen, A Matthews
· One-fourth of the global energy losses result from friction and wear. Although friction and tribocharging were presented to be mutually related, reduction of friction and wear by eliminating tribocharges on common polymers, and decrease of power losses in devices with polymer parts were not shown to date. Here, we demonstrate that
· PDF Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the
1 Accepted for publication in Tribology International, 5.5.2017 Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mining industry Kenneth Holmberga,*, Päivi Kivikytö-Reponena, Pirita Härkisaarib, Kati Valtonenb, Ali Erdemirc, aVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O.Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finalnd
· Using nanoadditives in lubricants is one of the most effective ways to control friction and wear, which is of great significance for energy conservation, emission reduction, and environmental protection. With the scientific and technological development, great advances have been made in nanolubricant additives in the scientific research and
:Friction Energy ConsumptionGlobal Energy ConsumptionEnergy Wear Friction[PDF] Global impact of friction on energy consumption, economy
Transportation consumes about 20 % of the global primary energy and accounts for about 18 % of the total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions [2,3]. In this paper we
· About 30% of the world’s primary energy consumption is in friction. The economic losses caused by friction energy dissipation and wear account for about 2%–7% of its gross domestic product (GDP) for different countries every year. The key to reducing energy consumption is to control the way of energy dissipation in the friction process.
Global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the
Calculations on the global energy consumption due to friction and wear in the mineral mining industry are presented. For the first time, the impact of wear is also included in more detailed calculations in order to show its enormous
:Friction Energy ConsumptionGlobal Energy ConsumptionEnergy Wear Friction · About 30% of the world’s primary energy consumption is in friction. The economic losses caused by friction energy dissipation and wear account for about