Jwaneng Mine requested Geoflux to carry out a detailed survey and design for the construction of raising of walls to Dam 7 using waste rock. The walls were to be raised by 4 metres from the existing level to increase the impoundment capacity for the slimes.
Key management considerations required for a tailings dam are: a selection of appropriate tailings management system. risk-based design and management life of mine planning. an observational approach – managing uncertainty. These are discussed briefly to indicate the approach of the forthcoming guidelines.
This is a legal paper on the ownership of slimes dams. It follows a two-part presentation on a closely related topic in the previous July issue, ‘The socio-economic aspects of mine closure and sustainable development’, by J. Stacey et al. The paper impressed me by its complexity and scope. The authors attempted to analyse and provide a code
This document was prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The mention of company or product names is not to be considered an endorsement by the U.S. Government or the EPA. Sections of this document rely heavily on Steven G. Vick's Planning, Design, and Analysis of Tailings Dams (BiTech Publishers Ltd. 1990).
The magnitude of mining operations and of slimes disposal on the Wit-watersrand gold fields immediately becomes more impressive when the total production of the forty-odd
The paper reviews the recommendations made in 1959-60 as a result of research into slimes-dam construction and finds that these recommendations are still valid. The requirements for pollution control, vegetating, in situ leaching, and future
INTRODUCTION. The art of slimes-dam construction grew with the gold-mining industry in South Africa as a result of ex-perience with successful dams and with failures. (The
Shear stability of dumps and dams of gold mining waste. The mechanics of foundation failures in rock dumps are descriptionbed and hence a design for the shear stability of rock dumps is developed. Recent improvements in the analysis of consolidation and slope stability are applied to produce design graphs for the slopes of slimes dams.
Jwaneng Mine requested Geoflux to carry out a detailed survey and design for the construction of raising of walls to Dam 7 using waste rock. The walls were to be raised by 4 metres from the existing level to
Some of these failures are caused by the engineering (or lack of it) that goes into the design of these tailings dams. Owners, designers and operators of tailings dams should aim to have a zero level of failure, whether physical or environmental. Tailings dam failure can be a very devastating event to the environment and for any mining company.
It describes the basic philosophy, techniques, methods and treatments followed by the Vegetation Units of the Chamber of Mines and that of Rand Mine Properties which
SOUTH AFRICA l. by JJP van Wyk2. Abstract. This paper deals with the history of rehabilitation (reclamation) on gold mine wastes since the beginning of research in 1932, to large scale experi-ments during the l 950's and implementation since the 1960's. It describes the basic philosophy, techniques, methods and treatments followed by the
December I960 Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy The stability of slimes dams in the gold mining industry — G. TV. Donaldson 291 method of one-point entry and feeding the pond via peripheral races will aid crust formation in so far as
of solids per month, with a monthly rise of approximately 10 cm.The average slimes dam. ompacts at 0,625 m3 per tonne and contains 10 per cent moisture. At 0,625 m3 per.
The selection of suitable ground for the deposition of slimes, the initial design and construction of a slimes dam, and its consequent operation are presented in logical sequence. Emphasis is placed on the code of practice for the con-struction of slimes dams
of solids per month, with a monthly rise of approximately 10 cm.The average slimes dam. ompacts at 0,625 m3 per tonne and contains 10 per cent moisture. At 0,625 m3 per. tonne, the slime would become saturated at 20 per cent moisture. For example, a slimes dam 15 m high constructed on 85 ha of ground would contain nearly 18 million tonne of
ecology of the immediate slimes-dam areas. The slimes as deposited are alkaline in reaction, but the oxidation of pyrite causes a gradual accumulation of acidity in the surface layers of the dump, the maximum acidity. norm-ally being present in the top 300 mm. When the available pyrite in these surface layers is exhausted, or is deprived.
Waste & Tailings-Mine Residue Deposits & Tailings Management South African legislation requires that mine residue deposits (MRDs, tailings storage facilities, tailings deposits, or slimes dams) be managed over their entire lifecycle by appropriately qualified persons, often Professional Engineers, so that they do not pose unreasonable risk to the
located about 300m from where communities live.In February 1994, a tailing dam failed and flooded the suburb of Merriespruit, killing 17 people who were drowned by. wave of water and slime with a height of 2,5m.The Witwatersrand basin, covering an area of 1,600km2 and with more than 120 mines, has been mined for more than a century and is the
It is possibly more pronounced here than in any of the other provinces. Mining is a major activity in Gauteng and as a result the province has a large number of slime dams, mine dumps, and landfills in areas earmarked for low-cost housing projects. The paper identifies and describes residue deposits constraining low-cost houses.
Firstly, there is control of pollution by run-off from the outer surfaces and by seepage from the dam. Secondly, the possibility of in situ leaching to remove additional minerals from the slimes may have to be considered. The requirement for the vegetating. JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY.
Advantages. Tailings dam footprint reduction. Stable embankment construction on geomembrane lined facilities. Embankments can be incrementally raised to keep up with the safe rate of rise. Utilisation of tailings/waste fill for embankment construction. Improves tailings mechanical characteristics through encapsulation and confinement.
Thus, when a slimes dam is built on virgin veld, it is the en-vironment of the area that is changed first, and then, because of the changed environment, the de-pendent ecology changes. This ex-planation is given because, in this paper, ecological aspects include the associated environmental influences brought about by the building of dams to
The stability of'slimes dams in the gold mining industry— G. ir. Donaldson Samples of slimes and crust from a large number of dams were analysed and it was found that the
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.